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=Who am I?=
=Who am I?夏城薰=
Well I was in Serenity/China server from 2015.10. to about 2019.1. and in Tranquility server since 2018.5. But this character's history begins from 2019.8.
Well I was in Serenity/China server from 2015.10. to about 2019.1. and in Tranquility server since 2018.5. But this character's history begins from 2019.8.

Latest revision as of 14:29, 2 April 2022

Who am I?夏城薰

Well I was in Serenity/China server from 2015.10. to about 2019.1. and in Tranquility server since 2018.5. But this character's history begins from 2019.8.

I'm besicly a nullsec member in big alliances most the time. And the FUYUE/浮岳 corp where I'm in changed names for times but has a long history and I'm in it nearly all my EVE life.

Now I live in southern Catch. The teritorry belongs to the Dracarys. a member under Goons. federation.

IRL I live in mainland China and it's hard for me to use Discord(VPN needed) (I forgot my last one and don't really need one now), mumble (lazy to set a new software. Dracary. use Kaiheila, an imitation of Discord) and some forums.

I noticed that many info in the wiki is old or incomplete and decided to write these words. Maybe one day I'd choose to join the uni to learn more.

How your standings will affect the behavior of diamond NPCs

(I searched and asked but got no useful info and then emailed GM, and here is his response.)

Hello Takara Yukari, GM Grizzled here,

Thank you for contacting the Player Experience Team. Diamond mining fleet NPCs are color-coded depending on the players standing towards their faction:

Red: -5 or below, will attack on sight White: Between -5 and +2, no effect Blue: +2 and above, the Logistics of the reinforcements may assist the player and attempt to repair them if they come under attack

NPC Operations run by the Pirate Factions are more skittish, and will require higher standings before they will stop engaging:

Red: +2 or below, they will attack on sight. White: Between +2 and +5, no effect Blue: +5 and above, the Logistics of the reinforcements may assist the players and attempt to repair them if they come under attack

Their statistics are not so impressive so much as the fact they coordinate as a group, much like a "real" fleet would. They form part of a change in the way PVE takes place, leaning more towards an experience closer to how actual combat does.

Triglavian and EDENCOM NPCs are also quite aggressive and similar to the diamond NPCs they can engage and destroy capsules. Their standing requirements should be a bit easier to achieve. However, the main point is that Triglavians will not hesitate attacking neutral targets (anyone with no standing with them) and only stop being hostile after you gain any amount of positive standing with them. EDENCOM is not aggressive to neutrals but they don't like Triglavians so if you help them, EDENCOM may decide to attack you as well.

I hope this helps you to find the answers to your questions. If there is anything else I could help with then please let me know.

Best Regards, GM Grizzled CCP Player Experience | EVE Online (I don't remember the time.)