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= Headquarter fittings =
The main differences between Vanguard sites and even Assault sites is that the largest waves are just that, larger, as well as heavier ships and more damage in general. It also requires snipers being able to lock and shoot at great distances. It's also not possible to simply sit still like in Assault sites, so you need propulsion modules to move about. See [[Preparing for Incursions]] and [[Fitting principles]] for more information on what skills and implants are recommended and the reason behind the fittings.
Apart from the need of more tank and snipers, there are other differences. For one, there are fewer ships capable of webbing you, but on the other hand there are more ships capable of target painting and neuting you. While there are more and stronger logistics ships in Headquarter sites, the added numbers of ships in your own fleet will ironically make it less important for you to remove them.
<!-- All fits use [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Template:ShipFitting Miranda's new template], fits converted from [http://eve.sonicreality.x10.mx/template/ here]. -->
All fits use [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Template:ShipFitting Miranda's new template], fits converted from [http://eve.ciambotti.com/shipfitting_parser.php here]
One of the advantages with the new fitting template is that if you view this page in the ingame browser, clicking on any of the modules brings up the ingame ''show info'' window for that module. Similarly, clicking the '''EVE'''-button will open up a fitting complete with how much ammunition you need and any scripts you need for your modules.
=== Shields focus ===
| valign="top" | [[image:icon_shield_glow.png|64px|Shield focus]]
| valign="top" | Currently we run almost exclusively shield fleets. Until we find a good solution for armour fleets and what fittings are reasonable to expect people to bring, this page will only show shield-fits so as not to give people the impression that armour fleets are common.
=== Always bring faction ammunition ===
| valign="top" nowrap | [[image:icon_ammo_antimatter_faction.png|32px|Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L]][[image:icon_ammo_emp_faction.png|32px|Republic Fleet EMP Charge L]]<br>[[image:icon_ammo_multifrequency_faction.png|32px|Imperial Navy Multifrequency L]][[image:icon_ammo_scorch.png|32px|Scorch L]]
| valign="top" | We always use faction ammunition in incursions for the added damage compared to regular tech one ammunition. Certain tech two ammunition is used for specific ships or roles, but most of the time you'll be using faction ammunition since it does not suffer the tracking or range penalties most short range tech two ammunitions do.
If you click the '''EVE'''-button on the fit it'll show you which type of ammunition you need and how much to bring.
=== Utility modules ===
| valign="top" nowrap | [[image:icon_mid_slot.png|32px|Utility mislots]][[image:icon_hi_slot.png|32px|Utlity highslots]]
| valign="top" | Sometimes your fleet commander will ask you to make minor adjustments. Be sure to read up on [[Fitting principles#Utility_modules|utility modules]] for more details on utility modules.
=== Don't compromise the recommended fits ===
| valign="top" | [[image:icon_large_red_x.png|64px|link=]]
| valign="top" | We've already tried to downscale and reduce the skill requirements as much as we can for these fits, but at the end of the day the content you're about to join in on is high-end PvE content. Your individual performance is very important as we have a limited amount of people in the fleet, so every skill matters, every module matters.
=== Improving fits ===
| valign="top" | [[image:icon_large_green_check.png|64px|link=]]
| valign="top" | Naturally it's ok to upgrade to tech two weapons if you can, or use better faction variants of tech two modules. Just remember that while faction and deadspace modules have lower skill requirements compared to tech two modules, they are never to be used to compensate for poor skills. You also need to be aware of the potential risk of putting too much ISK on your ship, from a suicide ganking perspective as well as the real threat of war targets during war.
= Minimum fits  =
These fits are minimum fits, able to contribute to fleet efficiency with decent damage projection, utility modules and drones.
Some of the rigging choices may seem weird for these fits, but they are all chosen to allow for extreme flexibility in refitting between '''Vanguards''', '''Assaults''' as well as '''Headquarter sites'''. As such, some fits may seem slightly compromised, but that is a choice we made to allow people to use the same ship for all the different sites.
At some point you'll be knowledgeable enough about incursions to do your own little tweaks when it comes to fittings. Perhaps you have several ships and can afford to rig a ship specifically for vanguards and use a different ship for assaults or headquarter sites. At that point, there is naturally room for individual taste and preference, but these fits are tailored to get a good solid ship to run incursions with.
