User:Terra infector adoudel/WHC Rules

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  • Members active in the campus must be in the WHC fleet. If there is no fleet advertised, you may form one, and put up an advert so others may join.
  • Members active in the campus must be in mumble, at least able to listen. (If you are hearing impaired, let us know.)
    • Wormhole Campus mumble is an event chat, so you may join mumble if you are not actively participating in the fleet, however you MUST follow combat comms when active.
  • Help your fellow campers learn. This is an on-going educational event. Lesson opportunities override all else.
  • Adhere to all EVE University Rules and WSOP.


  • PvE loot is property of the group who agree to rat or run sites together.
  • The campus offers a loot hauling and selling service at a 5% cut which goes to fuel and other operational needs. See below for more info.
  • Suggested PvP loot distribution is donation to the campus. Fleet Agreement on loot distribution overrides this.
    • An exception to this rule is during wartime, war-target loot belongs to the Logistics Department.


  • Campus communications are by default “OPEN COMMS”.
  • You may not enter the Wormhole Campus Mumble Channel unless you are a campus member, Eve Uni Staff, Manager or Director. You will most likely be asked to leave and then kicked.
  • When first entering the campus mumble, please wait at least a full minute before speaking, unless it is very urgent.
  • Campus may move to “Open Command” or "Closed Comms" if there is a threat in the immediate location or if a local QRF has formed.
  • Groups of students operating in the nearby systems may remain in the main campus mumble.
  • Operations in Known Space must move to a separate ILN Fleet mumble channel. Moving to a separate fleet from the campus is recommended but not required.
  • We operate on a "built for purpose" foundation. If you are hunting someone in particular, or are operating a constant operation hunting targets, join a separate mumble channel (or fleet as a whole) until you accomplish your goal or disband the initiative. This helps organize our fleet and keep comms clear for those who need it.


Corporate Bookmarks
Always bookmark every probable site within the Home System. Save the Bookmarks in the Wormhole Campus folder under Corporation Bookmarks.

  • When W-Space systems are removed from the Mapper, it is your Job to clean up the OLD bookmarks! The entire Corporation is limited to 250 Bookmarks.


Right click in space and look under Corporation bookmarks, The way back will be at the top, other WHs are listed below.

  • Please add bookmarks in K-Space to contain the chain on the mapper.
  • Please do not Bookmark Eggs leading to Innuendo. We use this as a test for new WHC students.


  • For BMs leading towards Innuendo the format is *[current system]>[system it leads into]
    • *B>Inu
    • *BL1>B
    • *B4>B2
  • For BMs leading away from Innuendo the format is .[current system]>[system it leads into]
    • .B>B2
    • .B>BL1
    • .BL1>X1
    • .B2>B4


  • Bookmarks can be made from the scanning results list
  • Standard format is "<sigtype> [sig id] <additional info>"
    • [sig id]: [ABC], [BCD], [EFG], etc
  • There are 4 types (June 4th, 2013 Odyssey changes).

1. G (ravimetric) (ORE Sites)

  • These may be omitted outside the home system, unless the scanner feels we can surprise some miners.
  • Only the first word is important
    • G [ABC] Average
    • G [DEF] Uncommon
    • G [GHI] Unexceptional
    • G [JKL] Ordinary

2. L (adar) (Gas Sites)

  • In Bacon (our c3 static), please always make bookmarks. In C5 or C6 we only need the Instrumental or Vital sites.
  • Only the first word is important
    • L [ABC] Barren
    • L [DEF] Token
    • L [DEF-2] Bountiful
    • L [GHI] Vast
    • L [NMD] Instrumental (Only found in C5, C6 class W-Space)
    • L [YUI] Vital (Only found in C5, C6 class W-Space)

3. M (agnometric) (Relic Sites)

  • The first 2 words should be omitted.
  • Forgotten Frontier Recursive Depot
    • M [HJK] Quarantine Outpost
    • M [GHT] Recursive Depot
    • M [JHI] Conversion Module
    • M [ADH] Evacuation Center

4. R (adar) (Data Sites)

  • The first 2 words should be omitted.
  • Unsecured Frontier Database
    • R [ADF] Database
    • R [DHI] Receiver
    • R [FHI] Digital Nexus
    • R [FJO] Trinity Hub

Personal Bookmarks

You are also recommended to make certain personal bookmarks

  • Bookmark the K-Space side of wormholes yourself
  • Make safe spots
  • Make tactical bookmarks
    • Double optimal from each POS defense grouping
    • On grid yet outside minimum warp distance (150km) of the POS
    • Just off grid from POS

Naming Systems

  • ANY W-Space connection off bacon is prefixed with "B".
  • ANY W-Space connection off eggs is prefixed "E".
  • ALL W-Space dynamics and their respective chains are prefixed with a new letter starting from the end of the alphabet (ie first chain is "Z" then "Y" etc.)
  • ALL K-Space connections are prefixed with the appropriate letter. All numbers remain unique. So "BH2" and "EH2" shouldn't exist together.

