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[[Category:Eve Lexicon]]
#REDIRECT [[Security status]]
Security Status is a measure of how law abiding a [[pilot]] has been recently. It does not however show how law abiding a pilot may be in the future, or has been in the past.
This value ranges from -10 to +10, with a pilot losing security status for criminal offences, and gained for destruction of NPC pirates, however it is significantly difficult to raise security status above +5.0
Examples of criminal offences:
*Destroying a law enforcement craft
*[[Pod]] Killing civilians
*Destroying civilian craft
*Attacking law enforcement craft
*Attacking civilian craft
It is worth mentioning that the above applies in all [[Classifications_of_Space#Empire|Empire Space]]. It is only in [[NullSec]] and [[Wormhole Space]] that one can commit a crime and completely get away with it.
===Security Status and Traveling Restrictions===
Security status, or lack thereof, can have a big impact on your ability to travel through [[New Eden]].
Here is a brief list of your travelling options according to security status:
* -2.0 or worse cannot enter 1.0 systems
* -2.5 or worse cannot enter 0.9 systems
* -3.0 or worse cannot enter 0.8 systems
* -3.5 or worse cannot enter 0.7 systems
* -4.0 or worse cannot enter 0.6 systems
* -4.5 or worse cannot enter 0.5 systems
* -5.0 or below = KOS (Kill on Sight) in all empire systems
Once your security status reaches -2 you flagged as having a low security status to all pilots.
Once your security status reaches -5 you are considered an outlaw and can be attacked by players anywhere without [[CONCORD]] intervention.
Players with negative ratings can fly through all systems in an [[capsule]], as NPCs will not attack pods, but if your rating is -5.0, anyone can target and destroy your [[pod]] without repercussion.

Latest revision as of 18:44, 22 October 2016

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