== Logistics ==
The entry-level for logistics is pretty high, simply because they are the backbone of the fleet. Due to the limited number of capsuleers in the fleet each logistics pilot needs to be of a much higher caliber in order to keep the number of logistic ships to a minimum, allowing for as many damage dealers as possible.
{{example|Remember that you need to train '''Target Management V''' and '''Advanced Target Management III''' in order to be able to lock all 10 members of the fleet.}}
=== Scimitar ===
This fit is identical to the [[Vanguard Incursion fits#Scimitar|minimum scimitar fits]] for vanguards and work fine for both type of sites. You are recommended to keep the second invulnerability field for headquarter sites though, as the waves and incoming damage is soo much higher.
<!-- {{:Vanguard Incursion fits|Scimitar}} -->
=== Basilisk ===
This fit is identical to the [[Vanguard Incursion fits#Basilisk|minimum basilisk fits]] for vanguards and work fine for both type of sites. You are recommended to keep the second invulnerability field for headquarter sites though, as the waves and incoming damage is soo much higher.
<!-- {{:Vanguard Incursion fits|Basilisk}} -->
== Battleships ==
Battleships bring enough utility midslots for a propulsion module, extra tank and potentially tracking computers and sometimes even utility highslots and their large weaponry offer the necessary damage projection.
For sniping you will definitely need to have good support skills, like '''Trajectory Analysis''' and '''Long Range Targeting''' trained to IV, as you'll need to be able to lock and shoot at 150km range. Due to the increased fitting requirement, you might also need '''Engineering''' or '''Eletronics V'''.
{{example|Many battleships are missing in this section, which is intentional. Not all battleships have the necessary base shield hitpoints or midslots to be suitable for incursions and some ships are so situational that they are not ideal for our kitchen-sink fleets. There are also some ships that potentially could work, but the skills required to fly them would allow you to fly a much more suitable ship with better bonuses, or the ISK needed to make them work could be better used to get a far superior hull.}}
=== Maelstrom ===
| ship=Maelstrom
| shipTypeID=24694
| fitName=Incursions (headquarters sniper)
| fitID=Incursions-(headquarters-sniper)
| low1name=Gyrostabilizer II
| low1typeID=519
| low2name=Gyrostabilizer II
| low2typeID=519
| low3name=Gyrostabilizer II
| low3typeID=519
| low4name=Beta Reactor Control: Reaction Control I
| low4typeID=8261
| low5name=Damage Control II
| low5typeID=2048
| mid1name=Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
| mid1typeID=5945
| mid2name=Tracking Computer II
| mid2typeID=1978
| charge3name=Optimal Range Script x2
| charge3typeID=28999
| mid3name=Tracking Computer II
| mid3typeID=1978
| charge4name=Tracking Speed Script x2
| charge4typeID=29001
| mid4name=Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
| mid4typeID=2281
| mid5name=Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
| mid5typeID=2281
| mid6name=Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
| mid6typeID=19215
| high1name=1400mm 'Scout' Artillery I
| high1typeID=9491
| charge2name=Republic Fleet Proton L x10860
| charge2typeID=21926
| high2name=1400mm 'Scout' Artillery I
| high2typeID=9491
| high3name=1400mm 'Scout' Artillery I
| high3typeID=9491
| high4name=1400mm 'Scout' Artillery I
| high4typeID=9491
| high5name=1400mm 'Scout' Artillery I
| high5typeID=9491
| high6name=1400mm 'Scout' Artillery I
| high6typeID=9491
| high7name=1400mm 'Scout' Artillery I
| high7typeID=9491
| high8name=1400mm 'Scout' Artillery I
| high8typeID=9491
| rig1name=Large Core Defense Field Extender I
| rig1typeID=26088
| rig2name=Large Core Defense Field Extender I
| rig2typeID=26088
| rig3name=Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II
| rig3typeID=26442
| drone1name=Infiltrator II x5
| drone1typeID=2175
| drone2name=Acolyte II x5
| drone2typeID=2205
| drone3name=Light Armor Maintenance Bot I x5
| drone3typeID=23711
| charge1name=Republic Fleet EMP L x10860
| charge1typeID=21894
| charge5name=Nanite Repair Paste x200
| charge5typeID=28668
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=All the [[Preparing_for_Incursions#Damage_dealers|required skills]] for damage dealers</li><li>{{sk|Medium Drone Operation|V}} ''(see notes)''
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=With {{sk|Power Grid Management|V}} you can drop the '''reactor control''' in favour of a '''power diagnostic system''' (more cap and shield). For people with {{sk|Advanced Weapon Upgrades|III}} you can skip the fitting module in favour of another '''gyrostabilizer''' or '''tracking enhancer'''.</li><li>If you cannot field '''Infiltrator II''' drones, bring some a mix of shield and armor maintenance bots instead. If you have a {{sk|Heavy Drone Operation|III}} and a  '''Gecko''' you could do a 1 x '''Gecko''' + 4 x '''Infiltrator II''' drone combination instead.
