Uni Shield Fleet

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Cheap long-range kiting BC doctrine

General description

EUNI needs some kind of cheap and reliable “sniping” doctrine that can incorporate minimal amount of experienced pilots with main body of the fleet flying cheap and easily replaceable ships. Obvious choice is BCs. Each race has at least one BC capable to fitting into the doctrine. Tier 3 BC are not included since they require more skills and are much more expensive ISK-wise. It is totally viable to use such doctrine as cheap and easy ILN doctrine if needed.

Pros and Cons


1. Low-SP pilots can valuably participate

2. Decent effectiveness

3. Cheap

4. Very small need in pilots with high-SP. Mostly for tackling duty.

5. Logistics is welcomed, but not strictly required.

6. Could be implemented as an ILN requirement and trained during weekly fleets.


1. Ships are pretty fragile.

2. There are several doctrines that can counter this one (Sniper BS/or even close range fleets when they can tackle).

3. This doctrine needs to be practiced. Drake blob is much easier to field lol

4. Fleet needs at least some tackle recons/T3s to tackle effectively from range.

Command structure

It is important to have at least couple of people that can fly a “command” version of the fit. Main idea is to use couple of warfare links that are most useful for the doctrine. Those are MWD speed one, passive shield resists one and, to a lesser extent, other two skirmish links.

Full command structure with links

FC (mandatory) - Skirmish Warfare Link - Rapid Deployment WC (mandatory) - Siege Warfare Link - Shield Harmonizing SC - Skirmish Warfare Link - Evasive Maneuvers Tackle SC - Skirmish Warfare Link - Interdiction Maneuvers All SC - Information Warfare Link - Electronic Superiority

Small gang command structure

WC (mandatory) - Skirmish Warfare Link - Rapid Deployment SC - Skirmish Warfare Link - Evasive Maneuvers / Siege Warfare Link - Shield Harmonizing Tackle SC - Skirmish Warfare Link - Interdiction Maneuvers

For small gang setup WC in a Claymore is preferred.


Any EWAR is welcomed, of course. EWAR should be placed separately under commander with EWAR warfare links if possible.

Main EWAR on board of core BC group is sensor dampeners. Again, mainly to counter drakes. TDs are also viable, though worse as an all-around solution.



FC should designate an anchor to which all DPS ships will keep at range at 1000m. Speed should be set for the whole fleet to 1100m/s (without links, for case of MWD on) to make sure fleet stays together.

Long range tacklers should be with the core DPS group.

Fleet should be always aligned somewhere so FC can make an instant warp in case of enemy closing in in numbers that cannot be handled by long-range webs or ewar. FC should change align points from time to time so enemies can’t warp in from the align point.

Logistics is not mandatory for this doctrine, which is why it is easy to adopt.

So typical behaviour should be as:

- Warp in at 60-80km

- Pick aligning spot, start alignment. MWD is off usually. Good idea to be aligned to the moons (obvious reason is that you don’t want you targets follow you and get on top at planet). In highsec warping to moons doesn’t require anything. In lowsec dedicated scout/picket/person with dscan knowledge should find any clear of POS moon before the fleet warping into combat. As said before, FC should change align points from time to time so enemies can’t bounce from the fleet align point.

- Start shooting at primary. Long-range tackle should have a point on primary.

- EWAR should be spread between logi and anything that can hit the main fleet from that range. EWAR on core BC group can get targets assigned per squad to make ewar designation easier.

- Any long-range webs must watch out for any closing in tackle. Such enemy tackle is a priority in the target list and should be switched to ASAP.

- If the main enemy fleet tries to reduce/poll range, MWD should be turned on. PermaMWDing is not a good idea since usually can be sustained for 2-3 minutes only. In case of low cap fleet should warp out, recharge and return.


Tackling capabilities are provided in two ways:

1. Long-range recons. They provide main tackling abilities. This is the field where experienced pilots are very welcomed. If possible, dedicated command BC with Interdiction Maneuvers should be assigned to long-range tackle squad.

2. If more “kitchensink” support is available, it should set “keep at range 10km” from anchor. This random support should be between main body and targets. Their job is to point/web anything that comes close enough. In case of deep need support fleet should stop “keep at range 10km” and hold the targets, allowing main core body of the fleet to get range again (though such case indicates that something went very wrong)..

To some extent, with decent amount of mainly aplhacanes it’s possible to alpha through frigate, cruiser or active tanked BC in one volley, so no long-range tackling is really required.

General fitting description

Usual setups are almost exact as command setups and could be easily swapped. Important one is that all rigs on each hull are the same per design, so you need to swap modules only. Usually command ships are a bit tankier, so they can sustain at least some damage without warping out.

While fleet is organized, 1 or 2 ships should switch one of their Sensor Dampeners to Target Painters (unless there is a dedicated ship for the task). Target painters will help when fleet must shoot into small objects. Preference in fitting TP probably should go to a target caller since he’ll be the first to lock the target most likely.

Tackling should be done in recons or, in case there are none - HT drakes.

Drones of choice - ECM drones and web drones. Light web drones are not that good unless they are in big numbers, which in this case is possible. BCs with 50m3 of drone space can carry a set of ECM and web drones. Probably web drones should be carried by command setups. 2-4 sets of web drones is enough to slow any target pretty well. Drones should be spread around targets that are in range of the gang.

Anti-kinetic rigs in setups are used specifically to counter drakes, which are the main source of long-range damage. Sensor dampeners are mainly against t3 BCs (have much better range than usual tier1 and tier2 BCs) and drakes.

Fits could be easily downgraded to T1 or meta guns. In case of serious fitting issues neutralizers and Drone Link Augmentors could be dropped from the fit, since they only provide limited utility usefulness. To reduce PG need meta shield extenders should be used. MWD is MANDATORY and shouldn’t be switched to AB.


Main Body










[Brutix, Donctrine Kite]

Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Reactor Control Unit II

Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
Large Shield Extender II
Sensor Booster II, Targeting Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script

250mm Railgun II, Spike M
250mm Railgun II, Spike M
250mm Railgun II, Spike M
250mm Railgun II, Spike M
250mm Railgun II, Spike M
250mm Railgun II, Spike M
250mm Railgun II, Spike M

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Auxiliary Thrusters I

Hornet EC-300 x5
Warrior SW-300 x5	


Note: very controversial ship. From one side drones do delayed DPS. On the other - in prolonged fights on the same grid they will do the biggest amount of damage. But if fleet will have to warp off, there is a big possibility that all drones will be left and lost. So all in all, myrmidon is a bad ship for the doctrine. Template:FittingsTemplate:Fittings





