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These skills are important for anyone who uses missile launchers. Training missile skills will be key for most Caldari combat pilots, but some Minmatar and Amarr ships use missiles too, as secondary or even as primary weapons.

Note that while the prerequisite skills for T2 turrets are hierarchical -- so, for example, you must train small T2 pulse lasers before training medium T2 pulses, and medium T2 pulses before training T2 large pulses -- the prerequisite skills for T2 missiles are not. You can train to use T2 cruise missiles or torpedoes without training T2 medium-sized missiles. Nevertheless, the skills below are loosely ordered from small to large, T1 to T2.

Perception and Willpower are important for perfecting your skill at missiles.

The following are the skills in the Missiles section (in alphabetical order):

Support skills

These skills are generally not needed to fit hardware (there are a couple of exceptions, which are noted) but support missile deployment and maximise damage. Increasing the level in any of these skills will increase your profiency with missiles.

Icon skillbook2.png Missile Launcher Operation

Basic operation of missile launcher systems. 2% Bonus to missile launcher rate of fire per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 1x
Isk.png Price: 30k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: V
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: none
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: All Missile Launchers and Charges; Heavy ssault Missile Specialization; Rocket Specialization; Light Missile Specialization; Heavy Missile Specialization; Cruise Missile Specialization; Torpedo Specialization; Rockets; Missile Bombarment
Icon skillbook2.png II required for: Rocket Launcher II; Target Navigation Prediction; Light Missiles; Auto-Targeting Missiles; Defender Missiles; Rapid Launch
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Rapid Light Missile Laucnehr II; Light Missile Launcher II; Minimatar Offensive Systems; Heavy Assault Missiles; Heavy Missiles; Missile Projection
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II; Heavy Missile Launcher II; Torpedo Launcher II; Warhead Upgrades I; Torpedos
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: Citadel Cruise Launcher I; Limos Citadel Cruise Launcher I; Shock Limos Citadel Torpedo Bay I; Citadel Torpedo Launcher I; All T2 Rockets, Missiles, Cruise Missiles and Torpedos; Citadel Cruise Missiles; Caldari Offensive Systems; Guided Missile Precision; Cruise Missiles; Citadel Torpedoes
Notes.png Notes: The base skill of the missiles category. Plan to train it to V in the medium term if you use missiles, even if you only use them as a secondary weapon.

Icon skillbook2.png Guided Missile Precision

Skill at precision missile homing. Proficiency at this skill increases the accuracy of a fired missile's exact point of impact, resulting in greater damage to small targets. 5% decreased factor of signature radius for all missile explosions per level of skill.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 5x
Isk.png Price: 1M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: III
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation V
Notes.png Notes: Helpful support skill once you start using medium and large missiles, as now and then you will need to kill small targets with them.

Icon skillbook2.png Missile Bombardment

Proficiency at long-range missile combat. 10% bonus to all missiles' maximum flight time per level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 2x
Isk.png Price: 100k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: IV
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation I
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Bomb Deployment
Notes.png Notes: A flight time bonus is effectively a range bonus.

Icon skillbook2.png Missile Projection

Skill at boosting missile bay trigger circuits and enhancing guided missiles' ignition systems. 10% bonus to all missiles' maximum velocity per level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 4x
Isk.png Price: 250k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: II
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation III
Notes.png Notes: A bonus to velocity is a bonus to missile range.

Icon skillbook2.png Rapid Launch

Proficiency at rapid missile launcher firing. 3% bonus to missile launcher rate of fire per level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 2x
Isk.png Price: 60k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: IV
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation II
Notes.png Notes: DPS boost. Essential support skill.

Icon skillbook2.png Target Navigation Prediction

Proficiency at optimizing a missile's flight path to negate the effects of a target's speed upon the explosion's impact. 10% decrease per level in factor of target's velocity for all missiles.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 2x
Isk.png Price: 90k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: III
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation II
Notes.png Notes: Like Guided Missile Precision, this skill helps you hurt small targets with large missiles.

