New Player Experience Tutorial - Seeker Investigation

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The EVE tutorial' or New Player Experience or more specifically Inception is a series of tasks which introduces you to the very basics of playing EVE especially from combat perspective. Unless you've already played EVE it's highly recommended that you follow the tutorial, as the game has many particular mechanics which you may not be used to, even if you've played other computer games. In Aug 2018 a new New Player Experience is deployed replacing the old one.


You start the game in space in a corvette, Aura notify you that a research ship is under attack from Seeker drones and insist that you help out. When you click "Continue" button Aura informs you that the ship already destroyed but you may be able to recover the data. Aura ask you to use mouse to pan around. Once you do that Aura point out where in the wreck the data is and ask you to approach it. Once you close enough Aura told you that the data has been downloaded, but there is a Seeker coming, then Aura told you step by step to approach, orbit, target lock, and shoot the seeker and destroy it. Then Aura point out to your home station and tell you to dock there.

Once you dock, Aura introduce you to Agency window as primary tool to discover opportunities available in New Eden. Aura ask you to open Agency window and to select Seeker Investigation and activate the tasks.

Seeker Investigation

The task tree

  1. Begin the Investigation
    1. The Sleeping Menace
    2. Hidden in the Clouds
  2. Fortress in the Rocks, kill 2 sentry guns, then Aura teach you how to train skill.
    1. The Abandoned Colony
    2. Trouble at the Mine
  3. Measuring the Threat
    1. Secret Laboratory
    2. Ancient Mysteris
  4. A Rift in Space
    1. Radiation Hazard
    2. The Chase
  5. Upgrades
  6. Battle in the Ruins
    1. The Dreaming Stones
    2. Madness or Genius?

Below the tree there are 4 separate nodes which point to 4 of 5 career agents series:

  • Your Military Needs You
  • The Exploration of Space
  • Taking Care of Business
  • The Engines of Industry