Talk:Undue Attention

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Revision as of 00:48, 28 September 2024 by Dannl (talk | contribs) (Briefing dump)
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Briefing dump, as an intermediate step towards updating:

Undue Attention - Poking Around (1 of 3) We don't stand much on formality here: This isn't a post people seek out to advance their careers. Most of us are content to not be noticed. People start making noise, the hard-asses start remembering we're here, and that means more work for everyone.

But speaking of work, I've got some for you. We've been getting a few reports of strange activity in this system. Now, I bet it's just smugglers. And honestly, I'd rather not create too much of a fuss over it ― but it's making the civvies nervous, and they could raise just as much hell for us as any smuggler. So, just go out to these coordinates, poke around a bit, and come back. If anything pokes back, just run.

Or don't do it. I mean, what the hell do I care, really? It may be I can find some other work for you if you'd rather not play scout…

Objective from agent conversation: Approach and investigate any large objects you see at the location.

Will update with structures after mission Dannl (talk) 00:48, 28 September 2024 (UTC)