Enormous Asteroid Cluster

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Revision as of 13:11, 28 June 2024 by Kismeteer (talk | contribs) (Added screenshot of belt and updated rock counts.)
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Main article: Asteroids and ore

Enormous Asteroid Clusters are periodically spawned in sovereign nullsec systems that contain an active Ore Prospecting Array.

Ore Type # of Asteroids Ore Quantity m³ per Unit m³ total
Kernite 7 (was 4) 39,998 1,2 47,995
Crokite 10 (was 1) 5,000 16 80,000
Bistot 5 (Was 12) 134,994 16 2,159,904
Arkonor 4 (was 5) 49,997 16 799,952
Mercoxit 4 (was 5) 2,997 40 119,880
Sum 27 - - 3,207,731
