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(Changed rules for tackle ship and EWAR advanced SRP qualification)
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[[Category:Ivy League Navy]]
{{Member Services}}
'''The Ship Replacement Program''' is an initiative by Eve University Logistics Department to encourage participation in wartime and official Uni operations. This program allows students to replace ship losses up to cruiser size incurred during wartime or official operations.
The handed out ships are for '''Uni official ops and wartime use only''' and should be stored in Aldrat, armed and ready to be used. Ideally in ILN HQ at Caldari Business Tribunal in Aldrat.
{{Infobox Service Status
|department = FC Team
|availablefrom =
|status = active
==What ships can be replaced?==
The Ship Replacement Program (SRP) is an initiative of [[EVE University]] to encourage participation in combat fleets. The program is intended to both help new pilots get into PvP and to promote the use of important hulls that benefit the entire fleet.
The program only allows Tech 1 frigates, destroyers, and cruisers to be replaced, if lost in wartime or official Uni operations.
[https://auth.eveuniversity.org/ship-replacement/ Quicklink to SRP Section in Alliance Auth]
While we will try to fulfill the ship type of each request, our stocks are not endless.
==New ship request==
== SRP Eligibility Criteria ==
The program can be used to request a new ship instead of a replacement. A new ship requested this way must only be used for wartime PvP fleets, or official Uni fleet ops.
==What is an official Uni fleet operation?==
=== Rules ===
* Pilot must be a member of Ivy League or Ivy League Alt Alliance at the time of loss, and added to AA as a linked character (SRP module will block the request otherwise)
* Must be during a group Ivy League PvP engagement (pre-pinged fleet or QRF, solo does not count, but must be either an Ivy FC<sup>1</sup> or a guest FC running a specific Ivy fleet not NPSI), using a sensible PvP fit (if you don't know what sensible looks like yet - use official EUNI fits in AA)
* There must be a value in the SRP payout tables below for your loss' hull type and SRP tier
* Must have been within the last 30 days (SRP links will only remain active for 3 days however, so you must create a new link after that time and submit your request)
* Battleship SRP (with the exception of the praxis) is only available with prior agreement from an FC Team Manager
An official Uni fleet operation is lead by an [[ILN]] member or a Uni director during peace time. Not all fleet ops lead by ILN members or directors are official fleet ops. The Fleet Commander must declare it to be official, and all loot gathered from enemy wrecks must be placed in the ILN hangar.
''<sup>1</sup> Please note that 'Ivy FC' is defined as 'anyone who leads a fleet as an Ivy League member'. It ''does not'' have to be a member of the FC team.''
Eve University organized events such as Frigate Free For All or any event where PvP happens between Eve University members intentionally is not eligible for replacement or new ship requests.  
==Avoid common mistakes that lead to the rejection of your request==
Footnote: Please do not game or abuse the SRP system, EVE University reserves the right to deny SRP to those that are found to be guilty of this.
* If you are not an Eve University member, your request will be rejected.
* Check the Freshman hangar in Pator Tech School Aldrat before making a request for a frigate through the Ship Replacement Program. If you don't have hangar access, ask in corp chat if someone with access to check if the frigate you're looking for is available. Requesting a ship through the Ship Replacement Program can take a day or sometimes longer, however frigates from the PTS hangar will usually be available immediately if they are stocked.
* You must type your full character name in the name field of the request form.
* For replacements your ship loss has to be occured in a wartime PvP fleet, or an official Uni fleet during peace time.
* If you request a replacement, you must type the URL link to the killmail information on the killboard.
** Do NOT paste the actual killmail into the form.
** As per [[Ivy_League_Policies#Killboards| Ivy League Policies]], all killmails must be commented. Read here for instructions: [[How to Post A Killmail]]. The comment should explain briefly the engagement conditions, who aggressed first, security status or corp standing of the opponent, solo or fleet engagement, etc.
* Fitting of the lost ship must not be in violation of the current [[SOP | Wartime Standard Operating Procedures]].
==How can I request a new ship or a replacement?==
=== Exclusions ===
* Any ship fitted primarily for PvE or being flown in a PvE doctrine (eg. WHC C3, NSC npc cap vexors etc)
** This includes the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/cat/8/ "Community PvE Fits"] category in Alliance Auth
* [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/doctrine/4/ Flight Deck Ships] or any other handout from '''EVE University corporation stock''' (not from members)
* ORE Ships (Except the Prospect as a blops hunter under T2 frigate category)
* Industrial ships (eg all T1 and T2 Haulers)
* T1/Navy/T2 Covert Ops Exploration Frigates
* Edencom Ships (Skybreaker, Stormbringer, Thunderchild)
* Sisters of EVE Ships (Astero, Stratios, Nestor)
* Some Society of Conscious Thought Ships: Metamorphosis & Sunesis
* PvEvP fleets, specifically
** Lowsec incursions
** Pochven OBS/Standings fleets
** (ESS fleets '''are not excluded''' and are currently eligible for Base SRP)
# Read [[Ship_Replacement_Program#Avoid_common_mistakes_when_filling_out_the_request_form| avoid common mistakes that lead to rejection of requests]].
== SRP Tiers ==
# Go [https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEJaV2xnUkhseHp4RXJFMFpueHZkZ2c6MA here] and fill out the form '''completely'''.
# '''Be Patient''' - some logistics officers with hangar access will process the request when online.
SRP payout is calculated from a combination of Hull Type and SRP Tier, as described below.
# The ship will be placed into your personal hangar at Aldrat IX - Pator Tech School.
=== Base ===
* Fits that are not created by the EVE University fitting team and are not in Alliance Auth
** This includes the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/cat/18/ "Community PvP Fits"] category in Alliance Auth
* The fallback if your loss does not fall into the other 2 tiers (for example if you use a ship from a different doctrine than was called for by the FC)
=== Advanced ===
* Official EVE Uni fits lost while flying in a fleet or QRF with a single set doctrine. Both the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/cat/3/ Official Fleet Doctrine] and [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/cat/1/ Official StratOp Doctrine] categories in Alliance Auth encompass this
