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{{Member Services}}
The Ship Replacement Program (SRP) is a joint initiative of the [[Logistics_Division|Logistics Division]], [[Low-Sec_Campus|LSC (Lowsec Campus)]], [[Nullsec_Campus|NSC (Nullsec Campus)]] and [[Wormhole_Campus|WHC (Wormhole Campus)]] to encourage participation in combat fleets. The program is intended to both help new pilots get into PvP and to promote the use of important hulls that benefit the entire fleet.
==When is a loss covered?==
{{Infobox Service Status
|department = FC Team
|availablefrom =
|status = active
To be eligible for reimbursement, all losses must meet all of the following criteria:
The Ship Replacement Program (SRP) is an initiative of [[EVE University]] to encourage participation in combat fleets. The program is intended to both help new pilots get into PvP and to promote the use of important hulls that benefit the entire fleet.
*Happened in an EVE University PvP fleet against another corporation
*Had a reasonable PvP fitting
*Shows reasonable effort
*Request includes sufficient comment to allow SRP staff to understand what happened
*Is not in violation of [[EVE University Rules]].
Note that further fitting restrictions will apply for more advanced or expensive hulls. See below for specific requirements.
[https://auth.eveuniversity.org/ship-replacement/ Quicklink to SRP Section in Alliance Auth]
==What ships are covered?==
All T1 frigates, destroyers and cruisers are covered for a full hull replacement. You can choose to have the replacement hull contracted to you at:
== SRP Eligibility Criteria ==
*Slays VII - Center for Advanced Studies School
*Uphallant III - Federation Navy Testing Facilities
*PC9-AY III - Intaki Commerce Trading Post
Coverage for T2 and specialized hulls varies according to the specific needs of the campus where the loss happened. Logistics reimbursements apply to all losses including campus fleets. If a campus SRP does not specifically mention these hulls, they will be reimbursed at the Logistics program base rate.
=== Rules ===
* Pilot must be a member of Ivy League or Ivy League Alt Alliance at the time of loss, and added to AA as a linked character (SRP module will block the request otherwise)
* Must be during a group Ivy League PvP engagement (pre-pinged fleet or QRF, solo does not count, but must be either an Ivy FC<sup>1</sup> or a guest FC running a specific Ivy fleet not NPSI), using a sensible PvP fit (if you don't know what sensible looks like yet - use official EUNI fits in AA)
* There must be a value in the SRP payout tables below for your loss' hull type and SRP tier
* Must have been within the last 30 days (SRP links will only remain active for 3 days however, so you must create a new link after that time and submit your request)
* Battleship SRP (with the exception of the praxis) is only available with prior agreement from an FC Team Manager
You may also request a [[Basic_Learning_for_Aspiring_Pilots|BLAP]] doctrine cruiser (Caracal, Vexor, Osprey, Augoror) to use for fleet operations if you cannot yet afford one yourself. To qualify, you must have completed the associated skill plan and be registered on [http://fleet-up.com Fleet-up].  
''<sup>1</sup> Please note that 'Ivy FC' is defined as 'anyone who leads a fleet as an Ivy League member'. It ''does not'' have to be a member of the FC team.''
=== Uni Logistics Department (base reimbursements)===
Footnote: Please do not game or abuse the SRP system, EVE University reserves the right to deny SRP to those that are found to be guilty of this.
*Battlecruisers, boosting (20 M)<br/>''Requires: Fleet Assistance Module (Warfare Link), T2 tank, fleet boosting role in appropriate fleet''
=== Exclusions ===
*Fleet Interceptors (Malediction, Crow, Ares, Stiletto) (15 M)<br/>''Requires: Warp Disruptor II, Nanofiber Internal Structure II or Overdrive II, 5MN MWD - meta 1 or better, Medium Shield Extender - meta 1 or better,  Damage Control - meta 2+.''<br/>''OR any official [[Basic_Learning_for_Aspiring_Pilots/Doctrines|BLAP doctrine]] support interceptor fit.''
* Any ship fitted primarily for PvE or being flown in a PvE doctrine (eg. WHC C3, NSC npc cap vexors etc)
*Interdictors (30 M)
** This includes the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/cat/8/ "Community PvE Fits"] category in Alliance Auth
*Heavy Interdiction Cruisers (100 M)
* [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/doctrine/4/ Flight Deck Ships] or any other handout from '''EVE University corporation stock''' (not from members)
*T2 Logistics Cruisers (125 M)<br/>''Requires: Logistics IV trained''
* ORE Ships (Except the Prospect as a blops hunter under T2 frigate category)
*Command Ships (150 M)<br/>''Requires: At least two Fleet Assistance Modules (Warfare Links), T2 tank, fleet boosting role in appropriate fleet''
* Industrial ships (eg all T1 and T2 Haulers)
*Carriers (200 M)<br/>''Requires: Fit and used appropriately to support a fleet of adequate size (read: CTA or other large-scale corporate deployment with proper planning in place). Subject to Reimbursement Manager discretion.''
* T1/Navy/T2 Covert Ops Exploration Frigates
*Recons (100 M)<br/>''Requires: Appropriate fit for the specific hull.''
