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= Unstable Unit ~ random (possibly helpful!?) Stuff from an eternal newb pilot!! =
Described as 'casually psychotic', nobody knows where unstable unit came from, or how she keeps getting back into the Uni.
==== 'Unstable Unit' - the journey ====
'Unstable Unit' first arrived in New Eden on Jan 2nd 2010. I joined E-UNI on Jan 7th, but didn't attend my first official Class until a full month later! My early weeks were spent grappling with the basics and getting to know some of my fellow Unistas in Chat.E-Uni and Teamspeak. (-unstable, 16/2/10-)
Sadly, my first trip to New Eden was cut short, and I didn't get back again until mid-March of 2013! As soon as I stepped into the Captain's Quarters, I grabbed myself an application to rejoin E-Uni!
A few weeks later, my student visa was stamped and my feet were back under my E-Uni 'desk'. Aka spaceship(s)! ;) (-unstable, 12/4/13-)
====The beginning...====
While it may appear that chaos follows 'uu' around, in fact this is not the case. uu and chaos are one and cannot be separated.
When people joke about the 'learning wall' in Eve, they're not actually joking! Seriously. In New Eden, there's no gentle learning curve as you may have experienced in Tyria or Azeroth! You walk in and immediately break your nose on the brick wall of learning you're going to need to clamber over, dig under or barrel through in whichever way works best for you!!
As a new pilot, it's fine to feel completely out of your depth at first. Everybody does (and anybody who says they didn't is either a liar or has a selective memory!) Soon you'll start to understand bits, and gradually these fragments will start falling together in a jigsaw of understanding. You are many months (years!!) away from any kind of recognisably complete picture!! :P
Listening in on Mumble, reading chat, asking questions (no matter how stupid you worry you might sound!) are important ways to learn.  Good old-fashioned trial and error and learning by experience (and disaster!) are going to be another way forward for all newcomers, There have been some tips and/or pieces of info that I've found especially useful or enlightening, and I've decided to stick these here in the hope that they may help someone else one day!!
These are a few snippets FROM a newb, FOR newbs. I'll add them as I get (or remember) them!!
--[[User:Unstable unit|Unstable unit]] 22/2/10 & 12/04/13
=== Tips, tricks, useful snippets of info! ===
uu collects corpses. If you wish to donate a corpse, you can do so by contract or by Chaos Fleet ;)
*'''Always remember the *7 P's*: Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance!'''
*Sisters of Eve epic arc: do this with the opposite side to whichever race you are. This will make it easier.
*You can do the tutorials in each of the 3 starting areas of each empire - thats 3x for your empire and 3x for your allies!! (5 agents, 3 sites, 2 empires!!) That'll get your standings up to 6ish on both (ie 6.42 gallente, 6.05 Minmatar) which will open up all lvl 3 agents and some lvl 4's in the 2 empires!! (Thanks go to Maximus Allen for this tip!!)
*If your standing with one race is low, you can help regain them by doing missions with their friendly races ie: the Gallente like the Minmatar, so if you do storyline missions for the Minmatar, your Gallente standings will go up. This is because of "Derived Modification".
*When you start getting +2 (and above!) implants, don't put them in over your +1's, thus destroying them. Get a Jump Clone and put the +2's into that instead (and so on with +3's etc) This way, if you want to try your hand at pvp or something, and dont want to risk your +3 implants, you can take a lower or non-implanted JC: doesn't matter too much if it gets killed but you make use of the lower implants until it does :)
*When you want to start grinding your standings with a particular corp, research which is the best corp for YOU as they have different benefits and missions. Don't just pick the first one somebody suggests or the most popular, or the closest one! See what kind of missions they give out: are these the ones you enjoy? If you're a fighter pilot, you aren't going to be very happy mining all day!! Check out if they give access to epic arcs, higher level agents, items or ships you want from their LP store... put some time and thought into it and you won't regret it later!
*Remember that it is your ammunition (including frequency crystals and missiles) that decides the type of damage your weapons deal.
** Lasers can do EM damage, Thermal damage or a combination of both.
** Projectile weapons can do EM damage, Explosive damage, Kinetic damage, Thermal damage or a combination of these.
** Hybrid weapons can do Kinetic damage, Thermal damage or a combination of both.
** Missile launchers can do Thermal damage, EM damage, Kinetic damage and Explosive damage.
Make a note of it in your notepad or somewhere and refer to it until you learn it! Together with knowing the types of damage each enemy is weak to, using the right ammo makes a big difference to how easy or hard your missions are!
*Get a smallish notebook. Take notes, write reminders, jot helpful tips down. ''Use it.'' A lot.
*You can never read too much. Rewad the wiki. Read the forums. Read blogs. You'll probably never stop learning!
*Join the uni chat channels and Mumble chat channel '''EVERY TIME YOU LOG IN'''. Make it a matter of habit. Even if you don't have a mic on or don't chat much at first in the in-game text chat, you'll be amazed how much you learn without even realising it just by listening and reading others questions and answers! And if, like me, you're not too confident at first or are too nervous to ask questions, you'll soon see that it's rare that anyone (or at least, anyone you'd want to know!) laughs at a *stupid* question (even if they've answered it 12 times already in the last 4 hours!!). Try just saying 'hello' when you log-in and 'bye' when you go off to start with, and saying 'hi' and 'welcome' etc to others when they arrive or whatever. People soon get to know you (and you get to know them!) and before you know it you'll be answering other peoples questions, chatting away with the other regulars (who have suddenly become friends!), and welcoming newcomers like an old hand!!
The next step is starting to feel brave enough to join in fleets and FFA's etc... but that's another story methinks!
*Never be afraid to ask if you don't understand something or can't find info you need. The staff and students in E-Uni are usually more than happy to help if you need it. In the same way, if you see somebody asking something you know the answer to, shout it out (if you're wrong, somebody will let you know and nobody will think badly of you for making the effort!) 
Page currently under (re)construction following a 2yr break! ~ Unstable x
= Random stuff, comments, thoughts... =
== Teamspeak ==
TS chat lounge can be surprisingly quiet when there are a high number of people in it. It'd be nice to hear a bit more chat and banter there. It seems to me like there's a small bunch of 'regular talkers' and everyone else tends not to, mostly either for RL reasons (gf asleep etc); because they hate how they sound or just arent brave enough to pipe up yet!! Well, perhaps you can get round RL issues with a headset and/or talking quietly with your mic set louder so we can still hear you (or throw the gf out, sheesh, priorities :D) or something? And if you don't like how you sound, don't worry about it - nobody does I don't think! If you're uncomfortable chatting because you haven't used voice chats before, just go for it - it's something you soon get used to!! Sometimes you'll say 'hi' and get no replies, but don't worry, try again next time or be the one to say hello to the next person! Often people are wrapped up in running their missions or whatever and arent paying attention! Be the one to start a conversation by asking what everyone's up to, or commenting on what you're doing. Again, don't give up if you get a poor response one day, as the next you could start hours of chat between a bunch of people, which is really nice, and makes Eve that much more fun!!

Latest revision as of 18:07, 31 October 2020

Described as 'casually psychotic', nobody knows where unstable unit came from, or how she keeps getting back into the Uni.

While it may appear that chaos follows 'uu' around, in fact this is not the case. uu and chaos are one and cannot be separated.

uu collects corpses. If you wish to donate a corpse, you can do so by contract or by Chaos Fleet ;)