Icon skillbook2.png Warhead Upgrades

Proficiency at upgrading missile warheads with deadlier payloads. 2% bonus to all missile damage per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 5x
Isk.png Price: 2M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: III
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation IV
Notes.png Notes: DPS boost. Essential support skill.

Rockets and light missiles

Rockets and light missiles are generally fitted to frigates (somtimes cruisers) and are best for dealing damage to frigates.

Icon skillbook2.png Rockets

Skill with small short range missiles. Special: 5% bonus to rocket damage per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 1x
Isk.png Price: 30k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: V
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation I
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: T1 and Faction charges
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: T2 charges; Rocket Specialization
Notes.png Notes:

Icon skillbook2.png Rocket Specialization

Specialist training in the operation of advanced rocket launchers. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring Rocket Specialization.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 1M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: III
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation I; Rockets V
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Rocket Laucneher II; T2 charges
Notes.png Notes:

Icon skillbook2.png Light Missiles

Skill with manually targeted missiles. Special: 5% Bonus to light missile damage per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 2x
Isk.png Price: 30k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: V
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation II
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: T1 and Faction charges
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Heavy Assault Missiles; Heavy Missiles
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: T2 charges; Light Missile Specialization
Notes.png Notes:

Icon skillbook2.png Light Missile Specialization

Specialist training in the operation of advanced lightmissile launchers and arrays. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring Light Missile Specialization.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 1M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: III
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation I; Standard Missiles V
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Rapid Light Missile Laucncher II; Light Missile Launcher II; T2 charges
Notes.png Notes:

Heavy Missiles

Heavy Missiles are the bigger brother versions of Rockets and Light Missiles. These can be fitted to cruises and battlecruisers. They deal greater damage than Rockets and Light Missiles however are most effective against larger vessels such as battlecruisers and battleships and not very effective against frigates.

There are two main types: Heavy Missiles and Heavy Assault Missiles. The Assault variation can inflict more damage however has a greatly reduced range relative to Heavy Missiles which can have great ranges (50+km).

Icon skillbook2.png Heavy Missiles

Skill with heavy missiles. Special: 5% bonus to heavy missile damage per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 125k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: V
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation III; Standard Missiles III
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: T1 and Faction Charges
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Torpedoes; CruiseMissiles
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: T2 charges; Heavy Missile Specialization
Notes.png Notes:

Icon skillbook2.png Heavy Missile Specialization

Specialist training in the operation of advanced heavy missile launchers. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring Heavy Missile Specialization.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 5x
Isk.png Price: 3M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: III
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation I; Heavy Missiles V
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Heavy Missile Launcher II; T2 charges
Notes.png Notes:

Icon skillbook2.png Heavy Assault Missiles

Skill with heavy assault missiles. Special: 5% bonus to heavy assault missile damage per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 125k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: V
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation III; Standard Missiles III
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: T1 and Faction charges
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: T2 charges; Heavy Assault Missile Specialization
Notes.png Notes:

Icon skillbook2.png Heavy Assault Missile Specialization

Specialist training in the operation of advanced heavy assault missile launchers. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring Heavy Assault Missile Specialization.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 5x
Isk.png Price: 3M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: III
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation I; Heavy Assault Missiles V
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Heavy Missile Launcher II; T2 charges
Notes.png Notes:

Cruise Missiles and Torpedos

Cruise Missiles fit to battleships and--like Heavy to Light--have a greater damage output but are effective against bigger ships such as battleships and capitals.

Cruise Missiles are guided whereas Torpedoes are not. This is a disadvantage of using Torpedoes however there DPS is generally greater than Cruise Missiles.