** For example, a KSG QRF with a KSG Omen loss would qualify. A KSG QRF with an AAF Enyo loss would not (and would fall back to base)
** Fleet interceptors (malediction, crow, stiletto and ares) and interdictors (heretic, flycatcher, sabre and eris) always qualify, assuming they meet the "reasonable PVP fit" requirement. There are a lot of legitimate ways to fit tackle to account for varying situations.
** Other Non-interdictor/fleet interceptors in the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/cat/13/ tackle category] on Alliance Auth also always get advanced SRP (excepts for flight deck ships, which are available for free). Every fleet needs tackle. Just because a doctrine doesn't list tackle ships doesn't mean it doesn't need them.
** Non-flight deck ships in the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/fittings/cat/14/ EWAR category] also qualify for advanced regardless of doctrine. Fly more EWAR people (but please, don't bring EWAR cruisers on a frigate roam). This is (as of March 2025) an experimental program and may be subject to change.
* Upgrades to fits will still qualify in this tier. (Upgrading the plate and point on a Malediction is OK and will still qualify for SRP, but fundamentally altering the fit/mods would not)
=== Strategic ===
* Losses will only qualify for Strategic SRP while on a fleet that is specifically denoted as a strat op and is run by a Strat or Senior FC (it will be clearly marked as a stratop in the ping and during the fleet)
* Prior restrictions on utilising only ships from the doctrine called for do not apply, Strat FCs are entrusted with calling for what is required and as such all ships whose hull types have values against their Strategic SRP fields can be claimed for
* If there is no value against the Strategic SRP for that hull type, it will fall back to advanced assuming an official fit was used (no bringing your own bizarre fits to stratops please!)
== SRP Links ==
==== What is an SRP Link? ====
An SRP link is effectively a ledger for all losses incurred during an engagement/fleet to be requested from.
==== Who creates the SRP link? ====
Ideally the FC of the fleet would create the link, however it is not limited to just the FC. Some engagements/QRFs don't have a cohesive FC and in these cases, anyone from the engagement can create an SRP link
==== How do I create an SRP link? ====
* Navigate to the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/ship-replacement/ SRP module] in Alliance Auth
* Hit the "Add SRP link" green button in the top right or [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/ship-replacement/add/ click here] to go straight to the add page
* Fill in the appropriate fields
** '''[Fleet Name]''': Should contain the FC's name and some basic information on what the fleet was for/did
** '''[Fleet Time]''': Time the fleet occurred in EVE time
** '''[Fleet Type]''': N/A
** '''[Doctrine]''': Doctrine info, eg KSG (Kiting Small Gang) or AAF (Armor Assault Frigates)
** '''[After action report link]''': Optional - could contain the battle report [https://br.evetools.org/ using evetools], or could link to the forum AAR if the FC created one
==== How do I add my loss to an existing SRP link? ====
* The creator of the SRP link is encouraged to drop the link in fleet chat/discord, but if they do not, it can be found on AA
* Navigate to the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/ship-replacement/ SRP module] in AA
* Find the appropriate SRP link from your FC in the "SRP Links" tab at the top
* Click the Green "open hand" button at the end of that row
* Copy the zkillboard link of your loss into the '''Killboard link''' field
* The '''Additional Information''' field is to provide additional information that may help the SRP officers understand the loss (changes from the default fit, etc), its optional so you don't need to put anything
* ???
* Profit
==== Additional Information ====
We will aim to process SRP requests as quickly as possible, but please remember staff are all volunteers so it may not be immediate! When your SRP request is either approved, or denied, you will receive an alliance auth notification.
== SRP Payout Tables ==
=== Frigates ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
! style="background-color: #222222; width: 75px;" rowspan="2" | T1
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Standard
|  2m
|  5m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color:#222222;" | Logistics
|  2m
|  9m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Navy
|  6m
|  17m
|  18m
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Pirate
|  15m
|  40m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222; width: 75px;" rowspan="3" | T2
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Standard
|  14m
|  33m
|  40m
! style="background-color:#222222;" | Logistics
|  16m
|  42m
|  47m
! style="background-color:#222222;" | Bombers
|  18m
|  36m
|  51m
=== Destroyers===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
! style="background-color:#222222;"| T1
|  3m
|  8m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Navy
|  9m
|  27m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Pirate
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | T2
|  25m
|  63m
|  76m
! style="background-color:#222222;" | T3
|  35m
|  71m
|  94m
=== Cruisers ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
! style="background-color:#222222; width: 75px;" rowspan="2" | T1
! style="background-color:#222222;" | Standard
|  12m
|  28m
|  34m
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Logistics
|  7m
|  18m
|  20m
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Navy
|  19m
|  57m
|  81m
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Pirate
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222; width: 75px;" rowspan="2" | T2
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Standard
|  54m
|  136m
|  231m
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Logistics
|  49m
|  159m
|  208m
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | T3
|  63m
|  189m
|  440m
=== Battlecruisers ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
! style="background-color: #222222; width: 75px;" rowspan="2" | T1
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Combat
|  37m
|  56m
|  79m
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Attack
|  58m
|  97m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Navy
|  41m
|  123m
|  174m
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | Pirate
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" colspan="2" | T2
|  92m
|  185m
|  392m
=== Battleships ===
(Only with prior approval)
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
! style="background-color: #222222;" | T1
| 97m
| 170m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | T2
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
|  380m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
=== Triglavian Ships ===
Must have T2, faction or officer gun fitted
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Kikimora
| 21m
| 53m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Draugur
| 45m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Vedmak
| 37m
| 92m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Drekavac
| 64m
| 128m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
=== Society Of Conscious Thought Ships ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
|- style="background-color: #404050;"
! style="width: 150px; background-color: #222222;" | Hull Type
! style="width: 150px;" | Base
! style="width: 150px;" | Advanced
! style="width: 150px;" | Strategic
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Gnosis
| 35m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #222222;" | Praxis
| 90m
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
! style="background-color: #333333;" |
[[Category:EVE University Services]]