| showNOTES=Y
| difficulty=1
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=Crius
| showTOC=N
| shipDNA=24694:519;3:8261;1:2048;1:5945;1:1978;2:28999;2:29001;2:2281;2:19215;1:9491;8:21926;10860:26088;2:26442;1:2175;5:2205;5:23711;5:21894;10860:28668;200::
=== Rokh ===
| ship=Rokh
| shipTypeID=24688
| fitName=Incursions (headquarters sniper)
| fitID=Incursions-(headquarters-sniper)
| low1name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low1typeID=10190
| low2name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low2typeID=10190
| low3name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low3typeID=10190
| low4name=Beta Reactor Control: Diagnostic System I
| low4typeID=8221
| low5name=Damage Control II
| low5typeID=2048
| mid1name=Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
| mid1typeID=5945
| mid2name=Tracking Computer II
| mid2typeID=1978
| mid3name=Large Shield Extender II
| mid3typeID=3841
| mid4name=Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
| mid4typeID=2281
| mid5name=Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
| mid5typeID=2281
| mid6name=Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
| mid6typeID=19215
| high1name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high1typeID=7447
| high2name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high2typeID=7447
| high3name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high3typeID=7447
| high4name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high4typeID=7447
| high5name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high5typeID=7447
| high6name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high6typeID=7447
| high7name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high7typeID=7447
| high8name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high8typeID=7447
| rig1name=Large Core Defense Field Extender I
| rig1typeID=26088
| rig2name=Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
| rig2typeID=26082
| rig3name=Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
| rig3typeID=26076
| drone1name=Infiltrator II x5
| drone1typeID=2175
| charge1name=Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L x12400
| charge1typeID=21740
| charge2name=Caldari Navy Iridium Charge L x12400
| charge2typeID=23049
| charge3name=Optimal Range Script x1
| charge3typeID=28999
| charge4name=Tracking Speed Script x1
| charge4typeID=29001
| charge5name=Nanite Repair Paste x200
| charge5typeID=28668
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=All the [[Preparing_for_Incursions#Damage_dealers|required skills]] for damage dealers</li><li>{{sk|Power Grid Management|V}} ''(see notes)''</li><li>{{sk|Medium Drone Operation|V}} ''(see notes)''
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=This fit will require {{sk|Power Grid Management|V}}, alternatively {{sk|Weapon Upgrades|V}} and {{sk|Advanced Weapon Upgrades|I}} or a +1% power grid implant. With both {{sk|Power Grid Management|V}} and {{sk|Advanced Weapon Upgrades|II}} you can skip the power diagnostic in favour of another '''magnetic field stabilizer''' or a '''tracking enhancer'''.</li><li>If you cannot field '''Infiltrator II''' drones, bring a flight of '''Acolyte II''' drones and some '''Light Armor Maintenance Bot I''' drones instead.</li><li>Script the '''Tracking Computer II''' with the appropriate script based on your range needs.</li><li>With {{sk|Caldari Battleship|IV}} trained and your resists rigs upgraded to tech two rigs you can drop the '''Large Shield Extender''' in favour of another '''tracking computer''' or something else to help you apply better damage.
