User:Iavatus/Workbench 3

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Incursions 101

What is an incursion

  • High end pve, make much ISK. Requirements are t2 shield tank (AIF II and LSE II). Faction mods *partly* replace, but an important part of being able to fit those mods in particular, is the skills required are vital for an effective shield tank. Some fits, communities and people prefer Amplifier II (passive mod, less resistance, easier fitting requirements, no cap needed) but the pros and cons will be discussed at the end.
  • Nomadic, in certain constellations and they change every few days. As you can see, there was a recent change and the new constellation layouts are still being mapped.

  • Some in low, high and null. We do high, cause we're not suicidal. Get yer pvp off mah pve. Requires battleship with t2 tank, t3 cruiser (loki or legion preferred) or basilisk/scimitar (caldari/minmatar cruiser V, logi IV, supports) min. Or the much feared, rarely seen scimilisk.
  • Highly profitable, 60m/hour at entry with new runners and taking it carefully, up to 200m/hour with blinged fits, experienced pilots and FC.
  • Great way to learn fleet maneuvers and broadcasting in a safe environment. Your fellow pilots are often more then willing to discuss strategy and reasoning behind their fits and roles.
  • E-uni is largely shield fleets, as are most communities. There are armour incursioners, and the requirements are largely similar (t2 tank, battleship, logi 4, t2 logi ship (Oneiros and Guardian)) but it's recommended to do some research before skilling into.

Who are the incursioners - The communities

The most famous 3 are The valhalla project (TVP), DIN and Incursion Shiny Network (ISN). TVP is famous for their fairly evenhanded approach, DIN and ISN more for their antics then anything else.

But our chat channel is incursions.E-Uni, mailing list Incursions.E-UNI.

What is involved in an incursion - Sites, Roles, Ships Running

First up, Open Journal, Incursions. Global Report is the current incursions (arrange by security status to avoid nasty surprises). Encounters gives some details on the 4 levels of incursions (Scout, Vanguard, Assault and HQs. Motherships are technically a HQ, but better treated as the final boss of the incursion). What does the red/blue bar mean? There are 4 different penalties in an Incursion Constellation. The penalties affect cyno-field jamming, which irks Nullsec alliances but has little effect in high, 50% reduction in bounties for killing NPC rats (Incursion site rats have no bounties, ISK is from Concord payout from each site), shield and armour resistances (at 100% influence it is a 10% reduction in Vanguard systems, 25% in Assaults, and 50% in Headquarters), and gun/drone damage reduction (same criteria as the resist penalty). In practice, this means that your ships have less tank and less damage. Obviously, this has an effect on PvP, but in incursions this means that when the penalties are high, the sites are much more difficult. Each site completed reduces the constellation penalties, so you'll often see communities knock down the penalties in vanguards, to make the assaults and HQs safer.

Running the sites

The levels


No gates Soloable with a well tanked bs Pathetic ISK/time


Entry level incursions. 9.6M ISK, 1.3 concord LP with 11 fleetmates on grid. Offgrid doesn't get paid. Damage Dealer - T2 tank, battleship or T3 (Loki or Legion). 10 - 20k range. 50 - 70K for sniper Logi - T2 tank, logistics 4, scimitar or basilisk, meta 4 links. Drone bunny - Same as DD, but requires fast lock time and ability to learn how to herd drones Offgrid booster - Battlecruiser, Orca, Strategic Cruiser or Command Ships. Able to safely stay in space, uncloaked, links running (cannot be at war). Vital for a fleet to run safely and fast, but an AFK role, and reliant on tips from the fleet to earn any ISK Scout/hacker - T1 frigate, microwarp drive, hacker modules Picket - T1 cloak, not falling asleep.


Same roles as vanguards, more tank and range. More variety in the ships, more cruisers and battleships.


Room for some missile battleships, due to the abundance of battleship Sansha. More tank Cap stability for 20 minutes, and experience with cap discipline - When to turn off cap modules to maintain peak cap regen. There are often basilisks with cap transfers available, but their first job is to keep ships alive. Forcing them to multitask in a hectic site can cause problems. More varied an intricate roles - Anchor, vindicator anchor, MTac Picker and Mtac Dropper. These require a knowledge of the site and are not recommended for the new incursioner, as you have enough to look at as is. Learn the basics, then step up for roles.


