Low-Sec Camp

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The EVE Uni Low-Sec Camp is an group of a Uni members who have made their permanent homes in Low-Sec space. If you want to experience life in low-sec or PVP, give it a try. This guide will attempt to explain how to join and survive your first few days in the camp.

Getting Into the Camp

Joining the Fleet

Your first step to get to the camp is to join the fleet. Currently, the camp fleet can be found in fleet finder. To open the fleet finder, look on the left-hand side of the screen and click the red triangular button that says "Fleet". Set the scope to "My Available Fleets", range "Any", and min standing "Any" and click "Find Fleets". Somewhere on the list will be a private fleet called "Lowsec Camp Fleet", "Camp Fleet", or something similar. Select it and click "join fleet".

Get Into Mumble!

Being in Mumble is essential to surviving. Nearly all communication about threats, action, and planned activities occurs through Mumble. If you need to undock, jump through a gate, or move ships, Mumble is the place to ask for intel about potential problems. It's not uncommon for gates or stations to be camped, and undocking our jumping without knowing what's on the other side can cost you a ship. At the time of writing, the Mumble channel used by the camp is Alpha. Usually, comms are open, so you're allowed to ask questions and talk freely. Just keep in mind that "break break" means that someone has some important info to share and comms should be cleared momentarily.

Wait for Clearance

Once you're in Mumble, ask which system the camp is in. You'll be given a highsec system to wait in until you're told that the way into the camp is safe. If the gates are being camped (by pirates), you may have to wait awhile. Once the gates are clear, jump into your first lowsec system. For each gate, you want to align to your destination as quickly as possible and warp to it. Jump through every gate on contact unless told otherwise by people in Mumble.