| showNOTES=Y
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=Crius
| showTOC=N
| shipDNA=24688:10190;3:8221;1:2048;1:5945;1:1978;1:28999;1:3841;1:2281;2:19215;1:7447;8:21740;12400:26088;1:26082;1:26076;1:2175;5:23049;12400:28668;200:29001;1::
| ship=Rokh
| shipTypeID=24688
| fitName=Incursions (headquarters brawler)
| fitID=Incursions-(headquarters-brawler)
| low1name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low1typeID=10190
| low2name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low2typeID=10190
| low3name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low3typeID=10190
| low4name=Tracking Enhancer II
| low4typeID=1999
| low5name=Damage Control II
| low5typeID=2048
| mid1name=Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
| mid1typeID=5945
| mid2name=Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
| mid2typeID=17559
| mid3name=Large Shield Extender II
| mid3typeID=3841
| mid4name=Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
| mid4typeID=2281
| mid5name=Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
| mid5typeID=2281
| mid6name=Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
| mid6typeID=19215
| high1name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high1typeID=3186
| charge2name=Null L x12400
| charge2typeID=12787
| high2name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high2typeID=3186
| high3name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high3typeID=3186
| high4name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high4typeID=3186
| high5name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high5typeID=3186
| high6name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high6typeID=3186
| high7name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high7typeID=3186
| high8name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high8typeID=3186
| rig1name=Large Core Defense Field Extender I
| rig1typeID=26088
| rig2name=Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
| rig2typeID=26082
| rig3name=Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
| rig3typeID=26076
| drone1name=Infiltrator II x5
| drone1typeID=2175
| charge1name=Void L x12400
| charge1typeID=12791
| charge3name=Nanite Repair Paste x200
| charge3typeID=28668
| charge4name=open
| charge5name=open
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=All the [[Preparing_for_Incursions#Damage_dealers|required skills]] for damage dealers</li><li>{{sk|Power Grid Management|V}} ''(see notes)''</li><li>{{sk|Large Blaster Specialization|I}}<br>o {{sk|Large Hybrid Turret|V}}<br>o {{sk|Motion Prediction|V}}</li><li>{{sk|Medium Drone Operation|V}} ''(see notes)''
| showSKILLS=N
| notes={{co|red|If you can't use tech two guns, fly the sniper-fit instead.}}</li><li>This fit will require {{sk|Power Grid Management|V}}, alternatively {{sk|Weapon Upgrades|V}} and {{sk|Advanced Weapon Upgrades|I}} or a +1% power grid implant.</li><li>If you cannot field '''Infiltrator II''' drones, bring a flight of '''Acolyte II''' drones and some '''Light Armor Maintenance Bot I''' drones instead.</li><li>With {{sk|Caldari Battleship|IV}} trained and your resists rigs upgraded to tech two rigs you can drop the '''Large Shield Extender''' in favour of another '''web''' to help you apply better damage.
| showNOTES=Y
| difficulty=2
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=Crius
| showTOC=N
| shipDNA=24688:10190;3:1999;1:2048;1:5945;1:17559;1:3841;1:2281;2:19215;1:3186;8:12787;12400:26088;1:26082;1:26076;1:2175;5:12791;12400:28668;200::
=== Hyperion ===
| ship=Hyperion
| shipTypeID=24690
| fitName=Incursions (headquarters sniper)
| fitID=Incursions-(headquarters-sniper)
| low1name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low1typeID=10190
| low2name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low2typeID=10190
| low3name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low3typeID=10190
| low4name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low4typeID=10190
| low5name=Tracking Enhancer II
| low5typeID=1999
| low6name=Type-D Attenuation Signal Augmentation
| low6typeID=6295
| low7name=Damage Control II
| low7typeID=2048
| mid1name=Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
| mid1typeID=5945
| mid2name=Large Shield Extender II
| mid2typeID=3841
| mid3name=Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
| mid3typeID=2281
| mid4name=Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
| mid4typeID=2281
| mid5name=Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
| mid5typeID=19215
| high1name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high1typeID=7447
| charge1name=Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L x13400
| charge1typeID=22993
| high2name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high2typeID=7447
| high3name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high3typeID=7447
| high4name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high4typeID=7447
| high5name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high5typeID=7447
| high6name=425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
| high6typeID=7447
| high7name=Large 'Regard' Remote Capacitor Transmitter
| high7typeID=16487
