Building mission bases

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What is this all about?

This little guide should help you, when you feel that your assets get messed up, spread over dozens of systems and it gets harder to find the stuff you need. This is about setting up bases and getting your stuff sorted. It also tells you about what tools are there to get some order into your stuff and what you will need for a missioning base to have all things covert. Setting up bases is also a way to get very familar with an area. Rather than moving around a lot and doing missions over the whole hig sec, you can stay at some interesting spot and know it very well. Knowing tradehubs near your base can make you some extra isk by using the much higher sell prices there.

Setting up a basic missioning base

First you should use Eve Agents to find an missioning agent that suits your needs.

- If you want to do fighting missions, use the higest ranking command, internal security or security agents you have acess to.

- If you want to do transports as well, use Public Relations, Administration or Intelligence.

- If you want mining missions use manufacturing or astrosurveillance agents.

Look at the system the agent is in. If the system is crowded with players (constantly over 50 players), the system is most likely a trade or mission hub. This means the agent will send you to other systems very often for kill missions. Also neigboring low sec systems are a bad thing, as the agent will send you there very often, wich means you have to deny much missions. Best spot is a system that is not crowded with players surrounded by high sec systems.

If you have chosen a station, bookmark it. Crate a folder inside your "places" tab and name it "bases" move the bookmark there. Your base will now show up as a target when navigating in space. You can also use the assets tab to navigate very fast once you have gathered all your stuff at your bases.

To set up a base, you will need two things: Containers and ships.


There are various containers in the game, the most interesting for bases are giant secure containers, freight containers, and station containers.

Giant Secure Containers

Good for short term station use.
They can be broken down or moved easily.
Giant secure containers are the smallest, and can hold 3900m3.
Can fit in standard industrials with ease, making moving them, goods and all, quite easy.

Freight Containers

Good for medium-long term station use, or for mining use.
Can hold 120000m3.
Can be broken down or moved without time requirements.
Can be moved by a freighter, will not fit in an industrial.

Station Containers

Good for permanent station use.
Cannot be moved to another station.
Once assembled and used, cannot be broken down, destroyed, sold, or otherwise removed for 30 days.
Station Container can hold 1Mm3, Station Vault can hold 10Mm3, Station Warehouse can hold 100Mm3.

For the basic missioning base, you need 2 containers: One named "Loot" and one named "Equipment".
- The 'Equipment' container is for items for fitting your ships, such as mission-specific hardeners, drones, ammo, afterburners or target painters.
- The 'Loot' container is for all the loot you gather, minerals, ore, and everything you wish to sort out later.

To set up the containers, first assemble them.
Once assembled, right click the container and select 'rename' to give it a new name for easy identification.
If you are using a station container, then right click it again, and select 'configure container' and select default state of items as 'unlocked'

This gives you a basic layout, which keeps your valuable equipment safe from accidentally selling or reprocessing. Just place everything you get from your missions into the loot container and sort it out when you have enough stuff there.


There are ships you should have at every missioning base.

- Shuttles can do some easy courier jobs aswell as some mission blitzing (for example recon 1&2). They are also the fastest way to move between bases.

- Industrials can be used to gather your stuff and to do transport missions

- Cruiser to do level 1 and 2 missions

- Battlecruiser to do level 3 missions

- Battleship for level 3 and 4 missions

- Destroyer with salvage fit if you use gunboats/missileboats and want to get the salvage

- Mining barge or Mining cruiser if you want to do mining missions or mine at belts

Growing your bases

If you have other projects running like production, planetary interaction or research, add containers for the special materials.
If you are heavily combat oriented, use gunboats or drones, then containers will help sort munitions.

A few suggestions for additional containers:

  • In you main base, having a separate container for high slot, medium slot, and low slot makes fitting new ships quick and easy.
  • If you are doing planetary interaction, a container for only PI materials is handy.
  • If you are doing research, a container for BPO's and a separate container for BPC's. A third for invention materials.
  • If you are doing production, a container for minerals and salvage, and two containers for blueprints like research.
  • If you run cosmos missions, a container for cosmos items is handy, as the items and BP's from the missions are unique.
  • If you use a lot of drones or ammo, organizing into containers comes in handy when reloading and switching drones.