Latest revision as of 06:34, 1 March 2025

E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

Ship Replacement Program
E-UNI Emblem Square.png
Run By:
FC Team

The Ship Replacement Program (SRP) is an initiative of EVE University to encourage participation in combat fleets. The program is intended to both help new pilots get into PvP and to promote the use of important hulls that benefit the entire fleet.

Quicklink to SRP Section in Alliance Auth

SRP Eligibility Criteria


  • Pilot must be a member of Ivy League or Ivy League Alt Alliance at the time of loss, and added to AA as a linked character (SRP module will block the request otherwise)
  • Must be during a group Ivy League PvP engagement (pre-pinged fleet or QRF, solo does not count, but must be either an Ivy FC1 or a guest FC running a specific Ivy fleet not NPSI), using a sensible PvP fit (if you don't know what sensible looks like yet - use official EUNI fits in AA)
  • There must be a value in the SRP payout tables below for your loss' hull type and SRP tier
  • Must have been within the last 30 days (SRP links will only remain active for 3 days however, so you must create a new link after that time and submit your request)
  • Battleship SRP (with the exception of the praxis) is only available with prior agreement from an FC Team Manager

1 Please note that 'Ivy FC' is defined as 'anyone who leads a fleet as an Ivy League member'. It does not have to be a member of the FC team.

Footnote: Please do not game or abuse the SRP system, EVE University reserves the right to deny SRP to those that are found to be guilty of this.


  • Any ship fitted primarily for PvE or being flown in a PvE doctrine (eg. WHC C3, NSC npc cap vexors etc)
  • Flight Deck Ships or any other handout from EVE University corporation stock (not from members)
  • ORE Ships (Except the Prospect as a blops hunter under T2 frigate category)
  • Industrial ships (eg all T1 and T2 Haulers)
  • T1/Navy/T2 Covert Ops Exploration Frigates
  • Edencom Ships (Skybreaker, Stormbringer, Thunderchild)
  • Sisters of EVE Ships (Astero, Stratios, Nestor)
  • Some Society of Conscious Thought Ships: Metamorphosis & Sunesis
  • PvEvP fleets, specifically
    • Lowsec incursions
    • Pochven OBS/Standings fleets
    • (ESS fleets are not excluded and are currently eligible for Base SRP)

SRP Tiers

SRP payout is calculated from a combination of Hull Type and SRP Tier, as described below.


