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(This is not a service, but a general guide which lists services. Services Category removed.)
(Replaced content with "#REDIRECT Welcome to EVE University")
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[[Category:Eve University]]
#REDIRECT [[Welcome to EVE University]]
The following post is aimed at providing a new member with resources and information to make the most of their time here (and for existing members who have forgotten!)
== Introduction to Eve University ==
*'''Eve University - Past, Present, and Future'''. Morning Maniac (founder and former CEO of E-UNI) talks about the history, purpose, and philosophy of Eve University. Recorded 14 March 2007. [http://classes.eve-ivy.com/Morning%20Maniac%20-%20Past%20Present%20and%20Future.mp3 Audio File] (right click, save as)
*Neville Smit's '''Introduction to Eve University'''. [http://dl.eve-files.com/media/corp/FlayGeobukseon/Neville_Smit_Intro_to_Eve_University_v2.mp3 Audio File] (Eve Files download, follow the link)
== Ivy League Policies ==
Please make sure you are familiar with the alliance policies.
[[Ivy League Policies]]
== Links and Communication Information ==
=== The Eve University Forum ===
[[The Eve University Forum]]
=== In Game Board ===
http://www.eve-ivy.com/ please Bookmark this link to your in game browser, or make this link your in game home page. This link has of loads of helpful information, from Eve Uni's Policy, Who you can shoot, Who pays the Uni Bills, What the Rats are going to hit you for a six with = Damage Resists, Mission Survial Guide, Skill planning information, plus lots lots more. . .
=== The killboard ===
http://killboard.eve-ivy.com/ - the password can be found in the Corporation section of the Neocom, under the Alliances tab, Bulletins tab.
=== The Teamspeak Server ===
Teamspeak is essential to uni fleet operations - you will be expected to have it. For details on setting up please see the [http://www.eve-ivy.com/wiki/index.php?title=Teamspeak Teamspeak Guide].
=== Alliance mail and Corp mail ===
Please do not spam Alliance and Corp mail. If you are replying to something - please make sure you reply directly to the poster (right click their portrait and send them a message), not the entire alliance/corporation. Right-click on the person you want to mail and choose "Send Message". Do not use the "Reply" button on corp or alliance mail, as you will be replying to the corp or the alliance.
Alliance and Corp mail may also have temporary amendments to Ivy League policies, these amendments are in force only for as long as the post is up on the in game mailing lists, Alliance overrides Corp and corp overrides General Policy, but only when issued by a Director.
=== EVE-Online Forums ===
Please do not post in the "Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions" or "Corporations and Alliances Summit" forums
=== Chat Channels and Mailing Lists ===
See: [[Chat Channels and Mailing Lists]]
Remember, unless a message is intended for the entire corp - keep any correspondence in personal mail to whomever it concerns.
== The Management ==
Please see: [[Eve University Management]]
== Learning and Teaching ==
EVE University offers a selection of classes, a great resource of guides and also a corp chat full of helpfull people.
=== The Calendar ===
To find out what classes are coming up, check the calendar: http://www.eve-ivy.com/calendar/
If you want to know how to make a calendar post for an event or a class, check here: http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1317
=== The How To section ===
Has a lot of great guides: http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=33
===Setting up your overview===
We highly recommend you set up your overview first, before doing anything else. [[Overview Setup]]
=== Class Library ===
[[Eve University Class Library]]
The old forum thread of this project can be found [http://www.eve-ivy.com/forums//viewtopic.php?t=14897 here], and a new thread on the wikification of the class library can be found [http://www.eve-ivy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=29943 here].
=== Class Requests ===
If there is a class you'd like to see then post a here: http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=28853
=== How to Get a Mentor ===
A mentor is a player assigned to you to help you one on one, matched to your playstyle and timezone. To apply, please read here. http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11009
=== Mentoring and Teaching ===
If you think you are interested in teaching check this thread http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8503
If you are interestied in mentoring check this thread http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11009
All the instructors are happy to spend time chatting over various topics so if you have a question you want answering or there isn't a class or guide covering what you want then please talk to someone.
== Titles ==
Titles are sets of corporation roles such as hangar access, and have specific designations within Eve University. While there are other titles, the main ones used are 'Freshman', 'Student' and 'Graduate'.
Read the [[Titles Within Eve University]] page for information on titles and how to request them.
== Hangar Access ==
Read the [[Corporation Hangar]] wiki page for details on how to use the corporate hangar and the rules concerning its use.
== Eve Uni's Research POS ==
So you've got your blueprint original and you want to research it. How is this done with the Uni research labs?
The research POS is open to Students or above. For details of this, please see the [[Research|Step by Step Guide]].
== Ship Request & Replacement Program ==
Eve Uni members can request and receive ships for official Uni operations and Wartime through this program, as well as replace losses.
See the [[Ship Replacement Program]] page for details.
== The Skillbook Program ==
The Uni provides skillbooks for free up to the value of 1 million ISK if you need them.
Please see [[The Skillbook Program]] for detailed information on how to avail yourself of this program.
There are a selection of the more commonly requested skillbooks provided free in the Hangar skill cans. If you do not have access simply ask a Uni member to grab one for you. If the skill you are looking for is not in there then any euni pilot with the 'Student' title has access to the corporate wallet skillbook division. They can transfer the money to you from the corporate wallet. Always ask politely!
http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=147669#147669 for directions on how to use the Wallet.
In addition, The Graduates (a corp containing many former uni members) have set up a half-price advanced learning skillbook program. For details, see
== Mining Ship Loan Program ==
Fully fitted Mining Ships available for a 2 week period to help you get a head start. Program currently being updated by Mrs Industry. Please check the mining forum for more information.
== Refining and Manufacturing ==
There are a lot of people with perfect refine and good manufacturing skills in the Uni who will be happy to refine for you or manufacture items if you wish. Just ask in corp chat.
=== Buy Your Own Minerals for Ships Program ===
So you have been hoarding up those minerals and need/want a new ship. See the [[BYOM Minerals|BYOM Ship Production]] page for details.
== Jump Clones ==
We have enough standing with one of the Khanid corps, Khanid Innovation and one of the Caldari corps, Wiyrkomi Peace Corps. Do not do any missions for Khanid Innovation OR Wiyrkomi Peace Corps as we will lose these facilities.
See the [[Jump Clones|Jump Clone Guide]] for more details.
=== Jump Clone Stations ===
* Lonetrek/Haurala/Erenta/Erenta V - Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Logistic Support - 26 jumps from Aldrat
* Lonetrek/Kaala/Akonoinen/Akonoinen VI - Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Logistic Support - 27 jumps from Aldrat
* Lonetrek/Makiriemi/Isikano/Isikano IX - Moon 11 - Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Logistic Support - 25 jumps from Aldrat
* Lonetrek/Okunda/Ossa/Ossa VII - Moon 11 - Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Logistic Support - '''this station is not recommended because it cannot be reached without multiple lowsec jumps.'''
* Khanid / Nohshayess / Khanid Prime / Khanid Prime V - Moon 1 - Khanid Innovation Factory - 35 (hi-sec) jumps from Aldrat
== Students Relations ==
To resolve personal problems please contact the [[Student Relations Manager]]. We all do our best to get along, some personalities, cultures, will clash with others, to assist you to mediate any problems that you have with another member, director, teacher or player outside of the Uni please contact the Student Relation Staff for assistance.
== Updates to this page ==
Finally - if there is any info that you think would be helpful to have here, post in [http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=82864 this thread].

Latest revision as of 11:02, 6 June 2016