Difference between revisions of "User:Evon R'al/Sandbox template"

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<includeonly><span style="white-space:nowrap;">{{#switch: {{{1|}}}
    ** FACTION: Amarr                **
    **  Tech 1                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Abaddon
| Amarr Shuttle
| Apocalypse
| Arbitrator
| Armageddon
| Augoror
| Bestower
| Crucifier
| Dragoon
| Executioner
| Harbinger
| Impairor
| Inquisitor
| Magnate
| Maller
| Omen
| Oracle
| Prophecy
| Punisher
| Sigil
| Tormentor
    ** FACTION: Amarr                **
    **  Faction                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Apocalypse Navy Issue
| Armageddon Navy Issue
| Augoror Navy Issue
| Crucifier Navy Issue
| Harbinger Navy Issue
| Imperial Navy Slicer
| Omen Navy Issue
    ** FACTION: Amarr                **
    **  Tech 2                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Absolution
| Anathema
| Coercer
| Crusader
| Curse
| Damnation
| Deacon
| Devoter
| Guardian
| Heretic
| Impel
| Malediction
| Paladin
| Pilgrim
| Pontifex
| Prorator
| Purifier
| Redeemer
| Retribution
| Sacrilege
| Sentinel
| Vengeance
| Zealot
    ** FACTION: Amarr                **
    **  Tech 3                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Confessor
| Legion
    ** FACTION: Amarr                **
    **  Capital                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Aeon
| Apostle
| Archon
| Ark
| Avatar
| Providence
| Revelation
    ** FACTION: Amarr                **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Apocalypse Imperial Issue
| Armageddon Imperial Issue
| Gold Magnate
| Malice
| Sarum Magnate
| Silver Magnate
| Tash-Murkon Magnate
| Vangel = [[File:Isis amarr.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Amarr]]
    ** FACTION: Caldari              **
    **  Tech 1                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Badger
| Bantam
| Blackbird
| Caldari Shuttle
| Caracal
| Condor
| Corax
| Cormorant
| Drake
| Ferox
| Griffin
| Heron
| Ibis
| Kestrel
| Merlin
| Moa
| Naga
| Osprey
| Raven
| Rokh
| Scorpion
| Tayra
    ** FACTION: Caldari              **
    **  Faction                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Caldari Navy Hookbill
| Caracal Navy Issue
| Drake Navy Issue
| Griffin Navy Issue
| Osprey Navy Issue
| Raven Navy Issue
| Scorpion Navy Issue
    ** FACTION: Caldari              **
    **  Tech 2                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Basilisk
| Bustard
| Buzzard
| Cerberus
| Crane
| Crow
| Eagle
| Falcon
| Flycatcher
| Golem
| Harpy
| Hawk
| Kirin
| Kitsune
| Manticore
| Nighthawk
| Onyx
| Raptor
| Rook
| Stork
| Vulture
| Widow
    ** FACTION: Caldari              **
    **  Tech 3                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Jackdaw
| Tengu
    ** FACTION: Caldari              **
    **  Capital                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Charon
| Chimera
| Leviathan
| Minokawa
| Phoenix
| Rhea
| Wyvern
    ** FACTION: Caldari              **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Cambion
| Etana
| Goru's Shuttle
| Raven State Issue
| Scorpion Ishukone Watch
| Sukuuvestaa Heron = [[File:Isis caldari.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Caldari]]
    ** FACTION: Gallente              **
    **  Tech 1                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Algos
| Atron
| Brutix
| Catalyst
| Celestis
| Dominix
| Epithal
| Exequror
| Gallente Shuttle
| Hyperion
| Imicus
| Incursus
| Iteron Mark V
| Kryos
| Maulus
| Megathron
| Miasmos
| Myrmidon
| Navitas
| Nereus
| Talos
| Thorax
| Tristan
| Velator
| Vexor
    ** FACTION: Gallente              **
    **  Faction                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Brutix Navy Issue
| Dominix Navy Issue
| Exequror Navy Issue
| Federation Navy Comet
| Maulus Navy Issue
| Megathron Navy Issue
| Vexor Navy Issue
    ** FACTION: Gallente              **
    **  Tech 2                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Arazu
| Ares
| Astarte
| Deimos
| Eos
| Enyo
| Eris
| Helios
| Ishkur
| Ishtar
| Keres
| Kronos
| Lachesis
| Magus
| Nemesis
| Occator
| Oneiros
| Phobos
| Sin
| Taranis
| Thalia
| Viator
    ** FACTION: Gallente              **