More tank required The payoff

The 3 vanguards

Nation Mining Colony

Spawns are far from warp in point, so preload long range ammo. 3 waves. Clearing each wave spawns the next. When the last wave spawns, logi will fly towards the refinery with afterburner on, and drop a stack of lyavite (255 units, 306 m3) into the can to complete it and receive payoff. Slow site with short range fleet.

Nation Colony Outpost

Spawns are close, 1 mara. This is why we need 1 or 2 snipers, to take it down. Rest of the sites, it's a want, not need. 4 waves, clearing the last ships spawns next wave. Lock and shoot Fairly fast site, depending on sniper.

Override Transfer Array

Short range site. Spawns are close. Don't shoot Eysturs. They respawn infinitely. 3 waves When the fleet is in and has aggro, the hacker enters and hacks the tower. This stops the tower repping the rats. Fast site, preferred by many due to ease of fitting short range, high dps fleets and speed.

Fits - Hulls, how much tank, basic fitting principles


Hulls we use are the hyperion, maelstrom and rokh, for entry level dd. Scimitar and basilisk, for logi.

There are reasons behind using specifically these ships. The raven has the tank, but missiles are a poor weapon in vanguards. The other battleships have weaknesses or specializations that make them unsuitable for a fleet. Not to say you'll never be accepted, but they don't mesh well with the Uni incursion doctrine.

Tank requirements

Minimum tank, as mentioned, is T2 modules. 70% resists across the board and some buffer, from rigs or LSE II. Now, this is a recommendation for new pilots, as it is fairly overtanked and lets you get used to incursions. x up with a fit like that, and the FC would have no problems. Maybe a little joshing, but if you're new, best to go safe. When you've got a few thousand concord LP, start stripping tank and get comfortable with flying light. But at the end of the day, have the mods to vanilla fit nearby, as what the FC says, goes.

A good rule of thumb for PvE, is to fit the tank first, then load up on gank.

Ewar mods

Stasis webifier to slow the rats down and make it easier to track and shoot Target painters to bloom their signature and make the hits harder Sensor Boosters to improve your lock time to start applying dps sooner (useful especially to drone bunny and vindicators, which prioritise the frigates)

How to survive (and thrive!) in an incursion - the basics, the strategic withdrawal and moving to the site



To make broadcast shortcuts, Escape/Shortcuts/Navigation. Need shield and in position are necessary for vanguards, need capacitor for HQs and assaults. We broadcast so the logi can lock and start repping, and keeps them happy. The time to broadcast is when you are being yellowboxed. It takes 3-5 seconds for the logi to lock, and apply repps, which is close to the time it takes for them to go from yellow to red boxing and start hitting. Broadcasting after the first volley might get you away with armour damage on a tough spawn. Just as important, is to in position when you're no longer being red boxxed. They will keep you yellowboxed until they're dead, so you need to be on your toes especially afterwards. Aligning down the gate. As the image shows, look at the gate (keyboard shortcut is holding alt), move it the the centre of the screen and doubleclick in space, to start moving that direction. When the fleet is aligned, the FC will call the fleet to enter, and the site begins. Logi, will wait until after the fleet has jumped, and then activate the gate as cruisers warp quicker. Let the dd grab first aggro and get the Niarja off the field. Follow tags, and shoot in numerical order. 1 before 2, etc. There's a reason the tagger tags in this order, to focus the damage and get the damage off the field asap. Learn to love and mage your overview. A tab for gate travel, pod saver, for showing the rats (both for shooting, and noticing when they're shooting you!), for showing your fleetmates. Also learn to arrange the columns by speed or by tags, helps you shoot in order or apply webs to someone who's still moving at speed. Watchlist - add your logi to the top, then FC and then everyone else. In HQs, you'll have the roles there as well. The watchlist is a useful tool for seeing if the important roles are on grid, and to let the logi lock people quickly. It has drawbacks, as it doesn't update damage instantly. The J tag - This is an important tag. It means don't shoot, for some reason. Whether because it'll spawn the next wave, or other reasons it's important for effective damage management. Support modules and logi drones - If you have a high slot spare, consider fitting a cap transfer or shield transfer module. If a logi disconnects, especially one of the basilisk pair, they will require cap to be stable and give reps. Alternatively, if they get targetted, they will require reps from logi drones or your shield module. D-scan. A useful tool if you're joining a fleet or get disconnected. A short range d-scan (100 000 km) will show the other ships. If you can't see them, double check settings, warp to fleet commander and check again. Warping into a site by your lonesome is a good way to get your ship exploded needlessly.