* Edencom Ships (Skybreaker, Stormbringer, Thunderchild)
*E-UNI BLAP Caracal (17 M)<br/>''Requires: [[Basic_Learning_for_Aspiring_Pilots/Doctrines#Caracals|Standard SRP fit]]''
* Sisters of EVE Ships (Astero, Stratios, Nestor)
*E-UNI BLAP Vexor (25 M)<br/>''Requires: [[Basic_Learning_for_Aspiring_Pilots/Doctrines#Vexors|Standard SRP fit]]''
* Some Society of Conscious Thought Ships: Metamorphosis & Sunesis
*E-UNI BLAP Talwar (9 M)<br/>''Requires: [[Basic_Learning_for_Aspiring_Pilots/Doctrines#Talwars|Standard SRP fit]]''
* PvEvP fleets, specifically
*E-UNI BLAP Augoror (17 M)<br/>''Requires: [[Basic_Learning_for_Aspiring_Pilots/Doctrines#Vexors|Standard SRP fit]]''
** Lowsec incursions
*E-UNI BLAP Osprey (12 M)<br/>''Requires: [[Basic_Learning_for_Aspiring_Pilots/Doctrines#Caracals|Standard SRP fit]]''
** Pochven OBS/Standings fleets
** (ESS fleets '''are not excluded''' and are currently eligible for Base SRP)
== SRP Tiers ==
*HSC SRP covers only HSC Roams / HSC QRF  losses.
SRP payout is calculated from a combination of Hull Type and SRP Tier, as described below.
*Solo or PvE losses are NOT eligible for reimbursement. ''(See Special Events section for exemptions)''
*Losses within the following regions are eligible for reimbursement:
**Verge Vendor
**The Citadel
**Black Rise
*Losses in adjacent regions will be considered if the roam has kills or losses in the above regions
*AAR is required for all HSC SRP requests.
'''Ship Specifics'''
=== Base ===
* Fits that are not created by the EVE University fitting team and are not in Alliance Auth
** This includes the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/cat/18/ "Community PvP Fits"] category in Alliance Auth
* The fallback if your loss does not fall into the other 2 tiers (for example if you use a ship from a different doctrine than was called for by the FC)
* Navy Faction Frigates (Slicer, Firetail, Comet, Hookbill) (10 M):
=== Advanced ===
** Full Rack T2 guns
* Official EVE Uni fits lost while flying in a fleet or QRF with a single set doctrine. Both the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/cat/3/ Official Fleet Doctrine] and [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/cat/1/ Official StratOp Doctrine] categories in Alliance Auth encompass this
** Meta 1 or better Damage Control Modules
** For example, a KSG QRF with a KSG Omen loss would qualify. A KSG QRF with an AAF Enyo loss would not (and would fall back to base)
** Fleet interceptors (malediction, crow, stiletto and ares) and interdictors (heretic, flycatcher, sabre and eris) always qualify, assuming they meet the "reasonable PVP fit" requirement. There are a lot of legitimate ways to fit tackle to account for varying situations.
** Other Non-interdictor/fleet interceptors in the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/cat/13/ tackle category] on Alliance Auth also always get advanced SRP (excepts for flight deck ships, which are available for free). Every fleet needs tackle. Just because a doctrine doesn't list tackle ships doesn't mean it doesn't need them.
** Non-flight deck ships in the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/cat/14/ EWAR category] also qualify for advanced regardless of doctrine. Fly more EWAR people (but please, don't bring EWAR cruisers on a frigate roam). This is (as of March 2025) an experimental program and may be subject to change.
* Upgrades to fits will still qualify in this tier. (Upgrading the plate and point on a Malediction is OK and will still qualify for SRP, but fundamentally altering the fit/mods would not)
* T2 Assault Frigates (20 M):
=== Strategic ===
** Full rack T2 guns
* Losses will only qualify for Strategic SRP while on a fleet that is specifically denoted as a strat op and is run by a Strat or Senior FC (it will be clearly marked as a stratop in the ping and during the fleet)
** Meta 1 or better Damage Control Module.
* Prior restrictions on utilising only ships from the doctrine called for do not apply, Strat FCs are entrusted with calling for what is required and as such all ships whose hull types have values against their Strategic SRP fields can be claimed for
* If there is no value against the Strategic SRP for that hull type, it will fall back to advanced assuming an official fit was used (no bringing your own bizarre fits to stratops please!)
* T2 Logistics Frigates (25 M):
== SRP Links ==
** Please have Logistics Frigates skill to at least IV.
** Proper fleet size required
*T2 Electronic Attack Ships (20 M):
==== What is an SRP Link? ====
** At least 2 ewar modules for which it is has a bonus. (Neuts/Vamps count as EWAR modules for the Sentinel).
An SRP link is effectively a ledger for all losses incurred during an engagement/fleet to be requested from.
'''Special Events'''
==== Who creates the SRP link? ====
Ideally the FC of the fleet would create the link, however it is not limited to just the FC. Some engagements/QRFs don't have a cohesive FC and in these cases, anyone from the engagement can create an SRP link
Fight Club (2m per loss, max 6m per event):  
==== How do I create an SRP link? ====
In order to encourage new pilots to participate and gain experience, HSC reimbursing some Fight Club losses.
