Incursion quick references

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Quick reference sheets for incursion runners. See the linked wiki pages for more detailed informations.

Checklist on joining a fleet

The following points should all be checked before starting running in an incursion fleet

  • Use the Overview Guide to setup appropriate tabs (including the Fleet Members Preset).[1]
  • Setup Mumble. Don't forget the Push-to-talk part.[2]
  • Setup your Audio Alerts (suggested range is 0.9 - 0.99 pending on preference).[3]
  • Set your Auto Target Back to 0.[4]
  • Check the Auto reject invitations checkbox for dueling
  • Make sure you know how to broadcast and can see broadcasts of your fleet members
  • Add your fleet members to your Watch list.
  • Make sure your drones are set to passive.
  • Take a short look if your ship is fitted correctly. (vanguard / assault / HQ / non travel fit)
  • Make sure your hardeners are online
  • See that everybody gets boosts

How to procede when entering a site

  • Hardeners on
  • Align down the gate
  • Logis are ready and L up
  • Battleships take the gate
  • 3-5s later fleet takes the gate

DD shooting order

  • 1. Niarja (jams)
  • 2. Sansha Nations's Commander (only 3rd wave in NCO) / Mara (only first wave in NMC orbits at 60km)
  • 3. Auga
  • 4. Romi
  • 5. Deltole (only OTA)
  • 6. Tama
  • 7. Schmael
  • 8. Renyn
  • 9. Eystur (never shoot them in OTA)

Drone Bunny shooting order

  • 1. Niarja (jams)
  • 2. Sansha Nation's Commander (only 3rd wave in NCO)
  • 3. Tama (jams)
  • 4. Schmael (jams)
  • 5. Renyn
  • 6. Eystur (never shoot in OTA)


  1. ^ Make sure that the overview settings you are going to use will show the Sansha Incursion rats (so you can see them yellow-boxing you and broadcast for reps as well as sort them). Having a fleet member tab doesn't mean you need to show fleet members all the time. Some logi will prefer it, but however you do it you'll need to have a way to show fleet members on the overview if necessary.
  2. ^ Make sure your mic is working and that you can hear what others say (use the Comm Check lounge). If you don't have a microphone (or choose not to use it) be aware that you will risk not being heard. Text-messages on mumble or in fleet chat can sometimes be missed, especially in hectic moments where they matter the most.
  3. ^ Remember to enable sound so you can hear this. Drop all volume levels except Master Level and UI Sound Level if you don't want the normal EVE sounds.
  4. ^ Setting your auto target back to 0 means you avoid automatically locking logistics when they lock you and you won't end up shooting them instead of the enemy. Even if you don't shoot them it would be one less Sansha you'd lock up, so turn it off anyway.