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=== Mobile Depots ===
=== Mobile Depots ===
[[File:Mobile_Depot_image.jpg|thumb|upright=2.0|A Mobile Depot floating through space]]
[[File:Mobile_Depot_image.jpg|thumb|upright=1.5|A Mobile Depot floating through space]]
Mobile Depots act as a kind of in field fitting service and storage facility. Allowing for ships to keep one fit on the ship and another in the hold for quick swapping at a "Safe Spot" and to hold any extras they may need room for from Ratting/Mining/PvP. They take a minute to setup, use only 50m3 of cargo space and will last for 30 days and after that they vanish so you need to keep an eye on them. Also any player can attack them and only get a suspect flag, necessitating either defending the Depot or scooping it up and moving it, making sure to pick up whatever you can take with you as it will be jettisoned after scooping to the hold. It also has a 2 day reinforcement timer once the depot reaches 25% of its maximum HP
Mobile Depots act as a kind of in field fitting service and storage facility. Allowing for ships to keep one fit on the ship and another in the hold for quick swapping at a "Safe Spot" and to hold any extras they may need room for from Ratting/Mining/PvP. They take a minute to setup, use only 50m3 of cargo space and will last for 30 days and after that they vanish so you need to keep an eye on them. Also any player can attack them and only get a suspect flag, necessitating either defending the Depot or scooping it up and moving it, making sure to pick up whatever you can take with you as it will be jettisoned after scooping to the hold. It also has a 2 day reinforcement timer once the depot reaches 25% of its maximum HP

Revision as of 13:58, 20 November 2013

Mobile Structures Intro

Mobile Structures are 4 new BPO's that are added by the Rubicon patch to act as a kind of "Personal POS" and allow for greater flexibility for players within the field and expand upon survivability, utility, espionage and defence. Relatively easy to produce and becoming a more common sight by the day and come in 4 "Flavours", Mobile Depot, Mobile Tractor Unit, Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor and Mobile Syphon Unit . This article will explain what they are and how they work.

Mobile Depots

A Mobile Depot floating through space

Mobile Depots act as a kind of in field fitting service and storage facility. Allowing for ships to keep one fit on the ship and another in the hold for quick swapping at a "Safe Spot" and to hold any extras they may need room for from Ratting/Mining/PvP. They take a minute to setup, use only 50m3 of cargo space and will last for 30 days and after that they vanish so you need to keep an eye on them. Also any player can attack them and only get a suspect flag, necessitating either defending the Depot or scooping it up and moving it, making sure to pick up whatever you can take with you as it will be jettisoned after scooping to the hold. It also has a 2 day reinforcement timer once the depot reaches 25% of its maximum HP

These Depots have a number of applications but the two most used (Thus far) are as a temporary "home", setting it up and bookmarking it to come to as and when needed. The other use is primarily reserved for Lowsec/Nullsec/WH's Where you move around in a travel fit and create a "safe spot" before going off to do stuff and returning it to instantly refit your ship for combat when things get hairy.

Mobile Tractor Unit

These do exactly what they say, put it down and it will start to tractor in any tractorable items within a 125km radius at 1000 m/sec into its massive 27,000m3 hold but can only target things one at a time. These units only take 10 seconds to deploy and will last 2 days. These units are more specialised and rare due to the increased cost and skills required but are still a worthwhile investment if you dont have access to a Noctis.

Applications are few and far between but if used right it can be a godsend for time saving. Put one (maybe 2 or 3) down at the start of combat and keep the wrecks within 125km and you wont need to worry about slowboating towards each individual wreck as they will likely all be now clustered around the unit, just park up and let your salvager get to work. Other possible applications are within mining gangs who dont have access to say an Orca, put these down and jettison the ore for it to pick up and come back in a transport ship later on to pick up the goods.

Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor

The Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor is almost invaluable within 0.0, creating easy to set up inhibitors that can severely limit the enemy's ability to hotdrop on top of your units or gates. It prevents all normal cyno fields (But not covert cynos) from activating within 100km of the inhibitor. It takes two minutes to set up, has a 300m3 volume and will stay in space for 1 hour. However unlike the other mobile structures this one cannot be reclaimed and will stay in space for that one hour or until someone blasts it apart. It is inherently designed for small of medium gangs as it cannot stay active for long under heavy fire due to a lack of HP that comes from the structure itself. One other limitation is it cannot be deployed in any location that would cause 2 fields to overlap as well as being expensive to produce (150m for the BPO alone).

Even with all those limitations it will still become a common sight in 0.0 due to the massive benefits that come from being able to control owned space and combat zones so effectively.

Mobile Siphon Unit

These units represent a new option to those with more clandestine missions as they will syphon off a portion of the moon minerals or reaction results that go towards the stations silos. Designed to be secretly deployed near to a POS and will not alert the owner to the theft of materials nor will the stations guns automatically shoot at it, meaning that people who own POS's need to keep a watchful eye out for any of these things floating around. Like the Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor this is a one use item but with an added twist, any pilot may access the hold so even the thieves wont be immune to theft. It only weighs 35m3, takes 5 seconds to deploy and will last 30 days with a cargo hold of 900m3 but needs to be within 30km of the target, so covops ships can truly take advantage of these automated thieves.

