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= Amarr Mining Camp (AMC)  =
#redirect [[Archive:Averon Mining Campus]]
== Origins & Purpose ==
The '''Amarr Mining Camp''' (AMC) was initiated by ''Ubermensch Invictus'', ''Seranti Olerie'' and ''Vger Starseed'' to help maximize the profits and benefits that come with Mining;- mainly the need to satiate the demand for Pyroxeres-jewelled necklaces sparked by their many e-girlfriends (because they were such popular, sexy and social miners). The AMC, founded in March 2012, was the University's premiere Mining camp focused on jump-starting the careers of new pilots and taking those of older, more experienced pilots to the next level.
The original purpose of the AMC was to provide E-UNI miners the opportunity to mine in organized fleets which were centered around the idea of increasing the value of mining operations in terms of ISK/hr. The AMC also set its sights on Pyroxeres (the most valuable ore in all of highsec ([http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=25250&start=0 current as of 03/2012])) however, this particular ore is not available in Metropolis' high-sec space where [[Aldrat]] (E-UNI HQ) is located which is why the AMC formed; to enable Miners to branch out to neighbouring systems so they too could have access to the precious ore. Since then, however, the AMC's goals have changed. While still attempting to maximize the ISK/hr for our fleets, we've also incorporated a teaching aspect. One of our long-term goals is to ensure that E-UNI miners are not only prepared to run fleets in the most efficient manner, but are also equipped to survive in the harsh economic environments of EVE.
The '''Amarr Mining Camp''' is located in Amarr space at its current [classified] HQ because it presented an ideal balance of: a decent distance from [[Aldrat]], reasonable distance from a major market hub, an abundance of asteroid belts that contain high quality ores (+5 and +10 ores) in a very quiet constellation with a 50% refinery station, it is also far away from low security systems as well as any ice belts (popular for gankers). Organizing miners at a single location also makes it easier for them to combine their efforts into [[Participating_in_a_Mining_Op#Types_of_Mining_Ops|shared can]] mining fleets that get bonuses from the many [[Orca]] pilots gathered there. This provides newer E-UNI miners with the opportunity to make much more ISK while in a fleet as opposed to solo mining and is thus highly encouraged. An impressive number of miners, haulers, Orca boosters, freighter pilots and perfect refiners have amassed at the AMC resulting in, more or less, daily shared can mining fleet operations in addition to frequent Boost only or [[Participating_in_a_Mining_Op#Types_of_Mining_Ops|Bring-Your-Own-Can (BYOC)]] operations.
The AMC represents a tremendous opportunity for newer E-UNI miners to make a great deal of ISK while learning valuable skills in the art of mining and fleet operations.
== AMC Mining Fleet Participants ==
In regard to who is invited to attend the AMC and its fleet operations; the organizers had a little chat as to what we see is the purpose of the AMC: to help all E-UNI/IVY miners (especially newer players) learn valuable skills and earn some decent ISK from mining in a secure environment with sufficient company. That said, we've decided the AMC is open to IVY League members, their alts and alumni only. We've chosen not to include +5 (NAP) and +10 (Friends) for two main reasons:
1. Our priority is not to help +5/+10s make or maximize ISK or teach them about mining, they have their own corp resources for that.
2. We prefer to keep the operation of the AMC as secure as possible while still open and accessible to E-UNI players. ''Admittedly, it is a delicate and difficult balance to maintain.''
To reiterate, we prioritize the need to help E-UNI miners in a secure environment above all other considerations.
'''''The above is a guideline - It is subject to future revisions'''. Note: It is to the Fleet Commander's own discretion in choosing who is a member of their fleet.''
== Programs ==
=== AMC Buy-back Program ===
If you are a Fleet Commander (FC) that has run an operation but don't want to go through the hassle of hauling, refining and then selling the ore yourself then you’re in luck. As an AMC FC, you are able to take advantage of the AMC ‘Buy-Back’ program (details below). UPDATE: This program is now open to all miners at the AMC (20 Apr 12). Miners that are selling their own stash of ore or minerals only need to create a spreadsheet per instructions below and email a link to the spreadsheet to Vger Starseed, Ubermensch Invictus, and Seranti Olerie for contract processing and payment.
After your fleet is over and you've input all of the names, ship type/roles, hours in/out, the share weights in the participation tab, and the ore amounts and prices in the Inventory tab -  the spreadsheet will automatically calculate the total weighting of the hours worked for each participant and how much you owe them.
'''Spreadsheet Mechanics:'''
*1. Go to the Inventory tab, put the ore amount, in units, that your fleet mined in column E.