Icon skillbook2.png Cruise Missiles

Skill at the handling and firing of very large guided missiles. 5% bonus to cruise missile damage per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 5x
Isk.png Price: 750k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: IV
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation V; Heavy Missiles III
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: T1 and Faction charges
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: T2 charges; Citadel Cruise Missiles; Cruise Missile Specialization
Notes.png Notes:

Icon skillbook2.png Cruise Missile Specialization

Specialist training in the operation of advanced cruise missile launchers. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring Cruise Missile Specialization.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 8x
Isk.png Price: 10M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: Alpha pilot can not train this skill.
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation I
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Cruise Missile Laucner II; T2 charges
Notes.png Notes:

Icon skillbook2.png Torpedoes

Skill at the handling and firing of torpedoes. 5% bonus to torpedo damage per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 4x
Isk.png Price: 500k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: IV
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation IV; Heavy Missiles III
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: T1 and Faction charges
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: T2 charges; Torpedo Specialization; Citadel Torpedoes
Notes.png Notes:

Icon skillbook2.png Torpedo Specialization

Specialist training in the operation of advanced torpedo launchers. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring Torpedo Specialization.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 8x
Isk.png Price: 10M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: Alpha pilot can not train this skill.
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation I; Torpedoes V
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Torpedo Launcher II; T2 charges
Notes.png Notes:

Citadel Cruise Missiles and Torpedoes

Similar to Cruise Missiles and Torpedoes however are fitted to Capitals.

Icon skillbook2.png Citadel Cruise Missiles

Skill at the handling and firing of Citadel Cruise Missiles. 5% bonus to Citadel Cruise Missile damage per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: Citadel Cruise Missiles
Isk.png Price: <span style="cursor: help;" title="The skillbook for this skill costs Citadel Cruise Missiles ISK">Citadel Cruise Missiles ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: <span style="cursor: help;" title="Alpha pilot can train and use this skill to at most level Unknown">Unknown
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation V; Cruise Missiles V
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Citadel Cruise Launcher I; Limos Citadel Cruise Laucneher; T1 and Faction charges
Notes.png Notes: For capital-ship-sized long-range missile launchers.

Icon skillbook2.png Citadel Torpedoes

Skill at the handling and firing of citadel torpedoes. 5% bonus to citadel torpedo damage per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: Citadel Torpedoes
Isk.png Price: <span style="cursor: help;" title="The skillbook for this skill costs Citadel Torpedoes ISK">Citadel Torpedoes ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: <span style="cursor: help;" title="Alpha pilot can train and use this skill to at most level Unknown">Unknown
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation IV; Torpedoes V
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Shock Limos Citadel Torpedo Bay I; Citadel Torpedo Launcher I; T1 and Faction charges
Notes.png Notes:

Bomb Deployment

Bombs are fitted to Stealth Bombers and can inflict great damage.

Icon skillbook2.png Bomb Deployment

Basic operation of bomb delivery systems. 5% reduction of Bomb Launcher reactivation delay per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 4x
Isk.png Price: 10M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: Alpha pilot can not train this skill.
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Bombardment IV
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Bomb Launcher I; Concussion Bomb; Sorch Bomb; Shrapnel Bomb; Electron Bomb
Icon skillbook2.png III required for: Lockbreaker Bomb
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Void Bomb
Icon skillbook2.png V required for: Bomb Launcher II
Notes.png Notes: This skill is used to launch bombs from stealth bombers. It is only useful to bomber pilots.

Auto-Targeting Missiles

Auto-Targeting Missiles do not require one to target an enemy. Once launched, Auto-Targeting Missiles with target the nearest enemy.

Icon skillbook2.png Auto-Targeting Missiles

Skill with auto-targeting missiles. Special: 5% bonus to Auto-Targeting Missile (light, heavy and cruise) max velocity per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 37.5k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: Alpha pilot can not train this skill.
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation II
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: T1 and Faction charges
Notes.png Notes: Auto-Targeting missiles don't require designated targets -- instead, they attack any hostile things within range. They can be helpful if you're jammed by ECM, but they're only very situationally useful and need not be a high training priority.

Defender Missiles

Defender Missiles are used to defend against incoming enemy Missiles. Defender Missiles will intercept enemy Missiles in flight and destroy them.

Icon skillbook2.png Defender Missiles

Skill with anti-missile missiles. Special: 5% bonus to missile max velocity per skill level.
Implants.png Attributes: Perception.pngWillpower.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 2x
Isk.png Price: 45k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: Alpha pilot can not train this skill.
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Missile Launcher Operation II
Icon skillbook2.png I required for: Charges
Notes.png Notes: Defender missiles are not, in practice, very useful.