Other points to note: No criminal or suspect flags will be placed upon attacking the syphon. Will prioritise raw materiel over refined (cannot take alchemy output). Can only steal from one silo at a time and only the one at the end of a chain. Will take 60 raw or 30 processed at a time. Players cannot put items into it. Multiple syphon units can be placed around the POS and will steal in order deployed. Have a waste factor of 10% Will only steal during a production cycle (once per hour) Max range of 50km Can be manually targeted by station guns

Skills, stats and materials required

Mobile Depot


BPO Skills: Industry LvL 1

General Skills: None required


Volume: 50m3

Mass: 10,000.00 kg


Distance from deploying ship: 250m

Min distance from other Mobile Depot: 6,000m

Min distance from Stargate or Station: 50km

Min Distance from Control Tower: 40km

Activation delay: 1 minute

Maximum Lifetime: 30 days

Structure Retrieval: 2,500m

Capacity: 3,000m3 (Wetu/Yurt: 4,000m3)

Access range: 2,500m

Allows direct placement of cargo: Yes

Cargo accessible by all: No

Max fitting range: 3,000m

Reinforcement period: 2 Days

Tech Level: Level 1

Meta Level: Level 1

Shield Capacity: 5,000 HP

Recharge Time: 2100.00s

Armor HP: 5,000 HP

Structure HP: 7,500 HP

Sig Radius: 500m

Sensor Strength:

RADAR: 50 (Wetu: 200. Yurt: 400)

LADAR: 50 (Wetu: 200. Yurt: 400)

Magnetometric: 50 (Wetu: 200. Yurt: 400)

Gravimetric: 50 (Wetu: 200. Yurt: 400)

Materials Required

Pyerite: 270

Tritanium: 6750

Zydrine: 270

Guidance Systems: 3

High-Tech Transmitters: 1

Nuclear Reactors: 1

Smartfab Units: 3

Mobile Tractor Unit


BPO Skills:

Industry: LvL 1

Science: LvL 5

Laser Physics: LvL 1

High Energy Physics: LvL 1

Power Grid Management: LvL 5

General Skills: None Required


Volume: 100m3

Mass: 10,000.00 kg


Distance from deploying ship: 250m

Min distance from other Mobile Depot: 6,000m

Min distance from Stargate or Station: 50km

Min Distance from Control Tower: 40km

Activation delay: 10 seconds

Maximum Lifetime: 2 days

Structure Retrieval: 2,500m

Max collection range: 2,500m

Cycle time: 5 seconds

Max tractor range: 125km

Cycle time: 5 seconds

Max Tractor velocity: 1000 m/sec

Capacity: 27,000m3

Access range: 2,500m

Allows direct placement of cargo: No

Cargo accessible by all: No

Max locked targets: 1

Tech Level: Level 1

Meta Level: Level 1

Shield Capacity: 10,000 HP

Recharge Time: 3200.00s

Armor HP: 10,000 HP

Structure HP: 30,000 HP

Sig Radius: 500m

Max targeting range: 125.00km

Optimal Range: 125.00km

Sensor Strength:



Magnetometric: 50

Gravimetric: 50

Materials Required

Zydrine: 575

Organic Mortar Applicators: 2

Small Tractor Beam I: 1

Ukomi Superconductors: 2

Wetware Mainframe: 1

Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor


BPO Skills:

Industry: LvL 1

Science: LvL 5

Electromagnetic Physics: LvL 4

Graviton Physics: LvL 4

Power Grid Management: LvL 5

General Skills: Anchoring LvL 3


Volume: 300m3

Mass: 10,000.00 kg


Distance from deploying ship: 250m

Min distance from other Mobile Cyno Inhibitor: 200km

Min distance from Stargate or Station: 75km

Min Distance from Control Tower: 40km

Activation delay: 2 Minutes

Maximum Lifetime: 1 Hour

Disruption Range: 100km

Tech Level: Level 1

Meta Level: Level 1

Shield Capacity: 10,000 HP

Recharge Time: 2400.00s

Armor HP: 10,000 HP

Structure HP: 150,000 HP

Sig Radius: 400m

Sensor Strength:



Magnetometric: 20

Gravimetric: 20

Materials Required

Isogen: 6750

Megacyte: 675

Pyerite: 13500

Tritanium: 337500

Zydrine: 6750

Broadcast Node: 4

Guidance Systems: 20

Organic Mortar Applicators: 8

Self-Harmonizing Power Core: 2

Sterile Conduits: 4

Wetware Mainframe: 2

Mobile Syphon Unit


BPO Skills:

Industry: LvL 1

Science: LvL 5

Electronic Engineering: LvL 4

Graviton Physics: LvL 4

Power Grid Management: LvL 5

General Skills:

Anchoring: LvL 2


Volume: 35m3

Mass: 10,000.00 kg


Distance from deploying ship: 250m

Min distance from other Mobile Syphon Unit: 10km

Min distance from Stargate or Station: 10km

Min Distance from Control Tower: 30km

Max Distance from Control Tower: 50km

Activation delay: 5 seconds

Maximum Lifetime: 30 days

Capacity: 900m3

Access range: 2,500m

Allows direct placement of cargo: No

Cargo accessible by all: Yes

Max locked targets: 1

Tech Level: Level 1

Meta Level: Level 1

Shield Capacity: 10,000 HP

Recharge Time: 2400.00s

Armor HP: 10,000 HP

Structure HP: 60,000 HP

Signature Radius: 600m

Restricted To Secrity Level Less Than: 0.4

Processed Material Syphon Amount: 30

Raw Material Syphon Amount: 60

Sensor Strength:



Magnetometric: 75

Gravimetric: 75

Materials Required

Isogen: 8033

Megacyte: 232

Mexallon: 25462

Nocxium: 2331

Pyerite: 41950

Tritanium: 290158

Zydrine: 765

Data Chips: 12

Guidance Systems: 100

Miniature Electronics: 100