*2. Use the prices in this thread [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=52275&sid=c413a1601115540fd4062aec82d6edf4] above to fill in the values of the ores (column H).
*3. You now have estimated values in ISK in column I for your ores, copy those values then paste them into column L. Just make sure it is ONLY the values you pasting, not the formulas. You can do this by right click the cell you want to paste into --> Paste Special --> Paste Values Only of the inventory tab.
*4. In the inventory tab, Column L Row 1 (at the very top), you'll see the total ISK value of your ore; make a contract with all the ore, assign it to Bruce Industries and in the "I will pay" part of the contract, put 10,000 ISK while the "I will receive" part is the total value listed in Column L Row 1. Make sure you email Seranti Olerie and/or Vger Starseed to make sure they know that the contract was submitted.
*5. Bruce Industries will accept the contract and send you a lot of ISK (at this time, I'd like to say strippers and coke = bad investment for all that ISK, so don't do it!).
*6. There is no six, check your eyes again, they may have glazed over already (make sure to massage and stretch with deep, dramatic breaths).
*7. You have two options for the modules that were salvaged, you can sell them at AMC or reprocess them yourself, don't worry you don't lose much, then place the amount of minerals you gained from them in the Inventory tab Column E Rows 4-11. If you sell the modules then you will put the amount in the Extra ISK tab, see next step.
*8. Go to the Extra ISK tab and put in column A and B any income or expenses you had from rat loot/salvage, freighting, the contract, etc.
*9. In the Participation tab, you will see Column M is now filled in with totals that you are to pay your fleet. These totals include the ISK you charged Bruce Industries, items you sold and expenses paid from the Extra ISK tab, and any minerals you have sold or will sell on your own.
*10. In column P of the Participation tab, type in "y" or n" for yes and no if you have paid out the fleet members. You'd put 'n' for no if you have a character name misspelled or something similar.
*11. Once you're done, post the spreadsheet of the fleet in this thread [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=52718&sid=c413a1601115540fd4062aec82d6edf4] for historical record, T2 Module Lottery purposes, and so the organizer's eyes don't bleed as we desperately look for all the spreadsheets.
=== Free T1 Modules/Ships ===
If you're concerned that you don't have the best ship for mining or can't contribute to a mining fleet, worry not, the AMC is offering free T1 mining frigates (Burst, Bantam, Tormentor, Navitas), cruisers (Osprey, Vexor, Scythe, Arbitrator), Retrievers (Mining Barge) and the following list of T1 modules to fit your ships:
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Survey_Scanner_I Survey Scanner I]
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Strip_Miner_I Strip Miner I]
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Mining_Laser_Upgrade_I Mining Laser Upgrade I]
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Co-processor_I Co-processor I]
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Miner_I Miner I]
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Expanded_Cargohold_I Expanded Cargohold I]
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Salvager_I Salvager I]
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Small_Tractor_Beam_I Small Tractor Beam I]
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Small_Shield_Extender_I Small Shield Extender I]
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Medium_Shield_Extender_I Medium Shield Extender I]
== Contests ==
=== T2 Module Lottery ===
A lottery is conducted for every shared can mining fleet in which all participants have a random (equal) chance of winning a T2 module from the following list:
*1. 1 x [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Mining_Laser_Upgrade_I Mining Laser Upgrade II]
*2. 1 x [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Modulated_Strip_Miner_II Modulated Strip Miner II]
*3. 20 x T2 Mining Crystals ([http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Plagioclase_Mining_Crystal_II Plagioclase], [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Pyroxeres_Mining_Crystal_II Pyroxeres], [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Veldspar_Mining_Crystal_II Veldspar], [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Scordite_Mining_Crystal_II Scordite])
*4. 4 x [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Expanded_Cargohold_II Expanded Cargohold II]
*5. 1 x [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Survey_Scanner_II Survey Scanner II]
*6. 1 x [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Ice_Harvester_II Ice Harvester II]
*7. 1 x [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Gas_Cloud_Harvester_II Gas Cloud Harvester II]
*8 4 x [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Miner_II Miner II]
*9 10 x [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Exotic_Dancers Exotic Dancers, Female]
The purpose of this lottery is to give newer players a chance at acquiring T2 items while they gradually skill up and make enough ISK to get into bigger and better mining ships.