* Navigate to the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/ship-replacement/ SRP module] in Alliance Auth
Requirements for Fight Club SRP:
* Hit the "Add SRP link" green button in the top right or [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/ship-replacement/add/ click here] to go straight to the add page
*T1 Frigate only
* Fill in the appropriate fields
*Characters under 3 months only
** '''[Fleet Name]''': Should contain the FC's name and some basic information on what the fleet was for/did
** '''[Fleet Time]''': Time the fleet occurred in EVE time
** '''[Fleet Type]''': N/A
** '''[Doctrine]''': Doctrine info, eg KSG (Kiting Small Gang) or AAF (Armor Assault Frigates)
** '''[After action report link]''': Optional - could contain the battle report [https://br.evetools.org/ using evetools], or could link to the forum AAR if the FC created one
'''Special Ops'''
==== How do I add my loss to an existing SRP link? ====
* The creator of the SRP link is encouraged to drop the link in fleet chat/discord, but if they do not, it can be found on AA
* Navigate to the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/ship-replacement/ SRP module] in AA
* Find the appropriate SRP link from your FC in the "SRP Links" tab at the top
* Click the Green "open hand" button at the end of that row
* Copy the zkillboard link of your loss into the '''Killboard link''' field
* The '''Additional Information''' field is to provide additional information that may help the SRP officers understand the loss (changes from the default fit, etc), its optional so you don't need to put anything
* ???
* Profit
*Covers CDI Doctrine ship losses that occur during campus defense fleets.
==== Additional Information ====
*Losses within the following systems are eligible for reimbursement:
We will aim to process SRP requests as quickly as possible, but please remember staff are all volunteers so it may not be immediate! When your SRP request is either approved, or denied, you will receive an alliance auth notification.
*CDI Griffin (1 M)<br/>''Requires: [[https://wiki.eveuniversity.org|Standard campus fit]]''
== SRP Payout Tables ==
*CDI Maller (28 M)<br/>''Requires: [[https://wiki.eveuniversity.org|Standard campus fit]]''
=== Frigates ===
*CDI Augoror (26 M)<br/>''Requires: [[https://wiki.eveuniversity.org|Standard campus fit]]''
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
*CDI Vexor (39 M)<br/>''Requires: [[https://wiki.eveuniversity.org|Standard campus fit]]''
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
*CDI Prophecy (56 M)<br/>''Requires: [[https://wiki.eveuniversity.org|Standard campus fit]]''
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
! style="background-color: #222222; width: 75px;" rowspan="2" | T1
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Standard
|  2m
|  5m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color:#222222;" | Logistics
|  2m
|  9m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
General Requirements:
*Only LSC Roam/QRF losses are eligible for reimbursement.
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Navy
*Losses within the following regions are eligible for reimbursement:
|  6m
**[http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Placid#sec Placid]
|  17m
**[http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/The_Citadel#sec The Citadel]
|  18m
**[http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Black_Rise#sec Black Rise]
**Losses in adjacent regions will be considered if the roam has kills or losses in the above regions
*No solo or PVE losses are covered.
*AAR is required for all LSC SRP requests.
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Pirate
|  15m
|  40m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
'''Ship Specifics'''
* Navy Faction Frigates (Slicer, Firetail, Comet, Hookbill, Vigil Fleet, Maulus Navy, Fancy Griffin, and Crucifier Navy) (10 M)
! style="background-color: #222222; width: 75px;" rowspan="3" | T2
** Full Rack T2 guns
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Standard
** Meta 1 or better Damage Control Modules
|  14m
|  33m
|  40m
! style="background-color:#222222;" | Logistics
|  16m
|  42m
|  47m
! style="background-color:#222222;" | Bombers
|  18m
|  36m
|  51m
* T2 Assault Frigates (20 M)
=== Destroyers===
** Full rack T2 guns
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
** Meta 1 or better Damage Control Module. ''This requirement may be waived situationally at the discretion of the processing officer''
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
! style="background-color:#222222;"| T1
|  3m
|  8m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Navy
|  9m
|  27m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Pirate
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | T2
|  25m
|  63m
|  76m
! style="background-color:#222222;" | T3
|  35m
|  71m
|  94m
* T2 Logistics Frigates (25 M):
=== Cruisers ===
** Please have Logistics Frigates skill to at least IV.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
** Proper Fleet required
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
* Stealth Bombers (20 M):
** Only when doing proper Stealth Bomber (Torp Runs only as we do not cover NULL) fleets
! style="background-color:#222222; width: 75px;" rowspan="2" | T1
