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Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
This dictionary template outputs the name of the Faction's Epic Arc.
{{FactionEpicArc | faction = Faction Name}}
The name of the Epic Arc Faction. Case, plural and full name insensitive.
Sample output
{{FactionEpicArc | faction = Amarr Empire}}
{{FactionEpicArc | faction = Amarr}}
{{FactionEpicArc | faction = amarr}}
gives... Right to Rule

{{FactionEpicArc | faction = Guristas Pirates}}
{{FactionEpicArc | faction = gurista}}
gives... Smash and Grab

{{FactionEpicArc | faction = Interbus}}
gives... Unknown Epic Arc Faction

See also
Visit Template:FactionEpicArc/doc to edit this text! (How does this work?) (Refresh this text - why?)