==Ship Restrictions==
Members of E-UNI are invited to bring along whatever ship they can fly. The AMC is constantly in demand for mining ships, industrial haulers, Orcas for boosting and hauling and freighters for freighting large quantities of ore/minerals to our [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Trade_Hubs Trade Hub]. There are no restrictions on what ship types are allowed to participate, but there are [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/ORE_Basic_Ship_and_Skill_Guide recommendations] for ship types and fitting strategies depending on a player's skill level.
== Recommendations from the AMC ==
Although the AMC is open to every E-UNI member no matter what ship they fly or what skills they have attained, there are certain recommendations to be made that will help improve your experience at the AMC. It is highly encouraged that one attends the [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mining_101 Mining 101 Class] prior to or during their stay at the AMC so that they can familiarize themselves with the basics of mining (i.e. what modules and ships they will need to bring to the AMC and how they work).
Additionally, either prior to attending the AMC or while at the AMC, it is also highly encouraged that players devote their skilling to general industry skills (i.e. Mining, Mining Upgrades and the non-Industry Astrogeology skill), ship-specific skills to improve their mining capabilities (i.e. Racial Cruiser, Mining Barge) and leadership skills (i.e. Leadership) to optimize their mining yield and fleet experience.
== Contact Information ==
You are encouraged to join the AMC chat channel (name: Amarr Mining Camp, password: same as standard E-Uni channels), and the AMC mailing list (name: Amarr Mining Camp). We would also highly recommend you join the Industry.E-Uni chat channel and the E-Uni Mining Ops mailing list, the industry channel is visited by experienced miners and manufacturers that are not in the AMC and the E-Uni Mining Ops mailing list is dedicated to E-Uni mining operations outside of the AMC. [[Mumble]] is also welcomed.
Contact Vger Starseed, Ubermensch Invictus, and Seranti Olerie if you have any questions, comments, concerns, ideas, or advice regarding AMC operations or its management that you would like to share.
Furthermore, if there is anything you still don’t understand, please refer to the “FAQ” and “Additional Links” sections below.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
*What is the AMC? - ''If you didn’t read the Origins & Purpose section, here’s a quick run-down to what the AMC is: The Amarr Mining Camp is an organized group of Miners who have travelled down to Amarr Space to gain access to the better ores of the game. This allows us to make a higher income from mining than we would achieve if we were up in Aldrat (E-UNI HQ).''
*How do I join the AMC? - ''In short; you don't. The Amarr Mining Camp is running within EVE University. We follow all the same rules and guidelines as anyone else in the Uni. As such, you will not need to leave E-UNI to join us. Simply join our Chat Channel (Amarr Mining Camp - use the same password as other E-UNI channels) and ask if there is a fleet going, or start one yourself!''
*How do I start/join a fleet? - ''Please refer to the 'Participating in a Mining Op' and 'Running a Mining Op' Wiki page for information on these subjects. They will tell you everything you need to know.''
*Who do I talk to if I have a problem? - ''Feel free to ask any questions or direct any concerns to our 'Amarr Mining Camp' chat channel so one of our more experienced members can help you with your issue. However, if the question/concern is one you wish to keep privately or is unsuitable for standard E-UNI members, do not hesitate to contact: Ubermensch Invictus, Seranti Olerie or Vger Starseed. Each will be more than willing to assist you.''
*Do I need a specific ship to help with Mining Operations? - ''No, you don't. No matter what ship you're flying in, you can always jump straight into a fleet and help. You'll be just as useful as anyone else out there. The more,  the merrier.''
*Do I need specific skills to run a Fleet? - ''Absolutely not! As Fleet Boss [Commander] all you need to run a fleet is a Spreadsheet (more information here) and people to mine/haul with. To start a fleet, just advertise it in chat and people will join you.''
Any further questions you may have can be asked in the 'Amarr Mining Camp' Chat Channel.
== Additional Links ==
==== E-UNI Forums ====
*[http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=51767 Amarr Mining Camp] ''(for general questions, comments and concerns)''
*[http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=52718 Amarr Mining Camp Fleet Spreadsheet List] ''(for Fleet Commanders to post spreadsheet information)''
*[http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=52275 Amarr Mining Camp Buy-Back Program: Prices] ''(for FCs to check prices of Ore/Minerals [spreadsheet use])''
*[http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=52327 Amarr Mining Camp: Month 1 Feedback] ''(for any AMC participant to note down feedback relevant to the AMC)''
*[http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=52842 Amarr Mining Camp Wiki Feedback] ''(for any feedback related to the AMC Wiki)
==== Wiki ====
*Amarr Mining Camp Fleets
*[[Running a Mining Op]]
*[[Participating in a Mining Op]]

Latest revision as of 09:12, 6 June 2022