** Fleet size must be appropriate for target
! style="background-color:#222222;" | Standard
** The region coverage will apply
|  12m
** Covert Ops Cloaking Device II, 3x Torpedo Launcher
|  28m
|  34m
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Logistics
|  7m
|  18m
|  20m
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Navy
|  19m
|  57m
|  81m
* Fleet Interceptors (25 M) require:
** Warp Disruptor II or faction with > 24 km range
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Pirate
** MWD
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
** Acceptable tank: Medium Shield Extender - meta versions are permitted purely to resolve PG/CPU fitting issues, not as a means to bypass skill requirements for the T2 versions.  If you are flying a Malediction / Ares, this requirement can be waived with a Small Ancillary Armor Repairer (SAAR).
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
** Damage Control - meta 1+
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
** Targeting range exceeds overheated point range (i.e. Ionic Field Projector rig or Signal Amplifier)
*T2 Electronic Attack Ships (20 M)
** At least 2 ewar modules for which it is has a bonus. (Neuts/Vamps count as EWAR modules for the Sentinel).
! style="background-color: #222222; width: 75px;" rowspan="2" | T2  
** MWD
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Standard
** Meta 1 or better Damage Control (Except Kitsune which fit Signal Distortion Amplifiers).
|  54m
|  136m
|  231m
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Logistics
|  49m
|  159m
|  208m
* Command Destroyers, jumping (50 M) require:
** Micro Jump Field Generator AND/OR Command Burst
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | T3
** Warp Scrambler (T2 or Meta 1+)
|  63m
** Please have Command Destroyers skill to at least III.
|  189m
** Please have Micro Jump Drive Operations skill to at least III.
|  440m
*T2 Logistics Cruisers (175 M)
=== Battlecruisers ===
**Logistics IV
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
**T2 tank
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
**Guardians/Basilisks must have been flown with at least one logi partner.
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
! style="background-color: #222222; width: 75px;" rowspan="2" | T1
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Combat
|  37m
|  56m
|  79m
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Attack
|  58m
|  97m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Navy
|  41m
|  123m
|  174m
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Pirate
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | T2
|  92m
|  185m
|  392m
*Battlecruisers, combat (50 M)
=== Battleships ===
**Racial BC IV
(Only with prior approval)
**T2 tank.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
! style="background-color: #222222;" | T1
| 97m
| 170m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | T2
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
|  380m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
=== Triglavian Ships ===
Must have T2, faction or officer gun fitted
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Kikimora
| 21m
| 53m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Draugur
| 45m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Vedmak
| 37m
| 92m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Drekavac
| 64m
| 128m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
To be eligible for reimbursement under this section, a loss must have happened on a campus QRF/roam (requires an NSC AAR). Roughly speaking, the fleet must be recognisable as an NSC fleet, and be in Syndicate or its immediate surroundings; however, this is ultimately up to the SRP officer who processes the application, and on occasion the NSC Manager.
=== Society Of Conscious Thought Ships ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Gnosis
| 35m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Praxis
| 90m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
The following ships are reimbursable:
[[Category:EVE University Services]]
* Assault Frigates (20 M) require:
** full rack of T2 guns
** Damage Control (T2 or meta)
* T3 Tactical Destroyers (20 M) require:
** full rack of T2 guns
** T2 tank (Plate/Extender can be T2 or meta)
* Electronic Attack Ships (30 M) require:
** Two or more modules that the ship is bonused for
* Fleet Interceptors (Malediction, Crow, Ares, Stiletto) (15 M) require:
** Warp Disruptor II or Warp Scrambler II (or meta Scram)
** Damage Control II (or meta for fitting).
** Special: SRP requests for this class of ship do not require an AAR.
* T2 Logistics Frigates (25 M):
** Please have Logistics Frigates skill to at least IV.
* Stealth Bombers (20 M):
** Only covered for fleets where Stealth Bombers are specifically asked for, or required
** Fleet must include at least three Stealth Bombers
** Bombing mission requires: Covert Ops Cloaking Device II, Bomb Launcher
** Torpedo mission (e.g., Blops drop) requires: Covert Ops Cloaking Device II, 3x Torpedo Launcher
* Interdictors (50 M) require:
