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== 3 Cheap long-range kiting BC doctrine ==
=Cheap long-range kiting BC doctrine =
3.1 General description
== General description==
3.2 Pros and Cons
== Pros and Cons==
3.3 Command structure
== Command structure==
3.4 Tactics
== Tactics==
3.5 General fitting description
== General fitting description==
3.5.1 Main Body
=== Main Body===
3.5.2 Support
=== Support===
== 4. Hydra Destroyer Fleet ==
=Hydra Destroyer Fleet =
4.1 General description
== General description==
4.2 Pros and Cons
== Pros and Cons==
4.3 Command structure
== Command structure==
4.4 Tactics
== Tactics==
4.5 Fits
== Fits==
== 5 Uni Alpha Fleet Doctrine ==
=Uni Alpha Fleet Doctrine =
5.1 General Information
== General Information==
5.2 Advantages/Disadvantages
== Advantages/Disadvantages==
5.3 Command Structure
== Command Structure==
5.4 Tactics
== Tactics
5.5 Fits
== Fits==

Revision as of 21:20, 21 September 2012


Because of the Unique nature of the University’s demographics, we will never be able to have a true doctrine like many more specialized PVP corporations. However, we can try to have fleet compositions that are more focused and geared towards PVP than a “kitchen sink” or bring whatever you want fleet. These compositions are put forth as possibilities, but not requirements. FCs can call for these types, or continue to call for bring what you want fleets, or other variations not listed. This is merely a list of fleets to provide a shared culture and understanding, in order to simplify the jobs of not just the FCs, but also the students when selecting which ships to stock and fit.

Our goal is to provide basic fleet frameworks for a couple of main fleet types that will allow every University student to fly with the fleet and be useful with a minimal amount of extra training, while having more focused and coordinate fleets than we have historically used.

We begin with a section for general tacklers and ewar. These ships are designed to be used by players that may not have skilled into the specific shield or armor doctrine ships, but would like to accompany the fleet. The generic tacklers and ewar can accompany either fleet and provide necessary support and fleet capacity. Different ships may be brought with FC permission. x

Next is the major backbone of the fleet doctrine, a framework for 2 main fleet types. One is a close range armor tanked setup, and the second is a longer ranged shield tanked fleet. Each of these fleet types lists the main types of ships that will be included, such as DPS, Logistics, or specialized Ewar fits.

When you look at the fittings for many ships, you will see a new player friendly fit, that has low skill requirements, and a veteran player fit, with much higher skill requirements. These two extremes are used to show the progression a ship fit will take as you gain in skills and can fit better modules for that specific role. It is perfectly allowable, and in fact encouraged, to fit ships that are in between these two sample fits, and are more in line with your specific skills and wallet balance. Just make sure to maintain the same role and major module types for your ship.

At the end of the document you will see two more speciality fleet types, the hydra destroyer fleet and the alpha fleet. These fleet types are much more narrowly focused on a few hulls, and are meant to be used in very special circumstances.

Main Fleets

Tackle and Ewar for either fleet

General description

Pros and Cons

Command Structure



T1 Tackle Long range

T1 Tackle Close Range

T1 Ewar

T2 tackle long range (Inty)

T2 tackle close range (AF)


Close Range Armor

General description

pros and cons

Command structure



Main body



Cheap long-range kiting BC doctrine

General description

Pros and Cons

Command structure


General fitting description

Main Body


Hydra Destroyer Fleet

General description

Pros and Cons

Command structure



Uni Alpha Fleet Doctrine

General Information


Command Structure

== Tactics
