Nocxite Deposit

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Main article: Asteroids and ore

Nocxite Deposit' are periodically spawned in sovereign nullsec systems that contain an active Ore Prospecting Array. These are part of the Nocxite Prospecting Array.

Ore Type # of Asteroids Ore Quantity m³ per Unit m³ total
Nocxite 27 450,000 4 1,800,000
Crokite 4 4,688 16 75,008
Ochre 11 11,250 8 90,000
Hedbergite 13 45,000 3 135,000
Sum 55 510,938 2,100,008

Source: Janice link, Nutty Cake, 2024/06/29 - Note, Janice is errored at this time on volumes.