Setting up a planetary colony

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The Planetary Interaction feature of the Tyrannis expansion allows players to utilize planetary industries. Below is a general overview of what can be exploited with this new feature.

Note: Planetary Commodities page has been introduced to hold the main tables with Resources and Products, the tables below that overlap with that page will be used to fill the Commodities page. This page should focus on how to connect Extractor A to Processor B via Storage C to produce product D, the best way to organize links, routes, exploit deposits, and so on

Connecting It Together

Insert text about hooking up buildings together.

To setup an outgoing route for products from a storage facility (Command Center, Launch Pad, or Storage Facility), you can wait for product to build up in the facility and route up to the amount of product current in storage, or you can click on one of the incoming routes and send that amount to the destination (eg Processor).

If you hook the extractor directly to the processor, you might end up throwing away resources if there is an uneven lot when it fills up (Processors accumulate resources until they have an even lot of input product (eg P1 would be 6000), and then start processing. If the buffer has 5950 in it, and the extractor delivers 210, then 160 units are lost. If there is inputs in the buffer when you change the schematic, they are lost. You can buffer with a storage facility or just live with the loss. If you are living with the loss, you can reduce it somewhat by staggering your extractors' cycles to minimize the chance that two extractors deliver at the same time.

Your First Colony

By way of introducing you you the user interface, let us install a colony.

Buy a "XXX Command Center" on the market. (We are going to a Temperate Planet, so I bought a Limited Command Center). Fly to the system with the command center in your cargo, and sit in space cloaked (I am doing this in 0.0, stealing resources from The Syndicate who might object, but since they an NPC corp, their sovereignty is not blocking my deployment).

(There are pictures coming.)

  • Select Planet in Overview File:PI YFC-SelectPlanet.png
  • Enter Planet Mode
  • Survey for Resources (Scan, adjust resource level sliders, pick favourite spot).
  • Place Command Center 200px
  • Submit 200px
  • Place Extractor 350px 350px
    • Under the Build Tab, choose Extractors, select the type of extractor that matches the desired resource, then click in the location you wish to place it on the map. Below the edit tab, you will see the edits pending, the change in PG and CPU that will result and the cost of these upgrades. You can make a number of changes and then submit or cancel the changes.
  • Place More Extractors 350px
  • Create Links 350px 350px 350px
    • Right Click on the node at one end of link, and choose "Create Link". Click on the node on the other end of the link. Notice that as you stretch the link to the destination, it will tell you the length and how much CPU and Powergrid it will cost. Keep an eye on the progress of using up your CPU and powergrid.
    • You can create a route using up to 8 intermediate nodes, so you can save link costs by connecting far away nodes to the next closest node, and linking that node to the next closest, etc. until you have it connected to where you are trying to get to.
  • Place Processor 350px
  • Place Launch Pad 350px
  • Create Links 350px
  • Choose Schematic
    • Click on your processor, and click on the Schematic (File:Icon PI ProcessorSchematic.png) Icon. Use the dropdown to select your desired output product. Submit the result, at which point you will be prompted to route the result. Click on the product to be routed, and click "Create Route", then click on the destination storage facility. Finally, click on "Create Route".
  • Submit. Click on the "Submit" button in the "Edits Pending" area. You will not be able to survey until your extractors are placed permanently, ie you must commit your changes.
  • Survey Extractors and Create Routes to Launchpad
    • Note that you can choose extractions that are short and a little, or long and copious. Consensus seems to lean toward the 24 hour extraction. We could choose the long and copious extraction this planet with its great abundance, but to demonstrate overloaded links, I am choosing the 5 hour extraction since it creates the largest point loads on the links.
  • Upgrade links (and Submit)
  • Create Route Launchpad to Processor. Select Processor,
  • Submit
  • Wait 15 minutes
  • Had a little bit of power/CPU left, so add 2 more extractors, Submit. While we are waiting, I notice we have a little bit of power and CPU left, so let us add some more extractors. First upgrade the link between the last extractor and the Launchpad storage, since it was at 96%, to make sure we are not going to run out of PG halfway through this operation.
  • Check out the Competition
  • Check on Processor Buffer
  • Wait 15 minutes
  • Processor Starts
  • Wait 30 minutes
  • Horray! Product. Now you can move to Interplanetary Logistics to get your stuff off planet.
  • Observe that this is in really good deposit, and will be building up a backlog for the first 24 hours, and then work on that backlog over the next little while waiting for you to come back to and re-survey the extractors.
  • Teardown colony

