Limited Sleeper Cache

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Sleeper cache sites are significantly more difficult than your normal data or relic site, and you will be risking your ship when trying any of them. That said, the Limited Sleeper Cache is the easiest of the Sleeper Cache Sites and once familiar with it, you should be able to run the site without taking any damage. Sleeper Cache sites require the use of both Data and Relic Analyzers. Entry is restricted to frigates, and an exploration frigate is highly recommended in order to make use of thier hacking bonuses.


Limited Sleeper Caches are a Cosmic Signature that you need to scan down with scanner probes. They are more difficult to scan down than normal signatures, and unless you have good scanning skills, especially scan strength, you may find it difficult to get them 100% scanned down.


Room 1

On warp in:
This area has been hidden from prying eyes for years. Now the structure responsible for cloaking the site is damaged, finally allowing for a way in. A quick survey indicates this is a storage site, possibly used to store items collected by Sleepers from all over known space. What defenses or dangers lurk inside are uncertain, but the use of both a Data Analyzer and Relic Analyzer are required. The entry gate only allows frigate-sized ships through.

Hack the Hyperfluct Generator using your Data Analyzer. Failing the hack will start a 2 minute timer, after which if you don't succeed in hacking it the site will exlpode and despawn. If you are successful a strange rift will appear that can be used to access the site.

Room 2

On activating the Strange Rift:
This is a storage site by the looks of it, possibly of Sleeper origin judging by the structures around. It is heavily damaged, as if someone - or something - was frantically and forcefully searching through the site, and quite recently at that. Dangerous gases and volatile materials are all around, so care is required in navigating this hazardous place.

Warning: This room contains many hazards, both traps and environmental - you need to navigate carefully:

  • The Plasma Containers in this room will explode if you get closer than 7.5km, releasing a Plasma Gas Cloud doing significant AoE damage.
  • Moving within 13.5km of the Ruptured Pressure Station without hacking the Pressure Control Unit will result in significant ongoing AoE damage to your ship and drones.
  • The 3 Plasma Chamber Debris within the site have surrounding Plasma Gas Clouds that do significant AoE damage, take care to navigate around the clouds.
  • The Remote Defence Grid Unit needs to be hacked first to minimise consequences of failed hacks and to disable the damaging shield that can appear when hacking a container.

Hack the Remote Defence Grid Unit first - keeping an eye on your distance from the Plasma Containers.

On successful hack:
You have succeeded in deactivating the defense grid.

Then proceed to navigate carefully around to all of the containers hacking them as you go, excluding the container covered by the Ruptured Pressure Station gas cloud.

Finally hack the Remote Pressure Control Unit (remember to stay at least 13.5km from the Ruptured Pressure Staion) this will allow you 2 minutes to then approach and hack the final container near the Ruptured Pressure Station. If you start to run out of time you will see updates of the time left appearing in the local chat window. Do not risk getting caught by this cloud, jump out of the site immediately if you are running out of time or after looting the container.


1 & 3 run BPC's for storyline modules and polarized weapons

Sleeper components

R.Db components

R.A.M. components

Science skillbooks

Meta modules.

Value of loot is normally in the range of 20-80M, averaging around 30M.