User:White 0rchid

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SRP Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a member of Ivy League or Ivy League Alt Alliance at the time of loss
  • There must be a value in the SRP payout tables below for your loss' hull type and SRP tier
  • Must have occurred during a group pvp engagement (either a pre-planned fleet or QRF, not solo)
  • Must have been within the last 30 days (SRP links will remain active for 30 days after their creation for you to submit your SRP request)
  • Your loss must not be part of the following groups
    • Any ship fitted primarily for PvE (eg. WHC C3, NSC npc cap vexors etc)
    • Flight Deck Ships
    • ORE Ships (With the exception of the Prospect as a covert blops hunter which would fit into the T2 Frigate category)
    • Industrial ships (Haulers & Specialised Haulers, Blockade Runners, Deep Space Transport etc)
    • T1, Navy and T2 Covert Ops Exploration Frigates
    • Edencom Ships (Skybreaker, Stormbringer, Thunderchild)
    • Sisters of EVE Ships (Astero, Stratios, Nestor)
    • Society of Conscious Thought - Metamorphosis & Sunesis
  • Battleship SRP is to be agreed beforehand with the SRP Manager

Footnote: Please do not game or abuse the SRP system, EVE University reserves the right to deny SRP to those that are found to be guilty of this.

SRP Tiers

SRP payout is calculated from a combination of Hull Type and SRP Tier, as described below.


  • Fits that are not created by the EVE Univeristy fitting team and are not in Alliance Auth
  • The fallback if your loss does not fall into the other 2 tiers (for example if you use a ship from a different doctrine than was called for by the FC)


  • Official EVE Uni fits lost while flying in a fleet or QRF with a single set doctrine
    • For example, a KSG QRF with a KSG Caracal loss would qualify. A KSG QRF with an AAF Enyo loss would not (and would fall back to base)
    • Tackle ships (interdictors, interceptors, tackle AFs) are universal and will qualify regardless of doctrine
  • Upgrades to fits will still qualify in this tier. (Upgrading the plate and point on a Malediction is ok and will still qualify for SRP, but fundamentally altering the fit/mods would not)


  • Losses will only qualify for Strategic SRP while on a fleet that is specifically denoted as a strat op and is run by a Strat or Senior FC (it will be clearly marked as a stratop in the ping and during the fleet)
  • Prior restrictions on utilising only ships from the doctrine called for do not apply, Strat FCs are entrusted with calling for what is required and as such all ships whose hull types have values against their Strategic SRP fields can be claimed for
  • If there is no value against the Strategic SRP for that hull type, it will fall back to advanced assuming an official fit was used (no bringing your own bizarre fits to stratops please!)

SRP Payout Tables


Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 Standard 2m 5m
Logistics 2m 9m
Navy 6m 15m 18m
Pirate 15m 40m
T2 Standard 14m 33m 40m
Logistics 16m 42m 47m
Bombers 18m 36m 51m


Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 3m 8m
Navy 9m
T2 25m 63m 76m
T3 35m 71m 94m


Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 Standard 12m 28m 34m
Logistics 7m 18m 20m
Navy 19m 57m 81m
Pirate 158m
T2 Standard 54m 136m 231m
Logistics 49m 159m 208m


Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 Combat 37m 56m 79m
Attack 58m 97m
Navy 41m 123m 174m
T2 92m 185m 392m


Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 73m 146m
T2 263m