Grandfathered terms

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This is a page explaining terms and names that used to be obvious, but because of changes in the game are not entirely accurate. These names and terms are well known, but their origins may be lost to history.

  • Bookmarks
Bookmarks used to be the term for Locations.
  • Nullsec, Zero Zero Space
All space with a security status of 0.0 to -1.0 used to be listed ingame as 0.0 security status, and was refered to in various derivates of 0.0.
  • Killmail, Lossmail
Kill and Loss reports used to be sent to your character by the Mail system. This was changed to a much more reasonable system in your character info, but the long used name stuck.


These acronyms were based on the original term for the item.

  • BCU
The "Ballistic Control System" used to be called the "Ballistic Control Unit".
  • DCU
The "Damage Control" used to be called the "Damage Control Unit".
  • CNR
The "Raven Navy Issue" used to be called the "Caldari Navy Raven".
  • CNS
The "Scorpion Navy Issue" used to be called the "Caldari Navy Scropion".
  • AF
The "Assault Ship" class used to be called "Assault Frigate".
  • HAC
The "Heavy Assault Ship" class used to be called "Heavy Assault Cruiser".
  • TL
The "Remote Tracking Computer" used to be called "Tracking Link".
  • ET
The "Remote Capacitor Transmitter" used to be called "Energy Transfer".