Difference between revisions of "User:Theodacius"

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(Created page with "First set up your overview if you haven't already:<br />[url=http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Overview]http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Overview[/url]<br /><br />And Mumble:<br />[u...")
(9 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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First set up your overview if you haven't already:<br />[url=http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Overview]http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Overview[/url]<br /><br />And Mumble:<br />[url=http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mumble]http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mumble[/url]<br /><br />And make sure you read the corp and alliance mails. They actually contain useful info.<br /><br />Ask for a frigate with fittings from the corporate hanger: (Make sure you fully insure it!)<br />[url=http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Corporation_Hangar]http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Corporation_Hangar[/url]<br />[url=http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/The_Skillbook_Program]http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/The_Skillbook_Program[/url] (Related)<br /><br />Then ask in Missions.e-uni if there is a Locust fleet you can join:<br />[url=http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Chat_Channels]http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Chat_Channels[/url]<br />[url=http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mission_Fleet]http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mission_Fleet[/url]<br /><br />Or join the Operation Fortress fleet from the fleet finder or Alliance chat and run missions solo. Or scan down sites in an Exploration Frigate.<br /><br />Also you could by a destroyer and ask to salvage missions. All the fittings you need are in the Corp hanger just not the destroyer hull. As in Missions.e-uni or Q&amp;A.e-uni for a salvager destroyer fit.<br /><br />Or you could fit up a tackle frigate and help kill war targets with the fortress fleet.<br /><br />Or you could look into the AMC:<br />[url=http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Amarr_Mining_Camp]http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Amarr_Mining_Camp[/url]<br />[url=http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mining_Loaner_Fleet]http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mining_Loaner_Fleet[/url]<br /><br />There are many option but if you are lost get a mentor:<br />[url=http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mentor_Program]http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mentor_Program[/url]
<!--<p>[[File:Fanfest2007disk.JPG|200px|thumb|left|First Install]]
Hi, my name is Theo. I live in the United States, in the foothills of Tucson, Arizona.&nbsp;</p>
I discovered EVE back in 07 during a visit to Seattle. There happened to be a PAX convention at the same time so I wandered over. After checking out all the &#39;hot&#39; game booths like Rock Band and Uncharted, I strolled through a quiet space themed booth and stopped to talk to the rep. I was a fan of Homeworld at the time and always hungry for more space strategy/combat/trade games (one of my first games ever was StarFlight). Our conversation whent something like this:</p>
Him- &quot;Hi do you like space games?&quot;<br />
Me- &quot;Definitely!&quot;<br />
Him- &quot;Well then EVE is (insert schpiel)...&quot;<br />
Me- &quot;Cool, a space sim! I just got a new joystick!&quot;<br />
Him- &quot;Well no...&quot;</p>
I hadn&#39;t played an MMO, and tried to grasp what the game was exactly, but he was so elusive, always using the word &quot;DEPENDS&quot;. I couldn&#39;t tell if he didn&#39;t know what he was talking about or what. Finally he just gave me a pity smile and suggested I just take the disk home to try it out.</p>
I had plenty of time back then, and slowly sank into the wonder of EVE... knowledge skills, arkane tutorials, mining in a frigate, griefers, can flippers, scammers, instajumps... seriously?!?</p>
A few months later my life was taken over by work and family. I don&#39;t even remember what it&#39;s like to have time for EVE. Still I come back to it whenever I can, checking in almost daily to maintain a modest income from the market, and keep my skill queue full. I never quit because I had hope for the game, thinking someday I&#39;d be able to play it, and it would actually be &#39;good&#39;. In spite of my initial dissapointment, CCP drama, bitter vets, watching other MMOs rise and fall... I still stuck around, because while I think it still has a long way to go, there isn&#39;t a better platform out there yet. Is there?</p>
I don&#39;t remember how I heard about the UNI, only that I joined because there wasn&#39;t an issue with my limited play time. I&#39;ve taken part in some epic fleets, seen lots of great members come and go, but mostly I just watch from the bench. I spend more time skimming the forums now, just trying to keep up with UNI news. I&#39;ve joined the mentor program to hopefully make it easier for new players to get into the swing of things, because even after years of improvements, it still feels like a rough draft.</p>
I hope years from now we are still here, in the best &#39;space sim&#39; around.</p>
Let's get started!
<br /><br/>
Read the corp and alliance mails.
<br /><br/>
Ask for a frigate with fittings from the corporate hanger: (Make sure you fully insure it!)
<br />
[[Corporation Hangar]]
<br /><br/>
[[The Skillbook Program]]
<br /><br/>
[[Chat Channels]]
<br /><br/>
Join [[Operation Fortress Fleet]] from the fleet finder and mumble to help defend Aldrat during wartime, run missions alone or in a locust fleet, scan down sites in an exploration frigate.
<br />
All the fittings you need are in the Corp hanger. Fit up a tackle frigate or ask someone to help you fit one to get right into the action.
<br /><br/>
Ask a Mentor
[[Mentor Program]]

Latest revision as of 14:47, 22 January 2014