  • Fits that are not created by the EVE University fitting team and are not in Alliance Auth
  • The fallback if your loss does not fall into the other 2 tiers (for example if you use a ship from a different doctrine than was called for by the FC)


  • Official EVE Uni fits lost while flying in a fleet or QRF with a single set doctrine. Both the Official Fleet Doctrine and Official StratOp Doctrine categories in Alliance Auth encompass this
    • For example, a KSG QRF with a KSG Omen loss would qualify. A KSG QRF with an AAF Enyo loss would not (and would fall back to base)
    • Fleet interceptors (malediction, crow, stiletto and ares) and interdictors (heretic, flycatcher, sabre and eris) always qualify, assuming they meet the "reasonable PVP fit" requirement. There are a lot of legitimate ways to fit tackle to account for varying situations.
    • Other Non-interdictor/fleet interceptors in the tackle category on Alliance Auth also always get advanced SRP (excepts for flight deck ships, which are available for free). Every fleet needs tackle. Just because a doctrine doesn't list tackle ships doesn't mean it doesn't need them.
    • Non-flight deck ships in the EWAR category also qualify for advanced regardless of doctrine. Fly more EWAR people (but please, don't bring EWAR cruisers on a frigate roam). This is (as of March 2025) an experimental program and may be subject to change.
  • Upgrades to fits will still qualify in this tier. (Upgrading the plate and point on a Malediction is OK and will still qualify for SRP, but fundamentally altering the fit/mods would not)


  • Losses will only qualify for Strategic SRP while on a fleet that is specifically denoted as a strat op and is run by a Strat or Senior FC (it will be clearly marked as a stratop in the ping and during the fleet)
  • Prior restrictions on utilising only ships from the doctrine called for do not apply, Strat FCs are entrusted with calling for what is required and as such all ships whose hull types have values against their Strategic SRP fields can be claimed for
  • If there is no value against the Strategic SRP for that hull type, it will fall back to advanced assuming an official fit was used (no bringing your own bizarre fits to stratops please!)

SRP Links

What is an SRP Link?

An SRP link is effectively a ledger for all losses incurred during an engagement/fleet to be requested from.

Who creates the SRP link?

Ideally the FC of the fleet would create the link, however it is not limited to just the FC. Some engagements/QRFs don't have a cohesive FC and in these cases, anyone from the engagement can create an SRP link

How do I create an SRP link?

  • Navigate to the SRP module in Alliance Auth
  • Hit the "Add SRP link" green button in the top right or click here to go straight to the add page
  • Fill in the appropriate fields
    • [Fleet Name]: Should contain the FC's name and some basic information on what the fleet was for/did
    • [Fleet Time]: Time the fleet occurred in EVE time
    • [Fleet Type]: N/A
    • [Doctrine]: Doctrine info, eg KSG (Kiting Small Gang) or AAF (Armor Assault Frigates)
    • [After action report link]: Optional - could contain the battle report using evetools, or could link to the forum AAR if the FC created one

How do I add my loss to an existing SRP link?

  • The creator of the SRP link is encouraged to drop the link in fleet chat/discord, but if they do not, it can be found on AA
  • Navigate to the SRP module in AA
  • Find the appropriate SRP link from your FC in the "SRP Links" tab at the top
  • Click the Green "open hand" button at the end of that row
  • Copy the zkillboard link of your loss into the Killboard link field
  • The Additional Information field is to provide additional information that may help the SRP officers understand the loss (changes from the default fit, etc), its optional so you don't need to put anything
  • ???
  • Profit

Additional Information

We will aim to process SRP requests as quickly as possible, but please remember staff are all volunteers so it may not be immediate! When your SRP request is either approved, or denied, you will receive an alliance auth notification.

SRP Payout Tables


Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 Standard 2m 5m
Logistics 2m 9m
Navy 6m 17m 18m
Pirate 15m 40m
T2 Standard 14m 33m 40m
Logistics 16m 42m 47m
Bombers 18m 36m 51m


Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 3m 8m
Navy 9m 27m
T2 25m 63m 76m
T3 35m 71m 94m


Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 Standard 12m 28m 34m
Logistics 7m 18m 20m
Navy 19m 57m 81m
T2 Standard 54m 136m 231m
Logistics 49m 159m 208m
T3 63m 189m 440m


Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 Combat 37m 56m 79m
Attack 58m 97m
Navy 41m 123m 174m
T2 92m 185m 392m


(Only with prior approval)

Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 97m 170m
T2 380m

Triglavian Ships

Must have T2, faction or officer gun fitted

Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
Kikimora 21m 53m
Draugur 45m
Vedmak 37m 92m
Drekavac 64m 128m

Society Of Conscious Thought Ships

Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
Gnosis 35m
Praxis 90m