** Interdiction Sphere Launcher
** 2x tank modules (T2) including at least 1 Extender/Plate (T2 or meta$)
** MWD
** Special: SRP requests for this class of ship do not require an AAR.
* Command Destroyers, jumping (50 M) require:
** Micro Jump Field Generator
** Warp Scrambler (T2 or meta)
** Please have Command Destroyers skill to at least III.
** Please have Micro Jump Drive Operations skill to at least III.
* Heavy Interdiction Cruisers (150 M) require:
** Warp Disruption Field Generator
** 2x Large Shield Extender (T2) OR 2x 1600mm Armour Plates (T2 or meta$)
** 2 x T2 or better omni resist tank modules (Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II, Adaptive Invulnerability Field II)
* T1 Logistics Cruisers (25 M) require:
** 3/2 highslot configuration for Augoror and Osprey
** T2 Tank (Plate/Extender can be T2 or meta$)
** Note: these hulls are also eligible for T1 hull SRP, for which you must claim separately.
* T2 Logistics Cruisers (200 M) require:
** 4/2 highslot configuration for Guardian and Basilisk
** T2 Tank (Plate/Extender can be T2 or meta$)
* Heavy Assault Cruisers (150 M) require:
** T2 Guns/Launchers/Drones
** T2 Tank (Plate/Extender can be T2 or meta$)
** T2 Rigs
** T2 Logi Support
** Please have Heavy Assault Cruisers skill to at least IV.
*  Recons (150 M) require:
** T2 Tank (Plate/Extender can be T2 or meta$)
** Fit for fleet support with its bonus-ed role e.g. Huginn with Webs
** Covert Ops Cloaking Device II for Force Recons (Pilgrim, Falcon, Arazu, Rapier)
** Please have Recon Ships skill to at least IV.
* T3 Strategic Cruisers (250 M) require:
** T2 Guns/Launchers/Drones
** T2 Tank (Plate/Extender can be T2 or meta$)
** T2 Rigs
** T2 Logi Support
** Please try to have the Subsystem skills to at IV.
* Battlecruisers, Combat (50 M) require:
** T2/M4 Guns/Launchers/Neuts
** T2 Tank
** Only Combat BCs are covered: Myrmidon, Brutix, Ferox, Drake, Harbinger, Prophecy, Hurricane, Cyclone
$ meta versions are permitted purely to resolve PG/CPU fitting issues, not as a means to bypass skill requirements for the T2 versions
* Monthly Doctrine Specific SRP. <br>This is for major doctrine ships which do not otherwise fall under either NSC SRP or Uni SRP. These ships must be fit to doctrine, with only the guns and drones allowed to be downgraded due to skills requirements (e.g., having meta 4 guns or launchers instead of Tech II).
* Rail Moas (April)
** Must be fit according to NSC April monthly doctrine
** Must be flown in a doctrine fleet (AAR required)
** Both long range and heavy tackle (blaster) Moas are eligible for 20 M enhanced SRP
* UniBombers Whaling Fleet
** Must be fit according to UniBombers Whaling Fleet Doctrine
** Must be flown in a UniBombers Whaling Fleet (AAR required)
** For Bridgers and Hunters applying for NSC SRP you must Eve-Mail Dominic Altol a screen shot from your wallet of the donations from fleet members for loss of your ship. The NSC will cover the loss of your ship up to the listed amount after donations. For example if the total donations are equal to or more then the loss listed on the E-Uni  killboard there will be no SRP reimbursement. If the donations are less, then the SRP will cover the difference up the listed amount.
*** Astero (35M)
*** Black Ops-Bridger Only (Up to 200M after Donations)
*** Blockade Runner-Fuel Truck (75M)
*** Expedition Frigate (20M)
*** Recon (150M)
*** Stealth Bomber (20M)
*** T3 Cruiser Hunter (Up to 200M after Donations)
To be eligible for reimbursement, a loss must have happened in a w-space system in the campus mapper chain or in a k-space system immediately adjacent to the w-space chain. Losses from lowsec and nullsec roams originating from the campus are not covered by the WHC SRP but may be covered by the general Uni Logistics Department SRP.  Listed amounts include EVE University base SRP contribution.
Specific requirements by hull are listed below, but some basic principles apply to all of them. '''All ships must be PVP fit'''; this means buffer tanked with appropriate tackle modules.  To be clear, the only ship on this list that shouldn't have at least one 1600mm plate or LSE is the hero tackle CovOps.  Self-rep ships (either DPS or logi) are generally not eligible for reimbursement.  '''<u>Please refer to the [[Wormhole_Campus#WHC_Fleet-Up_Group|WHC Fleet-up page]] for fitting guidance</u>'''.
====Site running fleets====
Given the mixed PVE/PVP nature of wormhole space, the programme does extend to losses from ambushes (from other players) while site running. However, in order to be eligible the site running fleet must:
*Have a designated FC.
*Be ''fully'' PVP fit.
*Have sufficient logistics appropriate to the value of the fleet (i.e., T2 logi if T2/T3 ships are fielded).
Reimbursements for losses which occur in this context require an AAR which sufficiently describes the circumstances.
====Specific hull requirements====
*Confessor (20M):<br/>''Requires small ship fleet''
*Deacon (30M):<br/>''Requires small ship fleet''
*Interdictors (35m):
**Sabre (fast warp/cloaky)
**Heretic (buffer)
*Navy Augoror/Navy Vexor (50M)
*Battlecruisers, both combat and boosting (50 M)<br/>''All battlecruisers are covered, including Attack BCs''
*Fleet Hurricane (100M) - [http://fleet-up.com/Doctrine/Index Doctrine fits] only
*Command ships:
