User:Iavatus/Workbench 4

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Messing with your head

Your capsuleer is an important piece of equipment. Here's how to minmax it to an inch of it's life. We'll be covering attributs, rempas, implants, jumpclones and boosters. Evemon will get mentions as well


You gain skill points in a skill, at the rate of (Primary Attribute + 1/2 Secondary Attribute) per minute.

Int - Science, armour, shield, scanning, rigging, fitting, industry, supports

Mem - Corp, Drones, Industry

Cha - Social, Trade, Leadership

Per - Gunnery, Missiles, Spaceship Command

Will - Spaceship command

Int is for tank, fitting and supports. Perception is for dps in turrets and missiles, and hulls. Memory is for drones and industry. Willpower is for some hulls. Charisma is for trade,social and fleet command.

New pilots should take advantage of the skill book program in the Uni, 1 million ISK per day subsidised skillbooks. Seeing as how quick it is to train 1 or 2 levels of the base skills, this will allow you to do any task or role, albeit shoddily (hey, you're new. Don't sweat the efficiency or effectiveness yet) to find what you enjoy and secondly, the new pilot remap is a jack of all, master of none attribute wise. Which leads us to Remaps.


A remap allows you to focus your attributs, and thus skillpints rate. A focussed Perception/Willpower year plan can save nearly 2 months over a balanced remap of attributes.

New pilots get 3 remaps. 1 per year that refreshes 365 days after it's used, and 2 bonusses at anytime you choose. Attribute minimum is 17, maximum is 27, 14 free points that can be allocated as you choose. So, a 27/21 Per/Will or Int/Mem, or a 24/24 Per/Int is viable.

What this means is that you can, after training a few levels in many ground level skills, focus on Int/Mem, get a solid tank, fitting and support skills after 4 months, spend a bonus to remap to Per/Will, get into bigger hulls and solme solid dps skills for 8 months, then have your yearly remap to refocus on other areas. Alternatively, a Per/Int map will get you into hulls, tank, support and dps quite quickly. EveMon is a very useful tool in making these decisions.


There are two types of implants. Attribute (Slots 1 - 5) and Skill hardwiring (6 - 10). Attributes improve the attribute and thus skill training rate, and some faction sets have other bonusses, such as the halo, snake and Genolution sets. Skill hardwires are more straightforward, and improve an attribute of the ship alone. Like rigs, implants are inerted and unable to be removed without being destroyed. Cybernetics is the skill that limits your implant choice and level.

The two special hardwire slots are Slot 6, which can fit the Omega implants, which greatly improve the bonuses the faction sets give (not the attributes). Slot 10 can contain Mindlinks, which improve warfrank links (Provided by off or ongrid boosters. Essentially, a support ship that improves certain attributes of all fleetmates in the system) and mining links, which function the same.

For a demonstration of how useful implants are, and also how effective a remap can be, Evemon is the ticket

What this means, is that with a little time, ISK and preperation, you can drastically change your playing style. High sec, training, mission running? +4 attributes, cap and missile hardwirings. Nullsec stealth bomber? +3s, align speed hardwires. Lowsec exploring? +4, scanning hardwires. This allows a large degree of customising and fitting your head to the risk of being podded. This leads to the next point, jumpclones.


First, you have two types of clone: Your med clones, which should be kept up to date with your skillpoint total to prevent any leaks in case of podding, and your jump clones. Your current head is neither a jumpclone nor a med clone, but simply the head you've got plugged in. Implants in other clones, do not affect you in any way.

Jump clones, skill, infomorph Psychology, allows one clone per level. Each can be left in a different station (more, shortly), containing different implants.

Your med clone can be left in any station with a medical facility. All you need to do is open services, set as home base, and when you get podded, that is where you'll awaken with no implants and a basic skillpoint head. Update that now, to prevent skillpoint loss.

Jump clones can be moved easily. Move to the station you wish to park it at, leave your ship, pause skill training, jump to new clone, restart training and continue, possibly on the other side of the universe or in the same system. However, there's a limit of one clone per station. Jumping in a way that will leave two, will destroy one, including implants. This is one of the few ways to destroy a jump clone. Ordinarily you require 8.0 standings with a NPC corporation that has medical facilities to get jump clones. However the Uni has, with some effort, gotten corp wide 8.0 standings with several corporations. This means that everyone who follows certain restrictions has easy access to clones. Open People and places, corp locations, jump clones. As you can see, they're far away from Aldrat, and everything, really. This is because of one important thing. Click link of corp, go to standings. See that it's 8.0. Right click, show composition. Now click this corp link (PTS), standings, corp composition. See the difference? Because when you talk to the corp through agents, you become known to them, at 0.0 standings. This means that the average gets dragged down from 8. So, don't talk to the agents. At all, unless you want to be booted and have to grind back up to 8 to be reallowed into the Uni. Reason they're so far away, and small corporations, is to limit the chance of a unista accidentally talking to an agent and making their life difficult.

So, step by step of how to get a jump clone, from brand new pilot. 1) Infomorph Psychology to 1, at least 2) Check a corp that has agents of the mission type you prefer to run and that the corp has medical facilities 3a) Grind to 8, to get personal standings up to a level to get clones 3b) Join E-Uni to use our corp standings to get clones. 3c) Join Erel Astador to get clones in many corps. 4) Travel to station, buy a clone. Don't talk to the agents 5) Travel to where you'd like to keep a clone, leave ship/enter pod, pause skill training, jump clone to new clone
