Hisec Suspect Hunting

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This Page is a WORK IN PROGRESS, please do not edit without first contacting Kerthor

What is it?

Hunting Criminally flagged pilots (who may be suspect or criminal flagged, it doesn't matter) in high security space can be a fun and safe way of learning and practising a lot of the skills that you will need to use in other forms of PvP.

You have the added benefit of being realtively safe whilst searching for targets and this can allow you to proceed at your own pace. I typically play in an environment with a lot of distractions, both in and out of game, and I find the ability to dip in and out helps out immensely.

It can also be a carried out as a solo pursuit and so works well for people who can't always get on mumble and maybe only have a few minutes at a time to dedicate to playing EVE.

Types of Targets

What we're looking for is anybody in space who is one of the following;

  • Criminally flagged - typically someone who has attacked another pilot in high security space i.e. a Suicide Ganker
  • Suspect Flagged - Somebody who has been flagged for a suspect action like stealing from somebody else's wreck for example
  • An outlaw - a Security status below -5.0, sometimes referred to as a 'PermaFlashy'

Note that the standard UNI overview setup will make these targets flash on the overview (either yellow, orange or red depending on type). Any of these 'flashies'

Where to find targets

Ship Fits and fitting principles

Putting it into practice