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#REDIRECT [[The_Quest_For_Refining_Tax_Standings]]
= The Quest For Perfect Refining =
As most budding industrialists will notice, the profit margins on T1 production can be rather slim. That said, these items make a natural starting point for those just starting an industrial career. Therefore, it is of the upmost importance to minimize waste when producing goods. For a dedicated manufacturer who buys their materials, training the [[Skills:Production#Production_Efficiency|Production Efficiency]] skill to 5 and researching your blueprints for PE is the only way to do so. But for the comprehensive industrialist who likes to mine their own minerals, increasing refining efficiency is essential.
== What and Who this page is for ==
The UniWiki already contains an excellent page on the mechanics of [[Refining]]. This page goes into much detail on the skills required to obtain "Perfect Refining" status. You should definitely read it before continuing with this guide! As mentionned on that page, in addition to training a series of skills one must obtain a standing of 6.67 with a corporation that has refining facilities. This guide is for newer industrial characters based in or around the Uni's home system of Aldrat who wish to earn those standings, but may not have the combat skills required to quickly do so.
== Before we begin ==
The first decision that you must make is which corporation you would like to obtain standings with. While there are many valid options, this guide is written for those who are interested in refining with the [https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Minmatar_Mining_Corporation Minmatar Mining Corporation]. This is for the following reasons:
* You will be able to refine right in the system of Aldrat!
* There is a good number of agents available near Aldrat!
* The author of this guide chose them, so that's what data is available on this page!
Next, you will need to train some skills. While I understand the desire to save your skill queue for all the awesome industrially focused skills available to you, the grind to earn your standing requirement is exactly that: a grind. In order to make this process easier, it is highly recommended that you train the following skills:
* [[Skills:Social#Social|Social]] - While having this skill at level V would be very nice, you should almost certainly train this skill to '''level IV''' before begining the many missions you will be undertaking. Each level of this skill directly boosts the amount of standings gain you will earn per mission and therefore will decrease the time it will take you to complete your quest.
* [[Skills:Social#Connections|Connections]] - Train this skill to level III. The original author of this guide ignored this reccomendation and spent a significant amount of time completing level 1 missions. Training this to '''level III''' will let you mostly bypass this worthless step.
* [[Skills:Social#Negotiation|Negotiation]] - This one's not really required. It only boosts the ISK reward for completing a mission. Training this will not help you complete your quest any faster, but taking a level or two will be quick and earn some extra money along the way.
Next, you will need to be in the right sort of ship. If you are interested in perfect refining, it is likely that you are already a miner! Once you can fly a [[Mining Barge]] decently, you are ready to begin your quest. A [[Retriever]] will serve you very well on your quest, as it is the barge most suited to solo-mining. While increasing your mining yield is always a good thing, it is important to note that some mining missions involve some combat. It is recommended to fit a [[Damage Control Unit]] in one of your low slots, as this will greatly increase your survivability against these NPCs. No matter how you tank your barge, you may have to warp in and out of the mission sites from time to time. Minimizing this is key to earning your standings efficiently. Therefore, it is recommended that you eventually train [[Skills:Armor#Hull_Upgrades|Hull Upgrades]] to '''level IV''' to be able to fit a tier 2 DCU and [[Skills:Rigging#Shield_Rigging|Shield Rigging]] to '''level I''' so you can fit some shield tanking rigs to boost your survivability.
== Starting your Quest: Libold ==
Libold may be best known in the University as the home of the [[Frig_FFA|Frigate Free-For-All]], but it is also where your standings journey will begin! This system contains many level 1 and 2 agents of the MMC for you to work for! If you've followed the recommendations laid out above, completing a single level 1 mission for any agent of the MMC should activate your Connections bonus and grant you access to level 2 agents. This mission should be very easy and won't even be covered by this guide.
Once you've gained access to level 2 missions, the first leg of your quest can begin! There are two level 2 agents in Libold, one found at Libold VII Moon 5, and another at Libold IX Moon 20. You can and likely should request missions from both of these agents in order to see your possible options. It is possible to deny a mission from an agent once every four hours. You do not want to deny a specific agent more frequently than that, however, or you will lose the very standings we are trying to earn! Once you accept a mission, you will have a certain amount of time specific to each mission to complete the task given to you by your agents. The standings boost is not affected

Latest revision as of 12:48, 21 August 2014