| rig1name=Large Core Defense Field Extender I
| rig1typeID=26088
| rig2name=Large Core Defense Field Extender I
| rig2typeID=26088
| rig3name=Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II
| rig3typeID=26442
| drone1name=Ogre I x5
| drone1typeID=2444
| drone2name=Acolyte II x5
| drone2typeID=2205
| drone3name=Light Armor Maintenance Bot I x5
| drone3typeID=23711
| charge3name=Nanite Repair Paste x200
| charge3typeID=28668
| charge2name=Federation Navy Tungsten Charge L x13400
| charge2typeID=23005
| charge4name=open
| charge5name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=All the [[Preparing_for_Incursions#Damage_dealers|required skills]] for damage dealers</li><li>{{sk|CPU Management|V}} ''(see notes)''</li><li>{{sk|Capacitor Emission Systems|III}} ''(see notes)''</li><li>{{sk|Electronics Upgrades|I}} (''see notes)''</li><li>{{sk|Heavy Drone Operation|III}} ''(see notes)''
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=This fit requires {{sk|CPU Management|V}}, alternatively {{sk|Weapon Upgrades|V}} or a +2% CPU implant to fit. It also requires {{sk|Capacitor Emission Systems|III}} for the '''capacitor transmitter''' and {{sk|Electronics Upgrades|I}} for the '''signal amplifier'''.</li><li>If you cannot field '''Ogres''' simply fit '''Infiltrator II''' drones instead. If you have '''Geckos''', faction ogres or can use '''Ogre II''' drones, by all means do.
| showNOTES=Y
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=Crius
| showTOC=N
| shipDNA=24690:10190;4:1999;1:6295;1:2048;1:5945;1:3841;1:2281;2:19215;1:7447;6:22993;13400:16487;1:26088;2:26442;1:2444;5:2205;5:23711;5:28668;200:23005;13400::
| ship=Hyperion
| shipTypeID=24690
| fitName=Incursions (headquarters brawler)
| fitID=Incursions-(headquarters-brawler)
| low1name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low1typeID=10190
| low2name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low2typeID=10190
| low3name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low3typeID=10190
| low4name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low4typeID=10190
| low5name=Tracking Enhancer II
| low5typeID=1999
| low6name=Tracking Enhancer II
| low6typeID=1999
| low7name=Damage Control II
| low7typeID=2048
| mid1name=Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
| mid1typeID=5945
| mid2name=Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
| mid2typeID=17559
| mid3name=Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
| mid3typeID=2281
| mid4name=Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
| mid4typeID=2281
| mid5name=Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
| mid5typeID=19215
| high1name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high1typeID=3186
| charge1name=Void L x13440
| charge1typeID=12791
| high2name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high2typeID=3186
| high3name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high3typeID=3186
| high4name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high4typeID=3186
| high5name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high5typeID=3186
| high6name=Neutron Blaster Cannon II
| high6typeID=3186
| high7name=Heavy Diminishing Power System Drain I
| high7typeID=16503
| rig1name=Large Core Defense Field Extender I
| rig1typeID=26088
| rig2name=Large Core Defense Field Extender I
| rig2typeID=26088
| rig3name=Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II
| rig3typeID=26442
| drone1name=Ogre I x5
| drone1typeID=2444
| drone2name=Infiltrator II x5
| drone2typeID=2175
| charge3name=Nanite Repair Paste x200
| charge3typeID=28668
| charge2name=Null L x13440
| charge2typeID=12787
| charge4name=open
| charge5name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=All the [[Preparing_for_Incursions#Damage_dealers|required skills]] for damage dealers</li><li>{{sk|Large Blaster Specialization|I}}<br>o {{sk|Large Hybrid Turret|V}}<br>o {{sk|Motion Prediction|V}}</li><li>{{sk|Capacitor Emission Systems|III}} ''(see notes)''</li><li>{{sk|Medium Drone Operation|V}} ''(see notes)''</li><li>{{sk|Heavy Drone Operation|III}} ''(see notes)''
| showSKILLS=N
| notes={{co|red|If you can't use tech two guns, fly the sniper-fit instead.}}</li><li>This fit requires {{sk|Capacitor Emission Systems|III}} for the '''energy vampire''' module.</li><li>If you cannot field '''Infiltrator II''' drones, bring a flight of '''Acolyte II''' drones and some '''Light Armor Maintenance Bot I''' drones instead. If you have '''Geckos''', faction ogres or can use '''Ogre II''' drones, by all means do.</li><li>This ship has much lower base shield hit points than other ships. That and in combination with not having the midslots to field a '''Large Shield Extender II''' alongside the needed web it ends up having a much lower buffer than other ships and fits.
| showNOTES=Y
| difficulty=1
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=Crius
| showTOC=N
| shipDNA=24690:10190;4:1999;2:2048;1:5945;1:17559;1:2281;2:19215;1:3186;6:12791;13440:16503;1:26088;2:26442;1:2444;5:2175;5:28668;200:12787;13440::
== Fleet & Navy Issue Battleships ==
These ships have stronger base values than their tech one counterparts and often make them more efficient for incursions.
