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T1 Battleship

You can't get heavier then this and still stay in sub capital ships, although there are of course variations. Great buffer tanks, very high dps when close range fitted, long range fits have the best range in the game, while still maintaining good dps (usually Apoc, Mega, Maelstrom/Tempest and Rokh, however, Mega and Mael/Tempest can also be close range fitted and still perform better then/as well as the other BS of their race). One notable exception here: The Caldari Scorpion, which is the only T1 EW BS, and use ECM.

The battleships weakness is low speed and agility combined with slow lock speed and bad tracking, so it's hard to force an opponent in smaller ships to engage if the odds are in your favor, or to actually kill them since you'll be missing allot if you do get a fight.


  • Abaddon: Monstrous tank and decent damage. A beast.
  • Apocalypse: Sniper.
  • Armageddon: Its name says it all. Huge DPS, can have a sickening buffer tank, good RR's, tosses 5 heavy drones. Very nasty.


  • Raven: Most effective Caldari BS for most situations. Usually heavily tanked.
  • Rokh: Caldari sniper, although can be nasty with a good blaster fit at close range. Longest range in the game, when properly fit.
  • Scorpion: ECM boat, low DPS. Can shut you down from 150KM; armor tanks; good in RR-gangs. Not a solo boat. Frequently primaried.


  • Megathron: Sickening amount of damage at close range. Also used as a sniper. A solid primary when calling BS's.
  • Hyperion
  • Dominix: Drone boat. Versatile; lots of grid/cpu/cap. Good for remote reps or heavily neuting targets. With multiple flights of T2 sentry or heavy drones, can do a lot of damage.


  • Tempest: High DPS, gank > tank. Good RR or sniper.
  • Typhoon: Very versatile, can be used for almost anything. Quite dangerous at high SP.
  • Maelstrom

T2 Battleships


These are basically PVE only ships. Decent dps and good local tank, but in PVP you generally want a buffer tank instead, and marauders have very low sensor strength, making them easy to jam. However, the Paladin and Kronos can be situationally useful if you really need a target webbed down as much as possible, and don't mind using a ship worth over half a bill that's not insurable, since they both get a 50% bonus to web strength, so a T2 web reduce the targets speed by 90%. I've only seen this used by one person, and that was on the Tama station since it's a kickout to prevent people from getting back in dock range, and that was with carrier support just in case.

They're even less useful now that Blood Raider and Serpentis ships get a 10% bonus/level of Minmatar frigate/cruiser/battleship depending on which class it is, which also adds up to a total of 50% bonus at level 5.

Black Ops

These are the big brothers of the recon ships, however, while they do get bonus to how fast they move while cloaked (which actually means that they'll move faster when cloaked than when not cloaked with the BO skill at a decent level), but they cost about 700m or so before fittings, so they're not really worth the risk of bringing it into combat. Despite that though, they do have a very useful role to play in PVP: the covert jump bridge. Covert cyno fields can now be lit even in cyno jammed 0.0 systems and doesn't appear as a beacon in the entire system like a normal cyno, and a black ops can then lock on to that field and create a bridge to it, which then allows other covert ops ships (aka any ship that get a bonus to cloaking, including T3 cruisers with the cloaking sub) to right click the BO and click jump to the system the bridge was set up to, so it basically becomes a 1 way stargate. However, only BOs, recons and cov ops can fit and light covert cynos.

Faction Battleships

Rare/Unique Battleships