Archive:Delivering Research
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This page is deprecated and no longer in use. There is no replacement information available.
These instructions are for POS Research Officers to follow when delivering jobs:
Find Ready jobs
- Go to Aldrat.
- Go to your Science and Industry window and set the Filtering Options as follows:
* Activity: "All Activities". * State: "Ready". * Range: "Current Solar System". * Owner: "My Corporation".
- Open a text editor like, e.g., Notepad or gedit.
- Select the entire list with the CTRL+A shortcut. Copy the list and paste it into the text editor.
Deliver jobs to the Industry Hangar
- Right click the job at the top of the list and deliver it.
- The corresponding blueprint will be placed in the Industry hangar.
- Open your Inventory window. Open the Corporation Hangars and click on the Industry hangar.
- Find the blueprint you just delivered in the hangar.
Deliver blueprint to correct pilot
- Right click the blueprint to be delivered in the Industry Hangar.
- Select "Deliver To" > "Corporation Member".
- Consult your text editor for the job you just delivered for the name of the person to deliver it to.
- Find the person's name in the list of corporation members.
- After delivering it, type an "x" at the beginning of the line in your text editor so that you know this job is good.
Repeat for all open jobs
Repeat the above steps until there are no more Ready jobs. You're all done! Thanks for volunteering your time.