Rogue Drone Asteroid Infestation

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Revision as of 22:52, 17 November 2012 by Terra infector adoudel (talk | contribs) (Found in lowsec)
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Locating & Difficulty

  • This is a type of hidden combat site found in high and low sec systems through [exploration]. Its gate allows Cruisers or smaller to enter.
  • WHen heading to this site a popup says: This deadspace complex was once the workfield of a large mining corporation. It is now infested with a strain of rogue drones, working tirelessly to stripmine the once valuable ore that still remains hidden within the depths of the ruins. Ded threat assement: Unsafe (3 of 10)."
  • On warp in, you arrive at an acceleration gate.

First pocket

Rogue Drone Asteroid Infestation Pocket 1.jpg

  • When you use the initial acceleration gate a popup says: "This complex was once the workfield of a wealthy mining corporation. Funding got cut shortly after an architectural mishap, where the acceleration gates that were suppose to carry the massive industrial haulers got infected with a mysterious virus. The gates' power coils were severely drained and are to this day only capable of hurling smaller vessels between complex pockets. The ruins are now reputed to be infested with a strain of rogue drones."
  • Defenders: 3 Apsi type (Drone size)
  • This pocket also contains 1 Omber and 11 Veldspar asteroids.

Second pocket


  • When you use the acceleration gate to get here, a popup says: "This section of the complex was once a pocket of very valuable minerals. Most of the ore was mined away decades ago by the resident mining corporation, but the drifting hulks of rock are now kept company by another type of scavangers; rogue drones."
  • Defenders: 13-14 Apsi type (Drone size) and 5-6 Alvi tpye (Frigate size) rogue drones.
  • 2 Cans: 1 Rogue Drone Container (1 condensed alloy)(100 Zydrine on a different occassion) and 1 Black Drone Container (5th Tier Overseer's Personal effects).
  • This pocket also contains 2 Omber and 28 Veldspar asteroids.

Third Pocket

Rogue Drone Asteroid Infestation Pocket 3.jpg

  • Activating the gate to this pocket brings up a popup that says, "This complex pocket once housed a thriving center for miners operating in the deadspace field. The old station ruins that still remain within the sector are evidence enough that some decades back, this area was higly valued by the mining corporation."
  • Defenders: 8 Apsi type (Drone size) and 12 Alvi type (frigate)

6 Cans: 4 Mineral containers (Total: 3000 Tritanium, 400 Mexallon)(2000 Tritanium, 400 pyerite, and 400 Mexallon on a different occassion), 1 Rogue Drone Container (20 Megacyte)(1 Listering Alloy on a different occassion), 1 Scratched Cask (7th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects).

  • This pocket also contains 8 Omber and 9 Veldspar asteroids.
  • A final popup states, "Multiple signals and reports of drone activity has been detected around this central area. It appears these abandoned ruins have now become the home of a hostile strain of rogue drones, stopping at nothing to defend their harvesting operation."


  • Total: 1.4M
  • Salvage: 500K
  • Cans: 850K
  • Loot: 59K (Includes all rogue mineral drops at 100% refine, no taxes)
  • Bounties: 0 (Remember they are drones)