Becoming a Personnel Officer

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The lifeblood of the University is its students - without a constant supply of fresh faces there would soon be nobody left to teach. Fortunately, the University can receive over a hundred applications in a single day, a potential seven hundred applications a week! Even though not all of the applications we receive progress through to the interview stage, processing all these applications still takes great time and effort - this is where our Personnel Officers (POs) come in.

1. What do Personnel Officers do?

The primary function of a PO is four-fold:

  • To act as a point of contact for the University, providing help and advice to those who require it in our public channel, "E-UNI".
  • To filter applicants by way of questionnaire, ensuring that only those who share the University's morals and ideals are permitted entry.
  • To protect the University against those who would do it harm through infiltration and espionage.
  • To filter title applications by way of interview, ensuring that only those who can be trusted are permitted access to our resources.

Secondary functions can include:

  • Moderating the University public channel, "E-UNI".
  • Moderating the University general chat channel, "Chat.E-UNI".
  • Moderating the University Mumble server, and perhaps assisting members with problems connecting.

Interviews generally last between ten and twenty minutes, with most POs aiming to complete between six and ten interviews a week and some doing more than a dozen. There is currently no minimum level quota.

It's not easy, the job can be difficult and there is no tangible reward for your time. What you will get is the chance to become part of the University administration at its most basic level - as many of our current directorate and management did before you. You'll become a face for the University, often finding yourself to be the first person a new player will talk to outside of their rookie corp. You will be the living embodiment of our noble goal - to help new players, one step at a time.

2. What is required to join the team?

The list of requirements for a good PO is as follows:

  • You must be mature and level-headed, capable of working autonomously as well as part of a team.
  • You must be familiar with all University rules and should agree with them in full. As a member of staff, you will be explaining these rules to future students and should lead by example.
  • You must be reasonably knowledgeable about the early stages of the game (if you have done the career tutorials you qualify).
  • You must be eloquent and capable of easily conversing with applicants, explaining various aspects of the game and the University itself.
  • You must never forget to provide cookies to Director of Human Resources, Marius Labo. This is VERY IMPORTANT.
  • You must be cool.

3. What is expected of me once I have become a PO?

Personnel officers are considered to be a part of the University administration and are held to a higher standard then regular students as a result. Even though POs are volunteers, the job we do must be done and you will be expected to work. Real life comes first and we are very flexible when it comes to requiring time away from the department, but do not expect to keep your position if you are not active.

As noted above, you will be expected to follow all University rules to the letter. It is not acceptable for POs to violate University rules or publicly question or talk back to superiors. Likewise, you should not argue with other POs or otherwise disrupt the team. If you have a problem with an order or a person you should take it to the Personnel Manager or Assistant Personnel Managers who will deal with the issue directly or escalate it should it be required.

4. What should I expect from the department?

When you join as a PO, you will do so on a trial basis which will last for just over a week. During this period, all your interviews will either be monitored or reviewed by a qualified PO. After a week or so of activity you will either qualify as a PO or be removed from the department depending on your performance.

5. What are the benefits to me?

The benefits of joining the team aren't really tangible. You'll be able to help new pilots and you'll get to see how the University is run from the inside. You'll have the opportunity to move on to other positions within the University administration and you'll be afforded a greater degree of trust and respect by your peers and superiors. It is safe to say that serving as a PO can have a strong positive effect on your future EVE career.

6. How do I apply?

If you're interested in giving back to the University or have any questions, fill out this application form. Your application should be reviewed and responded to within a week. Depending on the number of applications being dealt with, you may not receive a reply.

When you submit your application, if you see a confirmation screen that means your application has been submitted successfully and has been received. If you do not see a confirmation screen after hitting the submit button then please follow-up with a forum pm to Personnel Manager Joha M'raadu or Director of Human Resources Marius Labo.