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== Topic Concepts ==
== Brohn ==
''How not to lose your Drones or "Hey...forget something?"''
Brohn has no idea what he wants to do. A Gallente dreamer who is happy mining while listening to something called freedom rock, yet he is unsettled. Afraid to throw away his hard earned ISK on ships he joined EVE Uni to get a leg up on knowledge and discovered a whole other world of potential. He trains. And he trains. And he trains some more until he comes to realize he cannot do everything. Trade is exciting, Industry a must and not to mention flying covert ops or assault frigates....augh...wait...the wormohoes, nullsec, so much to do...
This is going to be a helpful and humorous look at learning to use -- and keep, drones.
''The Newbies Guide to Mining During Wartime'' is till in rough draft...
And so begins the decision...
== The Newbies Guide to Mining During Wartime ==
To spawn alt sisters or brethren? (which will ''surely'' become a further economic burden)...or to be happy to specialize as a lone wolf forever more, allowing the shear burden of time itself the luxury of supplying my interests varietal needs...
" ''..this aint no foolin around. --David Byrne'' "
Okay, so you are not out there tackling or shooting at live enemies yet.
Brohn stands at the crossroads...
Maybe you are at that spot in your first couple of months (me!) where its going to be days for you to train in what you're really interested in doing.
Or just maybe.. all you have thought about your entire life is being a miner and this war is just cramping your style while you are trying to build your empire.
Whatever the case may be, you can mine during wartime if you are willing to do some pretty basic things. Personally, I find mining during wartime to be much more interesting and engaging as I am paying attention to more defensive things while staying focused on mining details.
Most importantly -- this is your part in the war effort to ''not end up being another war casualty or worse even, a rescuee''.
'''Hello. Its War.'''
''If you are new, this means you have a free-to-attack target painted on your back for anyone on the other side, even in hi-sec, even at your home base where you took the classes and told that cool person in local chat what asteroid belt you were mining in so they could come hang out with you in your awesome new retriever. More on information security later.''
''A experienced capsuleer with the right techniques, weapons and timing will be able to take you down before you can warp away, period. So accept right now you might die by doing this, its war.''
''There are usually pilots actively engaging in a campaign around you. They have to leave their posts to come to the aid of miners who aren't paying attention to the fact that..it's war. This could spread out forces and take away resources from the war that may be needed to resist much more threatening forces than the rogue coming after you.''
'''Things to Know'''
First of all, you must read the WSOP [[Wartime_Standard_Operating_Procedures]].
Everything else is just advice, you can be the judge of whether its good or not. Judging the WSOP is irrelevant, you only follow it, its there for our safety.
'''Fleet Up - PVE Mining - Mumble On'''
Join the OpFort fleet, that is what its there for. Theres no reason for you not to if you are operating in space during war, but plenty of reasons why you should. For starters, you now have some intelligence on enemy movements from your fleet. You may even be able to provide intelligence back to them if you are alone in a system. On that note, being alone mining in a system isn't the best idea either but you can figure that into your risk/reward calculations based on how far you are from safety. If several of you are mining, it's helpful to keep tabs on one another whether you are in the same belt, system or not. Ideally you are on opposite sides of the same belt with your dscans in a happy duet, a good way to ensure that at least one of you gets away.
Listening up in Mumble is a part of this. Often pilots will tell each other things they don't say in chat, they are focused, under duress and voice communication is the effective mode. You can watch the local space list all day long but it's the pilots who will be talking about which nearby areas the aggressors may be in.
''A note on INFOSEC''
Information Security seems like an easy thing to stick to but it's not. You will blurt something out in the wrong place at the wrong time and it will cost you or someone else a ship and a clone.
Never divulge your location or anyone elses. This is an easy one for new miners to blow. If you are not in a secure fleet or private channel, do not give your location out. If you aren't sure if the channel is secure, then do not give it out.
There is much more to be learned about infosec <here - need link> during wartime, but I wanted to touch on this one point because this is a common issue for miners. Loose Lips Sink Ships.
Use your Directional scanner alot. <rough draft> Its got extra range and it can pick up things farther away that your regular scanner in Overview does. This is a horribly untechnical explanation for using this and should not be published for public consumption..<rough draft>
'''Resist the Retriever'''
''"But its so biiig...."''
If you just have to have a big barge, you probably don't want to run solo in a Retriever.
Procurers are the cheapest and fastest barge, smaller hold but basically the same ore throughput as the Retriever. Actually a little bit more. <numbers>
Procurers on average cost 50-65% that of a Retriever <numbers>
Procurers warp out faster than Retrievers. <numbers>
Procurers are Out Of the Box tanked better than Retrievers <numbers here>
Both ships have the same drone capacity.
Ventures are good too just different scales of economy.
Brohn Orlenard's Procurer
-more on shields/propulsion boosts
-more an watching your load and pre aligning to jump - survey scanners!
- do I arm myself? - mining drones vs fighting drones, loot and run

Latest revision as of 03:46, 22 February 2014


Brohn has no idea what he wants to do. A Gallente dreamer who is happy mining while listening to something called freedom rock, yet he is unsettled. Afraid to throw away his hard earned ISK on ships he joined EVE Uni to get a leg up on knowledge and discovered a whole other world of potential. He trains. And he trains. And he trains some more until he comes to realize he cannot do everything. Trade is exciting, Industry a must and not to mention flying covert ops or assault frigates....augh...wait...the wormohoes, nullsec, so much to do...

And so begins the decision...

To spawn alt sisters or brethren? (which will surely become a further economic burden)...or to be happy to specialize as a lone wolf forever more, allowing the shear burden of time itself the luxury of supplying my interests varietal needs...

Brohn stands at the crossroads...