    **  Tech 3                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Hecate
| Proteus
    ** FACTION: Gallente              **
    **  Capital                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Anshar
| Erebus
| Moros
| Ninazu
| Nyx
| Obelisk
| Thanatos
    ** FACTION: Gallente              **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Adrestia
| Aliastra Catalyst
| Inner Zone Shipping Catalyst
| Inner Zone Shipping Imicus
| Megathron Federate Issue
| Miasmos Quafe Ultra Edition
| Miasmos Quafe Ultramarine Edition
| Miasmos Amastris Edition
| Opux Luxury Yacht
| Quafe Catalyst
| Utu
| Zephyr = [[File:Isis gallente.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Gallente]]
    ** FACTION: Minmatar              **
    **  Tech 1                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Bellicose
| Breacher
| Burst
| Cyclone
| Hoarder
| Hurricane
| Maelstrom
| Mammoth
| Minmatar Shuttle
| Probe
| Reaper
| Rifter
| Rupture
| Scimitar
| Scythe
| Slasher
| Stabber
| Talwar
| Tempest
| Thrasher
| Tornado
| Typhoon
| Vigil
| Wreathe
    ** FACTION: Minmatar              **
    **  Faction                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Hurricane Fleet Issue
| Republic Fleet Firetail
| Scythe Fleet Issue
| Stabber Fleet Issue
| Tempest Fleet Issue
| Typhoon Fleet Issue
| Vigil Fleet Issue
    ** FACTION: Minmatar              **
    **  Tech 2                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Bifrost
| Broadsword
| Cheetah
| Claw
| Claymore
| Hound
| Huginn
| Hyena
| Jaguar
| Mastodon
| Muninn
| Panther
| Prowler
| Rapier
| Sabre
| Scalpel
| Sleipnir
| Stiletto
| Vagabond
| Vargur
| Wolf
    ** FACTION: Minmatar              **
    **  Tech 3                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Loki
| Svipul
    ** FACTION: Minmatar              **
    **  Capital                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Fenrir
| Hel
| Lif
| Naglfar
| Nidhoggur
| Nomad
| Ragnarok
    ** FACTION: Minmatar              **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Freki
| Leopard
| Mimir
| Nefantar Thrasher
| Tempest Tribal Issue
| Vherokior Probe = [[File:Isis minmatar.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Minmatar]]
    ** FACTION: ORE                  **
    **  Tech 1                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Covetor
| Noctis
| Procurer
| Retriever
| Venture
    ** FACTION: ORE                  **
    **  Tech 2                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Endurance
| Hulk
| Mackinaw
| Prospect
| Skiff
    ** FACTION: ORE                  **
    **  Industrial Command            **
    ************************************ -->
<!--Industrial Command-->
| Orca
| Porpoise
    ** FACTION: ORE                  **
    **  Capital                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Bowhead
| Rorqual
    ** FACTION: ORE                  **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Primae = [[File:Isis ore.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Ore]]
    ** FACTION: Angel cartel          **
    **  Subcapital                    **
    ************************************ -->
| Cynabal
| Dramiel
| Machariel
    ** FACTION: Angel cartel          **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Chremoas
| Echo
| Moracha
    ** FACTION: Angel cartel          **
    **  Unusable                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Ixion
| Medusa = [[File:Isis angel.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Angel Cartel]]
    ** FACTION: Blood Raiders        **
    **  Subcapital                    **
    ************************************ -->
| Ashimmu
| Bhaalgorn
| Cruor
    ** FACTION: Blood Raiders        **
    **  Capital                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Chemosh
| Dagon
| Molok
    ** FACTION: Blood Raiders        **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Caedes
| Hematos
| Rabisu = [[File:Isis blood raiders.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Blood Raider]]
    ** FACTION: EDENCOM              **
    **  Subcapital                    **
    ************************************ -->
| Skybreaker
| Stormbringer