**Damnation/Sleipnir (250M) - [http://fleet-up.com/Doctrine/Index Doctrine fits] only
**Other Command Ships, boosting fit (150M)<br/>''Requires: At least two Fleet Assistance Modules (Warfare Links), T2 tank''
*Command Destroyers (50 M)<br/>''Requires:MJFG, point/scram, has survivability as primary goal (either max buffer tank or full selfreps)
*Heavy Assault Cruisers:
**Sacrilege (200M)  - see [http://fleet-up.com/Doctrine/Item/30914 fleet-up] for minimal/recommended fits for SRP eligibility
**Cerberus (200 M)
**Ishtar (100M) - see [http://fleet-up.com/Doctrine/Item/30914 fleet-up] for minimal/recommended fits for SRP eligibility
*Heavy Interdiction Cruisers:
**Devoter, Onyx (175 M)
*Hero Tackle CovOps/Bombers (10M)<br/>''Requires: AAR explaining your involvement ... not a license to be reckless''
*Recons (175 M)<br/>''Requires: Appropriate fit for the specific hull.''
*T2 Logistics Cruisers (250 M):
**''Guardian'' - see [http://fleet-up.com/Doctrine/Item/30914 fleet-up] for minimal/recommended fits for SRP eligibility
**''Basilisk (partial deadspace tank req)''<br/>Refer to the Fleet-up page for appropriate fits<br/>''NB: T2 tank fits will *not* be eligible for SRP''
*T3 Strategic Cruisers, EWAR fit (300 M)<br/>''Requires: properly fit ECM-Tengu, Neut-Legion or Web-Loki (including T2 tank and appropriate subsystem)''
*Stratios (125M)<br/>''NB: Scouting/initial tackle losses only''
*Warfare Mindlink Implants (40 M)
==How do I request reimbursement?==
#Verify that the loss meets the above criteria.
#If requesting a frigate, check the hangar first. If you do not have hangar access yet, ask in the Corp channel. This is much faster and you can also request any necessary modules.
#If requesting a hull replacement (most T1 ships), fill out [https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEJaV2xnUkhseHp4RXJFMFpueHZkZ2c6MA this form].
#If requesting an ISK reimbursement (most T2 ships and all BLAP ships), fill out [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ikcn4r8U4FKu2s6AOooPckKcZP1NqrXWWKTcRRJfPEc/viewform this form].
#If requesting your first BLAP Cruiser, fill out [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfEL8F8vw2K3LjUeGdbtrpjhkZA65iZAt7K6D8qPz7ISyAvxA/viewform this form].
#Be patient. Your request will be processed when a reimbursement officer is available to do it.
Please note: Always supply your full name as it appears in game. If you are requesting a replacement or reimbursement (not a new ship) you must provide the URL of the specific loss on the EVE University killboard. Do NOT paste the actual killmail, in-game kill report, your pilot details, external killboards or whatever happened to be in your clipboard at the time into the form.
== FAQ ==
What does a “PvP fleet against another corporation” mean?
*The fleet must have a designated FC and its purpose must be PvP combat.
*You must be operating as part of the fleet, following the FC’s orders.
*In-corp losses are not covered by the SRP.
*Specific examples:
**Solo losses are not reimbursable.
**Doing your own thing, while technically fleeted, is not reimbursable.
**Getting jumped while running a PvE fleet is not reimbursable.
**Events and in-corp sparring are not reimbursable.
How do you define a “Reasonable PvP fitting”?
*Not an obvious PvE fit.
*Not an obvious comedy fit.
*Not an obvious collection of whatever modules you happened to have lying around.
*No empty slots without an obvious good reason.
*Basically, if the fit has any chance at all of doing its intended job, you’re in good shape.
What constitutes “Reasonable Effort”?
*You don’t have to win, but you have to give it your best shot.
*Specifically, intentional chain suicides, comedy fleets, drunk roams, AFK losses and deliberate acts of monumental stupidity may be grounds to reject a reimbursement request. Each case is evaluated separately by the officer processing the request, so please provide sufficiently detailed comments on all losses.
*Please note this in no way reflects management views of the above; it simply means the University will not pay for them.
What does a “sufficient” comment mean?
*At minimum, a comment must explain the situation which led to the loss.
*For purposes of the SRP, this means that a comment should cover three basic elements:
#What was the fleet doing?
#What happened in the engagement?
#Why was your specific ship lost?
I submitted a request several days ago. Why haven’t I heard anything?
*Are you a member of EVE University or other IVY League member corporation? If not, your request has been rejected.
*Did you type your full character name exactly as it appears in game? If not, we may not have been able to find you.
*Also, please remember the program is entirely run by volunteers who give up their game time to provide this service. Sometimes it may take up to a week for someone to be available (and docked in a delivery station, in case of replacement hulls) with enough time on their hands to clear any backlog we may have accumulated.
Who can I contact if I have a question?
* A current list of active Reimbursements staff is available on the [[Logistics_Division|Logistics Division]] Wiki page.
* For policy clarifications, please contact the Reimbursement Manager or your campus SRP Managers.