In case of logi disconnect

It happens. Bad net, RL aggro, whatever. We have protocols, and your FC will follow them. Here is the order of business.

1. Don't panic. Inform fleet over comms if you notice one of the logi disconnecting. 2. Lock your logi. This is for cap transfers and drones 3. Abandon drones. Right click the drone window, abandon drones. Launch your logi drones, click your logi and assign them to him. This will keep him alive if he does get aggro. 4. Notice tags. Your FC/tagger will have marked one with the J tag. Do not shoot. Follow the rest of the tags. 5. Monitor the situation. Once you've got just the J ship (and possibly Eysturs in a OTA), the damage is fairly low and there's little danger. The FC will be coordinating as what's happening. If the logi isn't coming back, and there's no logi on the waitlist, a few things could happen. Either finishing the site for payout, or if the FC believes the next wave is too much danger with one logi down (especially if you're light on DD anyway), he will call you to align to a celestial, and warp the fleet out together. A lost payout isn't a huge deal, a lost ship can be very pricy. That's most of it. The main thing, is to follow directions, and keep calm.

If you disconnect, log into mumble first. Inform the FC, and he'll tell you if its safe to warp in. The owrst thing you could do, is log in first and warp back into the site alone, and get exploded. Communication is an important tool in a fleet.

How to stay safe, how to move between sites

There's little that's more frustrating then piloting 20 jumps to a new focus and getting ganked on the last 4. Fortunately, there's ways and means to prevent this. In peace time, it's simply a matter of ripping off all the gank mods and fitting buffer and resists. Unless you're carrying several pithum-a types in the hold, even a pirate battleship has enough tank to deter a profit based gank. Lulz based is another matter entirely.

In war time, it's also fairly simple - out of corp courier. Either train up an alt to sit in the ship and slowly move it over, or contract it with redfrog, or with a friendly unista.

The best way to stay safe, is to use an out of corp alt to scout the route. If you see war targets in local, or on the gate, or a bunch of tornadoes or thrashers circling the gate, find another route or wait for them to leave.

Incursioning in war time

War time incursions require a little more vigilance.. First up, you need a picket on connecting systems in case the gank fleet is coming via conventional routes. Second, you need someone/ a few people watching local in case they slip past the scouts, either due to not watching as diligently as needed, or by the war targets deliberately logging off in system to get the drop on us.

Alternatively, consider dropping for the war.

Incursioning in solitude

Solitude incursions are a little out of the ordinary. Mostly, we follow the big groups. This has the advantage of not having to beat the focus down and letting the pilots fly with the other groups if Uni doesn't have a fleet up.

In solitude, we have to beat the ontrol penalties down ourselves. The market for mods and ammo is more limited, and it can be difficult to get hulls in an out. However, we have a service to haul a spare hull out there for you. Once you've done incursions for a while and have the fat ISK roll, it's easy enough to send a hull there for when a solitude incursion spawns, so that's the main disadvantage done.

The advantages? Plentiful. For starters, few contests. When we get numbers (and we will pull in the public members), we run assaults and hqs, even the mum when we can. So a great place to learn and make the ISK. Plus it gets you used to a more cramped lifestyle.

Links and resources the incursion forum - The e-uni incursion hub, much good info - Good, tried and tested fits,_You_Want_to_Leave_for_the_War%3F#Leaving_for_the_war - Alternative fits - More fits! - Incursions 101