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I'm thinking he dares has probably abandoned this. But an interceptors guide is probably a good idea since a lot of uni pilots get into them as an early/first T2 ship, and I couldn't stand to leave the page as it was.

I don't fly inties (yet) myself, hence the general lack of detailed fittings/tactics here at the moment. I'm working from this thread, plus notes from Brakoo's intro to interceptors class (when he gets them to me, that is). At some point I'll try to hunt down some other inty pages from the web in general. (If people who actually, y'know, know things about flying inties filled this page out, it would be great, hint hint.)

Maybe this ought to be moved to 'Interceptors Guide' rather than 'Interceptors 101' so as to avoid confusion with class notes (which it ain't). But that level of wiki intervention is rather beyond me at the moment.

--Uryence 17:51, 15 April 2010 (UTC)