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[Web Resources for Miners]
== Mining Resources ==
=== Ore Charts ===
[http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/34201 TenTonHammer's Ore Chart]
[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Ore_values Ore values] from the Eve Online wiki
[http://eve.grismar.net/ore/ Grismar's ore calculator]
=== Ore Maps ===
[http://www.eveonlinehome.com/ore_map.php Ore Map] showing which ores occur in Empire space based on faction and security level
[http://www.fluidorbit.co.uk/ Searchable database of systems and ores]
=== Refining Helpers ===
[http://www.evegeek.com/orecalc.php Evegeek's Ore Calculator]
[http://eve.podzone.net/refining.php Yield Calculator] that takes skills and station percentage into account.
[http://www.eveonlinehome.com/ore_to_minerals.php Mineral Yield Chart], assuming "perfect" refining skills and zero tax. Includes yield from Rogue Drone alloys
== Out-of-Game tools ==
jEVEAsset http://eve.nikr.net/?page=jeveasset
== Other Stuff ==
[http://eveapps.caldarideepspace.com/blueprint.php Blueprint Calculator]
[http://www.eve-agents.com/index.dxd Agent Finder] for grinding standings
[http://www.eve-central.com/ Eve Central] trade route tools, pricing and market data

Revision as of 19:15, 18 March 2010

[Web Resources for Miners]