Kill Rights

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A 'Kill Right' (often written as 'Killright') is the right to attack someone's ship (not pod) in Empire Space legally. It still means that this attack is an act of aggression on that player but Concord will not intervene.

How do Killrights come into existence

A Killright will be granted when an illegal attack that leads to the destruction of a ship is performed in Empire Space while the owner of the ship did not agress the attacker at all.

Illegal attack

An illegal attack is any attack that is not legal. Legal targets are outlaws (<= -5.0 security status), those that perfomed an act of agression and those you have Killrights on. Acts of agression are going GCC, attacking someone (even a legal attack is still an act of aggression), stealing from someone, etc.

Player A (Attacker) shoots Player T (Target) while Player T is minding his own business.

Not: Player T is an Outlaw. Player T did shoot at Player A. Player T did steal from Player A's corp. Player T is GCC. Player A has a Killright on Player T. Player A and Player T are from the same corporation.

that leads to the destruction of a ship

The ship of the target must be destroyed. Killing pods does not count as a ship, so you will not get Killrights for getting podkilled.

Player T's ship gets destroyed.

Not: Player T manages to survive/run. Player T's pod is destroyed.

in Empire Space

A Killright will only be granted when the destruction of a ship happens in Empire space. This means 0.1 - 1.0 system security, so kills in 0.0 and Wormholes will not

Player A destroys Player T's ship in high-sec or low-sec.

Not: Player A destroys Player T's ship in a Wormhole or in any 0.0.

while the target did not aggress the attacker

A Killright will only be granted when the owner of the destroyed ship did not perform an act of aggression on the attacker. Any activation of an aggressive module on an attacker will prevent the onset of a Killright.

Player A and Player B (Buddy) destroy Player T's ship. Meanwhile Player T uses ECM drones on Player A. Player T will get a Killright on Player B who he did not aggress but he will not get a Killright on Player A because of his drones.

What do Killrights do

When a Killright is granted, the owner can perform legal attacks on the culprit until it ceases to exist. This is irrelevant in wormholes or 0.0 but this will lead to Concord not intervene in the attack and the owner of the Killright will not go GCC. Still, attacking someone in Empire space is an act of aggression which means the target of the Killright can re-aggress legally.

Player T meets Player A and Player B from the previous engagement. He can now attack Player B legally. Player B can shoot back but Player A can only sit there and watch. If Player A decides to engage Player T, this is considered an illegal attack which will result in Player A getting GCC and the intervention of Concord if that happens in high-sec.

{I am not sure what happens when someone is remote repairing the target of a revenge based on a Killright. As it is an act of aggression, I think this will not lead be an illegal attack (GCC, Concord) but only as an act of aggression towards the Player who owns the Killright.}

How do I know I am involved in Killrights

The owner of the Killright will have a list of his Killrights as well as a list of players who have Killrights on him in his character sheet under the Killrights tab.

The target of your Killright will not show flashy on your overview (contrary to

How do Killrights cease to exist

A Killright will not enable you to legally shoot someone till the end of time.


The Killright will cease to exist after 30 days.

Using the Killright to destroy a ship legally

The Killright will cease to exist when it is used up. It will vanish when you use it to destroy your offender's ship (not pod), regardless of him defending himself. Using it means performing a legal attack just because of the Killright. Performing a legal attack without the Killright (target is GCC, outlaw, stole,...) will not use up your Killright.

Killrights in the Uni

The Uni imposes some restrictions on its members when they are involved in Killrights, see Rules of Engagement.

  1. REDIRECT Killright