Our Man Dagan

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Type Encounter
Objective Kill Dagan
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Rewards 250,000 ISK + ~170,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
Welcome back, soldier. We've found Dagan. Couldn't have done it without those interrogation tapes. He's looking to leave the station you mentioned, but we can catch up to him. Our strike force is already on their way to the station. It'll take a capsuleer to shoot down a capsuleer, though. This is your show, pilot. Kick some ass.

Your selected agent will tell you to fly to the designated location to take out Dagan.

This is the third and final difficult mission of the epic arc. It is even more difficult then Mission 48: Chasing Shadows and Mission 28: Burning Down the Hive. This is not because of the incoming damage or EWAR pressure, but because Dagan himself is extremely well-tanked for an enemy of this mission level.

Dagan is flying an exotic Society of Conscious Thought battlecruiser: a Gnosis. Dagan's ship repairs its shields and armor at about 100 EHP/s, so you'll need to bring a ship that can deal more than 100DPS. Depending on the damage type that you are dealing, you may need to adjust this figure (lasers will need upwards of 120 DPS to break Dagan, for example.) You can preview how much you DPS your ship is doing in the ship fitting screen. It is recommended to bring a destroyer or a cruiser.

How do I survive?

While Dagan uses a target painter, he cannot otherwise attack at the beyond 30km and moves at close to 300m/s, so an afterburner can help stay at the desired range. If using a long range ship like a Caracal with Heavy Missiles, just align away from the station. Dagan's armor resists are EM 85, Th 81.25, Kin 77.5, Ex 73.75 in both armor and shields.


Burn directly at Dagan and unload as much DPS as you can into him. Dagan does poor damage for a battlecruiser, so you may slow down in order to help your turrets track. You can take down Dagan's escorts if you need to remove DPS pressure.

Alternatively, if using a long range ship like a Caracal or Vexor, simply align away from the station or orbit Dagan at the appropriate range. An afterburner-fit cruiser is enough to maintain range.

Dagan's lowest resist is Explosive (74%).

Wave 1

Frigate 4 x Frigate Dagan's Escort
Elite Cruiser 1 x Elite Cruiser Dagan Mission objective Target Painter Dagan

Next Mission: Dal Segno Al Fine