{{example|The navy battleships are nowhere near as good as the pirate faction battleships and you might be better off saving your ISK until you have enough to get a proper pirate faction battleship instead.}}
=== Apocalypse Navy Issue ===
This ship has too many issues to be suitable for headquarter sites, mostly due to the fact it has the slot layout of a predominately armour-tanked ship and the innate capacitor issues of laser ships. While it is possible to compensate for this in [[Vanguard_Incursion_fits#Apocalypse_Navy_Issue|vanguard]] and [[Assault_Incursion_fits#Apocalypse_Navy_Issue|assault fits]], you end up compromising too much for headquarter sites (or forced to use a completely different set of rigs).
As such we do not recommend that people fly this ship for these type of sites. If you want to fly it, check with the fleet commander if he'll make an exception, but don't be surprised if he doesn't.
=== Megathron Navy Issue ===
</noinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{1|Megathron Navy Issue}}}|Megathron Navy Issue|{{ShipFitting|showTOC=N|
=== Tempest Fleet Issue ===
</noinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{1|Tempest Fleet Issue}}}|Tempest Fleet Issue|}}<noinclude>
= Advanced ships and fits =
The following ships are preferred for incursions due to a combination of higher base stats, better bonuses and better slot layouts. There will be no recommended fits for these ships however, for several reasons but mainly the following two:
* They can be fitted in a million and one different ways and each fit has its strengths and weaknesses.
* We do not want to indirectly encourage people to fly these ships until they have a good understanding of how to fit for incursions and how to capitalize on the strengths of various ships. By the time you are ready to fly them, you will already know enough to figure out how to fit them properly.
== Pirate Faction Battleships ==
These ships are good ships all around, regardless of which type of site you do. Their slot layout is good, plenty of midslots, their ship bonuses are often purely offensive, making them ideal for incursions where tanking bonuses are highly overrated.
Those pages will not have official fits on them and linking to them has proven to give people the impression that the fits other people put on the individual ship-pages are approved fits (which they are not).
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:left; font-size:90%; border-collapse:collapse; border:1px solid #333333; padding:5px;"
! style="background:#222222;" | Races
! style="background:#222222;" | Ship
! style="background:#222222;" | Description
|- valign="top"
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" | [[image:logo_faction_minmatar_republic.png|64px]][[image:logo_faction_gallente_federation.png|64px]]
| style="padding:0px;" | [[image:Machariel.jpg|64px]]
| The '''Machariel''' combines a flexible engagement range for autocannons with a high rate of fire. Fit for long range the impressive alpha is unmatched. It also has enough midslots to fit for any occasion.
|- valign="top"
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" | [[image:logo_faction_amarr_empire.png|64px]][[image:logo_faction_caldari_state.png|64px]]
| style="padding:0px;" | [[image:Nightmare.jpg|64px]]
| The '''Nightmare''' has very good damage at any range due to fast-swapping crystals and compensates for the innate low tracking of lasers with the ship's tracking bonus. It also has plenty of utility midslots available. Has some cap issues.
|- valign="top"
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" | [[image:logo_faction_gallente_federation.png|64px]][[image:logo_faction_minmatar_republic.png|64px]]
| style="padding:0px;" | [[image:Vindicator.jpg|64px]]
| The '''Vindicator''' is a brawler without match, both in terms of damage and incredibly strong webs. Despite appearances, it is also a very potent sniper when fitted with railguns, and tech two ammo makes it possible to use blasters at medium range.
== Strategic Cruisers ==
Being cruiser hulls some strategic cruisers suffer from the same ailments as other ships with medium weaponry, but the '''Legion''' and the '''Loki''' stand out. The '''Tengu''' does surprisingly well, especially when railgun-fit.
