Angel Hideout

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Locating & Difficulty

This is a type of hidden combat site that can be scanned down with scanner probes, and can be found in high-security systems
around Aldrat. It's gate allows destroyers and below'

It handles:
· Rookie ship
· Assault Frigate
· Covert Ops
· Interceptor
· Stealth Bomber
· Electronic Attack Ship
· Frigate
· Shuttle
· Destroyer
· Interdictor
(update Taar Al'Hass 29 Feb 2012)

Warning: Possible Scraming

On warp in, you arrive at an acceleration gate.

First pocket

You'll arrive in a pocket with 3 frigates at approx 50, and soon after 4 more light (frig/desty) will warp in at 60.
Another (apparent) timer spawns a medium ship and one more light at 60.
Clearing all the enemies opens the gate.
There are 49 Veldspar Asteroids in this pocket.

Wave 1: 3 Frigates, 45-55 km off.
Wave 2: 2 Frigates, 2 Destroyers, 55-65 km off.
Wave 3: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 60 km off.

Second pocket

Angel Hideout Pocket 2.jpg

Danger, close.
You literally land on 3 mediums and 2 frigates (I believe I actually bumped one of the BCs), and if you're in a frigate or destroyer you're likely to take significant damage if not die immediately on arrival.
2 other light at 60.
After a small amount of time 4 more light warp in, and again after another timer a medium and light warp in.
Damaging the Angel Drug Lab (into Armor) appears to trigger a spawn of 4 more light.
Destroying the Angel Drug Lab is the trigger for possible escalation Blue Pill.
There are 14 Veldspar and 1 Scordite asteroid in this pocket.

Warp-in: 2 Frigates, 2 Cruisers, 1 Battlecruiser
Wave 2: 2 Destroyers, 60 km off.
Wave 3: 2 Frigates, 2 Destroyers, 50 km off.
Wave 4: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 50 km off.

Angel Drug Lab: (Trigger) 4 Destroyer. (Chance of Escalation)


This site may escalate to Blue Pill.