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#REDIRECT [[Tips for New Players]]
Welcome Capsuleer to new Eden, a place where you can be nearly everything, a place with bright light and the evil of darkness. A place where you can find friends to conquer the deeps of space, friends you can trust... or may think you can trust them because there is also a dark side of Eve. There are Capsuleers out there they try to gank you, they try to steel your money, the try to made you a real bad day because it is so funny for them to do so. This Wiki should give you some basic knowledge to avoid losses that will hurt you.
== The two basic rules of EvE: ==
=== Fly only what you can lose! ===
That means when you take out a ship in space with all his modules and cargo, there is always a chance that you can lose it, even in high sec.
* If you go for PvP you will lose ships, so make sure that you can replace the ship with all his modules at least 10 times. Then it won't hurt you.
* If you go for PvE you may lose your ship. In that case make sure that you can replace it at least two times.
Every ship that goes out into low sec or 0.0 is considered to go for PvP. Or lets cite Kelduum Reevaan: “If you undock with a ship during wartime or to go out for PvP consider this ship as a loss unless you have docked up again”
=== Keep your medical clone up to date! ===
When you get podded, that means some one destroy your pot, and you medical clone did not cover the amount of skill points you have, you will lose skill points. The number you lose is 5% from the amount that your clone did not cover. These skill points will be removed from the category you have trained most.
== Suicide ganking: ==
A suicide ganker is some on that blow up your ship in high sec in the knowledge that concord will destroy his ship. So he will use a cheap ship with a cheap fit that deals high damage so that he is able to destroy you until concord arrive (he have 10 to 20 seconds to do so). An alt or an other buddy will grab the loot from your ship and the loot from the suicide ganker.
Is it worth to suicide gank?
Yes, if the wealth of the modules that drop from your ship is bigger than the cost of the suicide gankers ship minus his ship insurance. Keep in mind that T1 industrials have a weak tank, can transport a lot of stuff and can be blown up with easy.
How did they do this?
Normally the have a buddy at a trade hub like Jita, Hek, Rens or Dodixi. That one have a passive targeting system and scan your ship while you undock. If he sees that is worth to gank you he inform his friends at the station or the guys that are waiting in the next system at the gate you jump trough.
An other possibility is that they wait in a bottle neck system between the regions or major trade routes.
For detail information please read XXX
or listen to “How to avoid suicide ganking” 
== Moving expensive stuff ==
If you want to move a lot of stuff or stuff with a high value there are several ways to do it.  The different ways need time or cost you ISK. But paying them is better to lose them.
* You can do several runs with a value that is not worth to gank you
* You can ask a corp. mate with an fighter or orca to haul it for you (fighters and orcas have a good tank and are expensive to gank, so you can haul a bigger value)
* You can sell your stuff and buy it again at your destination
* You can set up an courier contract with red frog.
== Running Courier Contracts by your own ==
== Can flipping ==
Can flipping mostly happened to jetcan miners or mission runners. It means some one grab stuff from your jet can (e.g. ore) or from one of your wrecks and drops its again. The stuff that he drops isn't yours any more, even if it was from your wreck or can! When you then take “your” stuff you steal from that character and he can and will shoot you.
In principal when some steal your stuff you can shoot him. But doing it in a mission runner (PvE fitted ship) is a bad idea. His ship is PvP fitted and he will kill you or his fleeted friend come in and kill you. If you shoot at him they all (e.g his entire corp) can shoot at you!
So if there is a can flipper ignore him. If you are near Aldrat and in E-Uni make a call in mumble → combat lounge or mess.iln and ask for help. Do not engage him alone!
== Never ever haul Plexes ==
(or how to get them in to the place where you want them)
You never ever haul a Plex! Why? You don't need it! If you haul a Plex in game, there is a very high chance that some one suicide gank you! So don't do it, you don't want to lose your real money!
If you buy a Plex with real money and want to sell it may be in Jita, then go to Jita and redeem the Plex there (a redeemed item will always put in that station hangar where you are docked). You can redeem an item after you have log in (but no chosen your character) by clicking on the parcel in the lower right corner or you can do it in game via the character sheet.
If you have a Plex in game and want to move it to Jita then reverse redeemed it by right clicking on the Plex. You can do that from any where in the universe (neocom → assets → …). Then go to the place where you want to have the Plex and redeem it there.
You can purchase once per 24 hours and there may be a 1 hour security delay in purchasing Plexes
detail information how to redeem a Plex you will find here:
== How to travel ==
=== In high sec ===
When you travel in high sec you should avoid to use the auto pilot because when you use  the autopilot it drops you out of warp 15 km away from the gate and then you have to slow boot the distance to the gate. That is a lot of time for a ganker to kill you.
You use the autopilot only to high light the gates on your trip. Warp to 0 to the gate and then jump manually. This way is faster and more save.
=== In low sec ===
== The only save place in Eve is inside a station! ==
But Eve isn't designed to stay in a station. Space ships aren't designed to stay in to a station. Spaceships are designed to go out into space! So do this!

Latest revision as of 16:29, 5 November 2021