Alphabetical Ship List

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Revision as of 13:53, 14 May 2013 by Lazarus laxenos (talk | contribs) (Fixed the Tormentor to indicate that it is Amarr, not Caldari)
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Further Reading

The EVE Online Ship Reference is a handy two-page printable reference on all ships, which can also be found on the wiki. You can also find some related files in its parent directory.

Added ECM Priority column. ECM pilots, please help complete this column to assist budding ECM pilots in choosing targets wisely. The plan for this is to group ships into several classes by priority, and jam them in that order unless the FC or circumstances dictate otherwise. Higher numbers are higher priority, with 0 (zero) being "don't bother".

The List

All Ships Sortable by Name, Type, Tech, Race, and Typical Role
Ship Type Tech Race Typical Role ECM Priority Group
Abaddon Battleships T1 Amarr 5
Absolution Command Ships T2 Amarr 6
Aeon Carriers T1 Amarr Anti-Capital 0
Imperial Navy Slicer Faction Frigates T1 Faction Superiority Frigate 3
Anathema Covert Ops T2 Amarr Scout 0
Anshar Jump Freighters T2 Gallente Hauler, Strategic 0
Apocalypse Battleships T1 Amarr Sniper 5
Apocalypse Navy Issue Faction Battleships T1 Faction Sniper 5
Apocalypse Imperial Issue Faction Battleships T1 Faction 5
Apotheosis Faction Shuttles T1 Faction Transport, Personal 0
Arazu Recon Ships T2 Gallente Tackler, Recon 7
Arbitrator Cruisers T1 Amarr 3
Archon Carriers T1 Amarr Carrier 8
Ares Interceptors T2 Gallente Tackler, Advanced 3
Ark Jump Freighters T2 Amarr Hauler, Strategic 0
Armageddon Battleships T1 Amarr 5
Ashimmu Faction Cruisers T1 Faction Tackler, Heavy 4
Astarte Command Ships T2 Gallente 6
Atron Frigates T1 Gallente Light Frigate 2
Augoror Cruisers T1 Amarr Logistic 6
Augoror Navy Issue Faction Cruisers T1 Faction 2
Avatar Titans T1 Amarr 0
Badger Industrial Ships T1 Caldari Hauler 0
Bantam Frigates T1 Caldari Mining 0
Basilisk Logistics Cruisers T2 Caldari 8
Bellicose Cruisers T1 Minmatar 2
Bestower Industrial Ships T1 Amarr Hauler 0
Bhaalgorn Faction Battleships T1 Faction 6
Blackbird Cruisers T1 Caldari Electronic Warfare 9
Breacher Frigates T1 Minmatar 1
Broadsword Heavy Interdictors T2 Minmatar Tackler, Heavy 4
Brutix Battlecruisers T1 Gallente Gunboat 4
Burst Frigates T1 Minmatar 1
Bustard Transport Ships T2 Caldari 0
Buzzard Covert Ops T2 Caldari 0
Caldari Navy Hookbill Faction Frigates T1 Faction 3
Caracal Cruisers T1 Caldari 2
Catalyst Destroyers T1 Gallente 2
Celestis Cruisers T1 Gallente Electronic Warfare 4
Cerberus Heavy Assault Cruisers T2 Caldari 4
Cheetah Covert Ops T2 Minmatar 1
Chimera Carriers T1 Caldari 8
Claw Interceptors T2 Minmatar 2
Claymore Command Ships T2 Minmatar Skirmish Booster 3
Coercer Destroyers T1 Amarr 2
Condor Frigates T1 Caldari 1
Cormorant Destroyers T1 Caldari 2
Covetor Mining Barges T1 ORE Mining 0
Crane Transport Ships T2 Caldari 0
Crow Interceptors T2 Caldari 2
Crucifier Frigates T1 Amarr 1
Cruor Faction Frigates T1 Faction 1
Crusader Interceptors T2 Amarr 2
Curse Recon Ships T2 Amarr Energy Neutralizer 5
Cyclone Battlecruisers T1 Minmatar 4
Cynabal Faction Cruisers T1 Faction 4
