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Running missions when I get a chance to login.
=Quick overview of the Crash Course=
The crash course is a series of tutorials that cover basic topics and the first two tutorial missions.
*I suggest at character creation starting In Space instead of In Station, the way the tutorials activate if you start In Station can be little confusing for a new player.
==Crash Course==
Explaines the tutorial system in Eve.
==Basic Commands==
Explains use of the left and right mouse buttons.
==Camera Movement==
Explains camera movement.
==Your Advancement==
Explains skills, modules and training.
*You receive a Civilian Damage Control module and are shown how to use show info to check module stats and prerequisites.
*You receive the '''Hull Upgrades''' skillbook and are shown how to begin training it.
==Ship Movement==
*Explains the HUD (Heads Up Display)
*Explains some basic movements such as orbit,approach,stoping and also explains how to target.
==Basic Combat==
*You will be in a training area with a training drone nearby.
*You will be instructed to use some of the movements you read about earlier.
*You will be instructed to lock target on the training drone.
*You will be instructed on how to activate your weapon.
*Once you have destroyed the training drone wrecks and checking the wrecks for loot will be explained.
*After you destroy the training drone, 2 of the local NPC Pirates called Petty Thieves will appear at a distance.
**Destroy these as they are worth 1500 isk each and one or sometimes both will drop a Civilian Shield Booster which can be useful to fit on your Rookie Ship.
==Warp Back to Station==
Warping back to station and docking your ship.
==In Station==
Explains your Item Hanger and draging and droping from you ship to your Item Hanger
==Fitting your Ship==
*Explains and shows you how to open and basic useage of the Fitting Service window.
*Explains how skills can help with fitting your ship.
*You receive the '''Repair Systems''' and '''Shield Management''' skillbooks.
==Skill Training Queue==
Explains how to use the Training Queue to train skills without having to start a new one everytime one finishes.
*How to get a mission from an Agent.
*How to use your Journal to check your current and offered Missions.
*Explains mission reward and bonuses.
*How to Undock from the Station.
*How to travel to mission location in your current system using right click.
*How to check that the mission objective are completed.
*How to turn in the mission.
*How to request another mission fromthe same agent.
*Explains how to handle a courier mission.
*How to set destination to another system.
*Explain and demonstrates the autopilot.
*Explains how to find a mission objective using right click.
*You receive the '''Refining''' skillbook.
==Next Steps==
*Finding a player run corporation to join.
**How to find ingame recruitment advertisements, the recruitment chat channel ingame and the recruitment area on the official forums.
*Link to the Evelopedia, the official wiki.
*Continuing to the Career Advancement Agents.
==Career Advancement Tutorial==
*An overview of the Career Advancement Agents
*Explains how to get to the closest system with the Career Advancement Agents.
*You receive the '''Afterburner''' skillbook.
*Explains how to callup the ingame help (F12) and specifically where to find the Career Advancement Agents information.
=Skills at Character Creation=
56489 sp
*electronics 3
*engineering 3
*shield operation 2
*gunnery 2
*small hybrid turrent 3
*mining 2
*mechanic 2
*navigation 3
*science 3
*caldari frigate 2
*spaceship command 3

Latest revision as of 03:00, 20 September 2010

Running missions when I get a chance to login.