Latest revision as of 06:34, 1 March 2025

E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

Ship Replacement Program
E-UNI Emblem Square.png
Run By:
FC Team

The Ship Replacement Program (SRP) is an initiative of EVE University to encourage participation in combat fleets. The program is intended to both help new pilots get into PvP and to promote the use of important hulls that benefit the entire fleet.

Quicklink to SRP Section in Alliance Auth

SRP Eligibility Criteria


  • Pilot must be a member of Ivy League or Ivy League Alt Alliance at the time of loss, and added to AA as a linked character (SRP module will block the request otherwise)
  • Must be during a group Ivy League PvP engagement (pre-pinged fleet or QRF, solo does not count, but must be either an Ivy FC1 or a guest FC running a specific Ivy fleet not NPSI), using a sensible PvP fit (if you don't know what sensible looks like yet - use official EUNI fits in AA)
  • There must be a value in the SRP payout tables below for your loss' hull type and SRP tier
  • Must have been within the last 30 days (SRP links will only remain active for 3 days however, so you must create a new link after that time and submit your request)
  • Battleship SRP (with the exception of the praxis) is only available with prior agreement from an FC Team Manager

1 Please note that 'Ivy FC' is defined as 'anyone who leads a fleet as an Ivy League member'. It does not have to be a member of the FC team.

Footnote: Please do not game or abuse the SRP system, EVE University reserves the right to deny SRP to those that are found to be guilty of this.


  • Any ship fitted primarily for PvE or being flown in a PvE doctrine (eg. WHC C3, NSC npc cap vexors etc)
  • Flight Deck Ships or any other handout from EVE University corporation stock (not from members)
  • ORE Ships (Except the Prospect as a blops hunter under T2 frigate category)
  • Industrial ships (eg all T1 and T2 Haulers)
  • T1/Navy/T2 Covert Ops Exploration Frigates
  • Edencom Ships (Skybreaker, Stormbringer, Thunderchild)
  • Sisters of EVE Ships (Astero, Stratios, Nestor)
  • Some Society of Conscious Thought Ships: Metamorphosis & Sunesis
  • PvEvP fleets, specifically
    • Lowsec incursions
    • Pochven OBS/Standings fleets
    • (ESS fleets are not excluded and are currently eligible for Base SRP)

SRP Tiers

SRP payout is calculated from a combination of Hull Type and SRP Tier, as described below.