Damnation Command Ships T2 Amarr Armor Booster 2
Daredevil Faction Frigates T1 Faction 3
Deimos Heavy Assault Cruisers T2 Gallente MWD Blasters 4
Devoter Heavy Interdictors T2 Amarr Tackler, Heavy 3
Dominix Battleships T1 Gallente Drone Boat 4
Drake Battlecruisers T1 Caldari 4
Dramiel Faction Frigates T1 Faction 3
Eagle Heavy Assault Cruisers T2 Caldari Sniper 4
Enyo Assault Ships T2 Gallente 3
Eos Command Ships T2 Gallente Information Booster 2
Erebus Titans T1 Gallente 0
Eris Interdictors T2 Gallente 3
Executioner Frigates T1 Amarr 1
Exequror Cruisers T1 Gallente 2
Exequror Navy Issue Faction Cruisers T1 Faction 3
Falcon Recon Ships T2 Caldari ECM 10
Ferox Battlecruisers T1 Caldari 4
Flycatcher Interdictors T2 Caldari 3
Federation Navy Comet Faction Frigates T1 Faction 2
Gila Faction Cruisers T1 Faction Droneboat 1
Gold Magnate Faction Frigates T1 Faction 2
Golem Marauders T2 Caldari 6
Goru's Shuttle Faction Shuttles T1 Faction 0
Griffin Frigates T1 Caldari 5
Guardian Logistics Cruisers T2 Amarr Logistic, Advanced 8
Guardian-Vexor Faction Cruisers T1 Faction 3
Guristas Shuttle Faction Shuttles T1 Faction 0
Harbinger Battlecruisers T1 Amarr 4
Harpy Assault Ships T2 Caldari 3
Hawk Assault Ships T2 Caldari 3
Hel Carriers T1 Minmatar 0
Helios Covert Ops T2 Gallente 0
Heretic Interdictors T2 Amarr 3
Heron Frigates T1 Caldari 1
Hoarder Industrial Ships T1 Minmatar 0
Hound Stealth Bombers T2 Minmatar 3
Huginn Recon Ships T2 Minmatar 5
Hulk Exhumer Barges T2 ORE 0
Hurricane Battlecruisers T1 Minmatar 4
Hyena Electronic Attack Frigates T2 Minmatar 4
Hyperion Battleships T1 Gallente 5
Imicus Frigates T1 Gallente 1
Impel Transport Ships T2 Amarr 0
Incursus Frigates T1 Gallente 1
Inquisitor Frigates T1 Amarr 1
Ishkur Assault Ships T2 Gallente 3
Ishtar Heavy Assault Cruisers T2 Gallente 3
Iteron Industrial Ships T1 Gallente 0
Jaguar Assault Ships T2 Minmatar 3
Keres Electronic Attack Frigates T2 Gallente Sensor Damps 6
Kestrel Frigates T1 Caldari 1
Kitsune Electronic Attack Frigates T2 Caldari 8
Kronos Marauders T2 Gallente 6
Lachesis Recon Ships T2 Gallente Long Range Tackle 7
Legion Strategic Cruisers T3 Amarr 6
Leviathan Titans T1 Caldari 0
Loki Strategic Cruisers T3 Minmatar 6
Machariel Faction Battleships T1 Faction 6
Mackinaw Exhumer Barges T2 ORE 0
Maelstrom Battleships T1 Minmatar 5
Magnate Frigates T1 Amarr 1
Malediction Interceptors T2 Amarr 2
Maller Cruisers T1 Amarr 2
Mammoth Industrial Ships T1 Minmatar 0
Manticore Covert Ops T2 Caldari 3
Manticore Stealth Bombers T2 Caldari 3
Mastodon Transport Ships T2 Minmatar 0
Maulus Frigates T1 Gallente 1
Megathron Battleships T1 Gallente 5
Megathron Federate Issue Faction Battleships T1 Faction 5
Megathron Navy Issue Faction Battleships T1 Faction 5
Merlin Frigates T1 Caldari 1
Moa Cruisers T1 Caldari 2
Moros Dreadnoughts T1 Gallente 3
Muninn Heavy Assault Cruisers T2 Minmatar 4
Myrmidon Battlecruisers T1 Gallente 4
Naga Battlecruisers T1 Caldari Sniper 5
Naglfar Dreadnoughts T1 Minmatar 3
Navitas Frigates T1 Gallente 1
Nemesis Stealth Bombers T2 Gallente 3
Nidhoggur Carriers T1 Minmatar 0
Nighthawk Command Ships T2 Caldari 4
Nightmare Faction Battleships T1 Faction 6
Nomad Jump Freighters T2 Minmatar 0
Nyx Carriers T1 Gallente 0