Those pages will not have official fits on them and linking to them has proven to give people the impression that the fits other people put on the individual ship-pages are approved fits (which they are not).
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:left; font-size:90%; border-collapse:collapse; border:1px solid #333333; padding:5px;"
! style="background:#222222;" | Races
! style="background:#222222;" | Ship
! style="background:#222222;" | Description
|- valign="top"
| nowrap style="padding:0px; text-align:center;" | [[image:logo_faction_amarr_empire.png|64px]]
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" | [[image:Legion.jpg|64px]]
| The '''Legion''' combines powerful short range capabilities with instant-swapping long range capabilities due to how crystals work. Ideal ship if you prefer smaller, more agile ships to the bulkier battleships.
|- valign="top"
| nowrap style="padding:0px; text-align:center;" | [[image:logo_faction_minmatar_republic.png|64px]]
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" | [[image:Loki.jpg|64px]]
| The '''Loki''' combines multiple long webs with extreme tracking which makes it very useful. Main focus in assaults are the long webs, so make sure you make good use of them.
|- valign="top"
| nowrap style="padding:0px; text-align:center;" | [[image:logo_faction_gallente_federation.png|64px]]
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" | [[image:Proteus.jpg|64px]]
| The '''Proteus''' doesn't stand out quite as much as the Legion and Loki, but it's still a solid choice for people who like small ships. Due to range issues it's forced to use railguns.
|- valign="top"
| nowrap style="padding:0px; text-align:center;" | [[image:logo_faction_caldari_state.png|64px]]
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" | [[image:Tengu.jpg|64px]]
| The '''Tengu''' is not something you'd ever train into for the sake of doing incursions, but it can still be useful if you have good skills and it's fitted properly with railguns. While missiles could work, they are less than ideal.
== Command Ships ==
Very few Command Ships have the range and utility needed to make them good for incursions in general, suffering the same problems as most ships with medium weaponry. Apart from the [[Vulture]] they lack the range to tank and snipe effectively, so having more than a few of these would limit the fleet's ability.
Those pages will not have official fits on them and linking to them has proven to give people the impression that the fits other people put on the individual ship-pages are approved fits (which they are not).
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:left; font-size:90%; border-collapse:collapse; border:1px solid #333333; padding:5px;"
! style="background:#222222;" | Races
! style="background:#222222;" | Ship
! style="background:#222222;" | Description
|- valign="top"
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" | [[image:logo_faction_caldari_state.png|64px]][[image:logo_ishukone.png|64px]]
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" | [[image:Vulture.jpg|64px]]
| The '''Vulture''' is a solid ship for incursions, capable of performing well even as a sniper. Lots of utility midslots and good range projection with railguns.
|- valign="top"
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" | [[image:logo_faction_gallente_federation.png|64px]][[image:logo_duvolle_labs.png|64px]]
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" | [[image:Astarte.jpg|64px]]
| The '''Astarte''' has some amazing damage capabilities, but the lack of native shield tank forces it to use up all midslots for tank and while it has good medium range projection it cannot snipe.
|- valign="top"
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" | [[image:logo_faction_minmatar_republic.png|64px]][[image:logo_boundless_creation.png|64px]]
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" | [[image:Sleipnir.jpg|64px]]
| The '''Sleipnir''' has exceptional tracking and good damage capabilities for vanguards, but suffers from range issues and while it has decent medium range projection it is unable to snipe.
== Faction and deadspace modules ==
There are many ways to use faction and deadspace modules to vastly improve the efficiency of your incursion ship. Some of these modules are cheap and might not be too much of a concern, but others are worth quite a bit of ISK and a second thought is warranted if you consider getting them. The cost of improving your efficiency rises exponentially as well, so while the first round of upgrades might be very cost-efficient, taking it one step further will quickly put you in a position where you're literally throwing ISK away for minor improvements.
Consider the actual benefit you will get from upgrading a certain module. Getting a deadspace hardener is useful for most ships as it frees up a midslot and potentially a lowslot as well. But a faction tracking computer or a sensor booster might make sense for public fleets built to compete, but for our community that is hardly a worthwhile investment.

Latest revision as of 14:25, 20 November 2019