Hint: select the right size of Command Center first, because to deploy a new one, you must destroy the entire colony, losing all the investment you made in extractors, all unprocessed inputs stuck in the Processors,etc. It does not destroy the items that had been exported to the Customs Office, and you can deploy a new Command Centre immediately rather than waiting for downtime.

Manufactured Goods

Most of these goods are manufactured normally in space, away from Planets, but rely heavily on Planetary Commodities

POS Fuels

Not actually manufactured, but an intermediate planetary product. Usable immediately as POS fuel

  • Coolant
  • Enriched Uranium
  • Mechanical Parts
  • Oxygen
  • Robotics

T2 parts

Most T2 manufacturing uses a PI good. Mainly P2 and P3.

  • Construction Blocks
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Transmitter
  • Guidance Systems
  • Robotics
  • Miniature Electronics
  • Super Conductor


Created with Blueprint and PI products

  • Nanite Repair Paste

Sovereignty Structures

Created with Blueprints and P4 products.

  • Infrastructure Hub
  • Sovereignty Blockade Unit
  • Territorial Claim Unit

Starbase Structures

Created with Blueprints and P4 products.

  • Assembly Array
  • Control Towers
  • Corporate Hangar Array
  • Cynosural Generator Array
  • Cynosural System Jammer
  • Electronic Warfare Batteries
  • Energy Neutralizing Array
  • Hybrid Turret Batteries
  • Jump Bridges
  • Laser Turret Batteries
  • Missile Batteries
  • Mobile Laboratory
  • Moon Harvesting Array
  • Projectile Turret Batteries
  • Reactors
  • Refining Arrays
  • Shield Hardening Arrays
  • Ship Maintenance Arrays
  • Silos
  • System Scanning Arrays

Production Ratios

Note: These values are inaccurate but should likely be redone somewhere as the overall numbers could be useful. Maybe add to bottom of Planetary Commodities

Output Product Cycle = Input Product 1 + Input Product 2 + Input Product 3

20 P1 = 6000 R

5 P2 = 40 P11 + 40 P12

5 P2 = 12000 R1 + 12000 R2

3 P3 = 10 P21 + 10 P22 + 10 P23

3 P3 = 80 P11 + 80 P12 + 80 P13

3 P3 = 24000 R1 + 24000 R2 + 24000 R3

1 P4 = 6 P31 + 6 P32 + 6 P33

1 P4 = 20 P21 + 20 P22 + 20 P23

1 P4 = 160 P11 + 160 P12 + 160 P13

1 P4 = 48000 R1 + 48000 R2 + 48000 R3


1 P4 = 6 P31 + 6 P32 + 40 P13

1 P4 = 6 P31 + 6 P32 + 12000 R3

1 P4 = 20 P21 + 20 P22 + 40 P13

1 P4 = 20 P21 + 20 P22 + 12000 R3

1 P4 = 160 P11 + 160 P12 + 40 P13

1 P4 = 160 P11 + 160 P12 + 12000 R3

1 P4 = 48000 R1 + 48000 R2 + 12000 R3

At a glance:

20 P1 = 6000 R

5 P2 = 80 P1

5 P2 = 24000 R

3 P3 = 30 P2

3 P3 = 240 P1

3 P3 = 72000 R

1 P4 = 18 P3

1 P4 = 60 P2

1 P4 = 480 P1

1 P4 = 144000 R


1 P4 = 12 P3 + 40 P1

1 P4 = 12 P3 + 12000 R

1 P4 = 40 P2 + 40 P1

1 P4 = 40 P2 + 12000 R

1 P4 = 360 P1

1 P4 = 320 P1 + 12000 R

1 P4 = 108000 R