Occator Transport Ships T2 Gallente 0
Omen Cruisers T1 Amarr 2
Omen Navy Issue Faction Cruisers T1 Faction 3
Oneiros Logistics Cruisers T2 Gallente 7
Onyx Heavy Interdictors T2 Caldari 4
Oracle Battlecruisers T1 Amarr Sniper 5
Orca Capital Industrial Ships T1 ORE 0
Osprey Cruisers T1 Caldari 1
Osprey Navy Issue Faction Cruisers T1 Faction 2
Paladin Marauders T2 Amarr 6
Panther Black Ops T2 Minmatar 6
Phantasm Faction Cruisers T1 Faction 2
Phobos Heavy Interdictors T2 Gallente 4
Phoenix Dreadnoughts T1 Caldari 4
Pilgrim Recon Ships T2 Amarr 6
Prorator Transport Ships T2 Amarr 0
Probe Frigates T1 Minmatar 1
Procurer Mining Barges T1 ORE 0
Prophecy Battlecruisers T1 Amarr 4
Proteus Strategic Cruisers T3 Gallente 6
Prowler Transport Ships T2 Minmatar 0
Punisher Frigates T1 Amarr 1
Purifier Stealth Bombers T2 Amarr 3
Ragnarok Titans T1 Minmatar 0
Rapier Recon Ships T2 Minmatar 6
Raptor Interceptors T2 Caldari 3
Rattlesnake Faction Battleships T1 Faction 6
Raven Battleships T1 Caldari 5
Raven Navy Issue Faction Battleships T1 Faction 5
Raven State Issue Faction Battleships T1 Faction 5
Redeemer Black Ops T2 Amarr 6
Republic Fleet Firetail Faction Frigates T1 Faction 2
Retribution Assault Ships T2 Amarr 3
Retriever Mining Barges T1 ORE 0
Revelation Dreadnoughts T1 Amarr 4
Rhea Jump Freighters T2 Caldari 0
Rifter Frigates T1 Minmatar 1
Rokh Battleships T1 Caldari 5
Rook Recon Ships T2 Caldari 7
Rorqual Capital Industrial Ships T1 ORE 2
Rupture Cruisers T1 Minmatar 1
Sabre Interdictors T2 Minmatar 2
Sacrilege Heavy Assault Cruisers T2 Amarr 5
Scimitar Logistics Cruisers T2 Minmatar 7
Scorpion Battleships T1 Caldari ECM 10
Scythe Cruisers T1 Minmatar 1
Scythe Fleet Issue Faction Cruisers T1 Faction 2
Sentinel Electronic Attack Frigates T2 Amarr 4
Sigil Industrial Ships T1 Amarr 0
Silver Magnate Faction Frigates T1 Faction 2
Sin Black Ops T2 Gallente 7
Skiff Exhumer Barges T2 ORE Mercoxit Miner 0
Slasher Frigates T1 Minmatar 1
Sleipnir Command Ships T2 Minmatar 6
Stabber Cruisers T1 Minmatar 2
Stabber Fleet Issue Faction Cruisers T1 Faction 3
Stiletto Interceptors T2 Minmatar 2
Succubus Faction Frigates T1 Faction 1
Talos Battlecruisers T1 Gallente 5
Taranis Interceptors T2 Gallente 2
Tempest Battleships T1 Minmatar 5
Tempest Fleet Issue Faction Battleships T1 Faction 5
Tempest Tribal Issue Faction Battleships T1 Faction 5
Tengu Strategic Cruisers T3 Caldari 6
Thanatos Carriers T1 Gallente 0
Thorax Cruisers T1 Gallente 2
Thrasher Destroyers T1 Minmatar 2
Tormentor Frigates T1 Amarr 1
Tornado Battlecruisers T1 Minmatar Sniper 5
Tristan Frigates T1 Gallente 1
Typhoon Battleships T1 Minmatar 5
Vagabond Heavy Assault Cruisers T2 Minmatar 4
Vargur Marauders T2 Minmatar 6
Vengeance Assault Ships T2 Amarr 3
Vexor Cruisers T1 Gallente 2
Vexor Navy Issue Faction Cruisers T1 Faction 2
Viator Transport Ships T2 Gallente 0
Vigil Frigates T1 Minmatar 1
Vigilant Faction Cruisers T1 Faction 5
Vindicator Faction Battleships T1 Faction 6
Vulture Command Ships T2 Caldari Shield Booster 6
Widow Black Ops T2 Caldari 9
Wolf Assault Ships T2 Minmatar 3
Worm Faction Frigates T1 Faction 1
Wreathe Industrial Ships T1 Minmatar 1
Wyvern Carriers T1 Caldari 0
Zealot Heavy Assault Cruisers T2 Amarr Sniper 4