| Thunderchild = [[File:Logo faction edencom.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|EDENCOM]]
    ** FACTION: Guristas              **
    **  Subcapital                    **
    ************************************ -->
| Gila
| Rattlesnake
| Worm
    ** FACTION: Guristas              **
    **  capital                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Caiman
| Komodo
| Loggerhead
    ** FACTION: Guristas              **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Chameleon
| Guristas Shuttle
| Rattlesnake Victory Edition
| Taipan
| Whiptail = [[File:Isis guristas.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Guristas]]
    ** FACTION: Intaki Syndicate      **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Victorieux Luxury Yacht
| Intaki Syndicate Catalyst = [[File:Logo faction the syndicate.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Intaki Syndicate]]
    ** FACTION: Interbus              **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| InterBus Catalyst
| InterBus Shuttle = [[File:Logo faction the interbus.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|InterBus]]
    ** FACTION: Mordu's Legion        **
    **  Subcapital                    **
    ************************************ -->
| Barghest
| Garmur
| Orthrus
    ** FACTION: Mordu's Legion        **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Laelaps
| Raiju = [[File:Isis mordus.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Mordu's Legion]]
    ** FACTION: Sansha's Nation      **
    **  Subcapital                    **
    ************************************ -->
| Nightmare
| Phantasm
| Succubus
    ** FACTION: Sansha's Nation      **
    **  Capital                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Revenant
    ** FACTION: Sansha's Nation      **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Fiend
| Immolator
| Imp = [[File:Isis sansha.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Sansha's Nation]]
    ** FACTION: Serpentis            **
    **  Subcapital                    **
    ************************************ -->
| Daredevil
| Vigilant
| Vindicator
    ** FACTION: Serpentis            **
    **  Capital                      **
    ************************************ -->
| Vanquisher
| Vehement
| Vendetta
    ** FACTION: Serpentis            **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Guardian-Vexor
| Victor
| Violator
| Virtuoso = [[File:Isis serpentis.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Serpentis]]
    ** FACTION: Sisters of EVE        **
    **  Subcapital                    **
    ************************************ -->
| Astero
| Nestor
| Stratios
| Stratios Emergency Responder = [[File:Isis soe.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Sisters of EVE]]
    ** FACTION: Society of            **
    **            Conscious Thought  **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Apotheosis
| Gnosis
| Hydra
| Praxis
| Sunesis
| Tiamat = [[File:Logo faction the society.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Society of Conscious Thought]]
    ** FACTION: CONCORD              **
    **  Subcapital                    **
    ************************************ -->
| Monitor
    ** FACTION: CONCORD              **
    **  Special Edition              **
    ************************************ -->
| Council Diplomatic Shuttle
| Echelon
| Enforcer
| Pacifier
| Marshal = [[File:Logo faction concord assembly.png|{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|CONCORD]]
    ** FACTION: Triglavian Collective **
    **  Tech 1                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Damavik
| Drekavac
| Kikimora
| Leshak
| Rodiva
| Vedmak
| Zirnitra
    ** FACTION: Triglavian Collective **
    **  Tech 2                        **
    ************************************ -->
| Draugur
| Ikitursa
| Nergal
| Zarmazd = [[File:Logo faction triglavian collective.png|16{{#if: {{{width|}}}|{{{width}}}|16}}px|Triglavian Collective]]
    ** UNCATEGORIZED                  **
    ** DEFAULT                        **
    ************************************ -->
| #default = {{zwsp}}

Latest revision as of 11:13, 29 August 2024

Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
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