User:Amfion Bravais/Homefronts

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Purpose of this user space

This page will serve as a collaborative space for brainstorming and conceptualizing a minimum list of fits to run the five main Homefront Operations sites (ignoring Abyssal Artifact Recovery) in Gallente space, close to EVE Uni staging. The overarching goal of this list is to make it as Alpha-friendly and low barrier to entry as possible, to facilitate newer players joining in with this content. That means cheap and cost-effective fits without compromising on site completion and fleet safety. The goal is not maximum ISK/h efficiency, but the safe completion of the site within a reasonable amount of time.

Although this page is in User Space, Amfion welcomes everyone with an interest in seeing this project through to fruition to feel free to edit this page and make suggestions and amendments.

Emergency Aid

Dread Assault

Metaliminal Meteoroid

Suspicious Signal