An example map

Erm, What's this System Called then?

If it is bacon or eggs, then the system is bacon (shortened to B) or eggs (shortened to E). How easy was that? Below assumes you're about to jump into the system

Find Initial Letter

  • If you're in Bacon: it's "B"
  • If you're in Eggs: it's "E"
  • If you're in Innuendo:
    • kspace does not have one
    • wspace, from end of alphabet, take first unused letter
  • Otherwise, use the first letter from your current system

kspace letter

  • If the connection is a kspace, take the first letter of the type of space (ie H, L, or N)

Find the number

  • For kspace systems
    • If this is Bacon's static then take 1
    • Otherwise find the first number that is unused for the type of space it is. If there are no other systems of that type of space, use 2.
  • For wspace systems
    • From Bacon or Eggs use 2
    • Otherwise use the earliest number which does not currently have a system with the same initial letter as the system

Put it all together

Your system is initial letter + kspace letter + number (ignore any parts that don't exist)


Due to many different factors like Neutrality, ensuring that its not just one small group of Real Life people who are enjoying the campus and a few other administrative headaches a strict policy regarding Alts was developed for the Wormhole Campus.

DISCLAMER: Due to complicated POS mechanics we can not guarantee your alt will not be shot by the UNI POS. You have been warned.

Alt Rules while at the WHC

  • All of your Alts behavior, regardless of which Corp / Alliance they are in are subject to EVE University Rules. Any break of those rules will result in disciplinary action taken on your main.
  • Alts in third party player-owned corporations may not engage in PvP activity.
  • No Alts shall be allowed in the W-Space system if the Main character is not an active member of the WHC. Your main may leave the WHC for events / shopping trips / and other activities but should return in a day or so, otherwise your Alt(s) will be asked to leave also.
  • If your main receives an [X] Title, your Alt must also leave the system.
  • You may bring multiple Alts who are in the Ivy League alliance (as in the alt is in the Ivy League Hall of Residence). Be advised that we will keep a close eye on the numbers and if we see that pilots are abusing this (as in bringing in 10 ALTS and not leave any PI for the regular Unistas we may place a limit on this.
  • You may bring only 1 Alt that is out of the alliance, said Alt may be in a NPC Corporation or a personal Player Owned Corporation.
    • Personal Player Owned Corporation must be owned and inhabited only by Alts of a UNI character who is an active member of the WHC.
    • Personal Player Owned Corporation standings must be set to +5. Please join the in-game channel "Diplomacy.E-UNI" for instructions on how to do this. (You can blame CCP POS mechanics for this one)
    • The Alt (as in the Character itself) must be set to +7.5 to the Ivy League Alliance please fill in this form to accomplish this, Wait for a confirmation email from the diplomats and then please wait 24 hours (to ensure standings register, we hope that is long enough)
  • Due to current POS mechanics, your Alt that is in the Ivy League Alliance (Ivy League Hall of Residence) will be able to enter the POS shield of the Communal POS, your Alt that is outside of the Alliance will not.
  • No Out-of-Alliance Alts will have access to any of the POS modules. (That includes the Ship Maintenance Array and the Corp Hangar Array)

What can your Alt do for you in the Wormhole?

  • Scanning Alts are Awesome! It increases the security of the entire campus to have more characters able to scan their way out of the system therefore letting a Uni Fleet in when we have to.
  • Planetary Interaction Alt. Having more Alts do planetary interaction helps to collect PI taxes for the UNI and therefore pay for POS fuel and things like that.
  • Hauling Alt. Your Alt can haul your goods for you, in and out of the Wormhole through K-Space. (This should be your Alt that is outside of the Alliance, as you avoid the UNI Wars)
  • ORCA Alts : these are awesome, Having an ORCA Alt will allow you to keep your ships and belongings safe (well as safe as you can be in a Wormhole) from corp thieves. (This one should probably be in the Alliance as you can then enjoy the safety of the POS shield.)

Uni Management and Campus leadership will be keeping an eye on the issue. Any Unista found to not be following these rules will be subject to a talk with a member of the Student Relations Department and possible disciplinary action as judged appropriate by them.

Information on creating a scanning alt can be found here.