  • Fits that are not created by the EVE University fitting team and are not in Alliance Auth
  • The fallback if your loss does not fall into the other 2 tiers (for example if you use a ship from a different doctrine than was called for by the FC)


  • Official EVE Uni fits lost while flying in a fleet or QRF with a single set doctrine. Both the Official Fleet Doctrine and Official StratOp Doctrine categories in Alliance Auth encompass this
    • For example, a KSG QRF with a KSG Omen loss would qualify. A KSG QRF with an AAF Enyo loss would not (and would fall back to base)
    • Fleet interceptors (malediction, crow, stiletto and ares) and interdictors (heretic, flycatcher, sabre and eris) always qualify, assuming they meet the "reasonable PVP fit" requirement. There are a lot of legitimate ways to fit tackle to account for varying situations.
    • Other Non-interdictor/fleet interceptors in the tackle category on Alliance Auth also always get advanced SRP (excepts for flight deck ships, which are available for free). Every fleet needs tackle. Just because a doctrine doesn't list tackle ships doesn't mean it doesn't need them.
    • Non-flight deck ships in the EWAR category also qualify for advanced regardless of doctrine. Fly more EWAR people (but please, don't bring EWAR cruisers on a frigate roam). This is (as of March 2025) an experimental program and may be subject to change.
  • Upgrades to fits will still qualify in this tier. (Upgrading the plate and point on a Malediction is OK and will still qualify for SRP, but fundamentally altering the fit/mods would not)


  • Losses will only qualify for Strategic SRP while on a fleet that is specifically denoted as a strat op and is run by a Strat or Senior FC (it will be clearly marked as a stratop in the ping and during the fleet)
  • Prior restrictions on utilising only ships from the doctrine called for do not apply, Strat FCs are entrusted with calling for what is required and as such all ships whose hull types have values against their Strategic SRP fields can be claimed for
  • If there is no value against the Strategic SRP for that hull type, it will fall back to advanced assuming an official fit was used (no bringing your own bizarre fits to stratops please!)

SRP Links

What is an SRP Link?

An SRP link is effectively a ledger for all losses incurred during an engagement/fleet to be requested from.

Who creates the SRP link?

Ideally the FC of the fleet would create the link, however it is not limited to just the FC. Some engagements/QRFs don't have a cohesive FC and in these cases, anyone from the engagement can create an SRP link

How do I create an SRP link?

  • Navigate to the SRP module in Alliance Auth
  • Hit the "Add SRP link" green button in the top right or click here to go straight to the add page
  • Fill in the appropriate fields
    • [Fleet Name]: Should contain the FC's name and some basic information on what the fleet was for/did
    • [Fleet Time]: Time the fleet occurred in EVE time
    • [Fleet Type]: N/A
    • [Doctrine]: Doctrine info, eg KSG (Kiting Small Gang) or AAF (Armor Assault Frigates)
    • [After action report link]: Optional - could contain the battle report using evetools, or could link to the forum AAR if the FC created one

How do I add my loss to an existing SRP link?

  • The creator of the SRP link is encouraged to drop the link in fleet chat/discord, but if they do not, it can be found on AA
  • Navigate to the SRP module in AA
  • Find the appropriate SRP link from your FC in the "SRP Links" tab at the top
  • Click the Green "open hand" button at the end of that row
  • Copy the zkillboard link of your loss into the Killboard link field
  • The Additional Information field is to provide additional information that may help the SRP officers understand the loss (changes from the default fit, etc), its optional so you don't need to put anything
  • ???
  • Profit

Additional Information

We will aim to process SRP requests as quickly as possible, but please remember staff are all volunteers so it may not be immediate! When your SRP request is either approved, or denied, you will receive an alliance auth notification.

SRP Payout Tables


Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 Standard 2m 5m
Logistics 2m 9m
Navy 6m 17m 18m
Pirate 15m 40m
T2 Standard 14m 33m 40m
Logistics 16m 42m 47m
Bombers 18m 36m 51m


Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 3m 8m
Navy 9m 27m
T2 25m 63m 76m
T3 35m 71m 94m


Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 Standard 12m 28m 34m
Logistics 7m 18m 20m
Navy 19m 57m 81m
T2 Standard 54m 136m 231m
Logistics 49m 159m 208m
T3 63m 189m 440m


Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 Combat 37m 56m 79m
Attack 58m 97m
Navy 41m 123m 174m
T2 92m 185m 392m


(Only with prior approval)

Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 97m 170m
T2 380m

Triglavian Ships

Must have T2, faction or officer gun fitted

Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
Kikimora 21m 53m
Draugur 45m
Vedmak 37m 92m
Drekavac 64m 128m

Society Of Conscious Thought Ships

Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
Gnosis 35m
Praxis 90m