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{{Update|Roles and Titles sections needs completing}}
[[Category:Corporation Mechanics]]
A corporation, generally shortened to 'corp' (pronounced korp) in EVE is the equivalent of a guild in most other MMOs, but with a great deal more flexibility. [[NPC Corporations]] are functionally identical, but no members have any roles or titles.  
A '''corporation''', generally shortened to 'corp' in EVE is the equivalent of a guild in most other MMOs, but with a great deal more flexibility. [[NPC Corporations]] are functionally identical, but no members have any roles or titles. We have information on:
This article consists of two parts: the first part is a guide to setting up a corporation, the second part is a reference section.
*[[Forming a corporation]]
[[File:Corpinformation.jpg|right|Corp Information example]]
*[[Corporation logistics]]
<div style="align:left; font-size:80%; line-height:125%; list-style-type:none; text-indent:0in; margin-left:0px; padding:0.5em;">__TOC__</div>
*[[Recruiting corporation members]]
*[[Managing corporation members]]
= Guide =
*[[Corporation diplomacy]]
This guide covers everything you need to know about setting up a corporation, from the things you have to consider beforehand to the steps you need to take to create the corporation to how to organize your corporation and its members.
== Forming a Corporation  ==
==== Why? ====
Before starting a corporation, take some time to consider why you want to create a new corporation. It is a big step to make, and it is important to think and plan ahead. Reading this article is a good place to start!
There are many valid reasons to create a new corporation, from idealistic reasons such as achieving a certain goal to pragmatic reasons such as avoiding the NPC corp tax. Three things which should be clear before you start are:
*'''Who will join the corporation?''' The corp can be just for yourself and your alts, in which case not much very planning is needed; the corp can be for a small group of friends, in which case a simple corp structure and simple plan will suffice; or the corp can be started by you with the intention of recruiting other players. In this last case more planning is needed, and the corp should be properly structured (these topics will be covered later in this article).
*'''What will be the goal or purpose of the corporation?''' Having a goal or purpose is important, it gives the corporation members something to work for and look forward to. If the corp is just for you or for a group of friends, avoiding NPC taxes and having fun might be sufficient goals, but if you intend to recruit other players, having a clear goal will help convincing them to join you. Generally, the more specific your goal, the better. The goal could be "mission-running, industry, and wormhole pvp", but that's very broad and doesn't mix very well. More specific goals would be "Amarr mission-running", "tech 2 invention", or "low-sec piracy". These are just a few examples, there's a lot more to do or to aim for; just be sure to think about it and to make it as specific and clear as you can.
*'''Where will the corp operate?''' EVE has thousands of systems, so it is unrealistic for a single corp to want to operate across the whole of EVE - some area of operations will have to be determined. Choose a region or regions where you want to operate, based on preferences or opportunities, and select a system where you want your Headquarters to be (spending some time looking at a map of EVE may help in this process). When starting out as a corp, it is best to establish a Headquarters in high security space, even if you intend to operate in, or move to, low sec or null sec. Having the Headquarters in high sec allows for safe logistics; if needed a secondary base can be established in low sec. Common places for Headquarters are near a trade hub or mission hub (for industrial or mission corps) or near a low sec or null sec access point (for pvp corps).
==== Requirements  ====
Anyone can start a new corporation as long as some basic requirements are met:
*You must have the skill [[Skills:Corporation_Management#Corporation_Management|Corporation Management]] at level 1 or higher;
*You must have 1,599,800 isk in your wallet;
*You must be docked at a station. The station where the corporation is created will be listed as its Headquarters. Moving the Headquarters later is only possible under certain conditions (which will be covered below), so take a moment to consider where you will create your corporation;
*If you are in a player corporation, you may not have roles assigned to you. If you have roles, you must remove them (by right-clicking your portrait in chat and selecting <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">'drop roles'</span>); if you are a CEO, you need to resign first (see below). In both cases, you will be able to create a corporation 24 hours later.
(For completeness sake, you may also not have an active [[Timers|session timer]]. Since session timers only last 30 seconds, you can just wait it out if you encounter this.)
==== The corp creation window  ====
To start a new corporation, open the corporation window by clicking the button in the sidebar menu, select the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">home</span> tab, and within that tab the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">details</span> tab. At the bottom there will be a button <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">'create corporation'</span>. You will get the options to:
[[File:Createcorporation.jpg|right|250px|Corp Creation window]]
*'''Select a logo.''' A corporation logo consists of three layers; each layer can have a pattern or item and a colour. Different patterns or items can be combined by giving two layers the same colour. Play around a bit to get a good-looking logo. Something to consider when designing the logo is what your corporation's main activity will be. An industrial corporation for instance may want to avoid using a pirate-like logo.
*'''Choose a name.''' A corporation name has to contain at least 4 characters and no more than 50 characters (amusingly, the error message you get when trying to use a name longer than that is wrong - it claims the maximum length is 24 characters). It may only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and dots (full stop or period). The corporation name may not the same as the name of any other ''currently active'' corporation or alliance; it can be the same as the name of a closed corporation.
*'''Choose a ticker.''' The corporation ticker is used as a short name for the corporation, for instance in space behind ships, wrecks and containers belonging to your corporation. The maximum length of a ticker is 5 characters, again with only letters, numbers, spaces, and dots allowed. Unlike the corporation name, the ticker has to be unique - it may not be the same as the ticker of any other corporation or alliance, past or present. This can make it quite hard to find a good ticker. Playing around with spaces and dots may help. The <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">ticker</span> button suggests a ticker for you if you can't think of one.
*'''Set a tax rate.''' The tax rate determines what percentage of bounties and mission rewards generated by corporation members will be transferred to the corporation wallet. The rate can be anywhere from 0% to 100%, but a high tax rate might deter people from joining. Most corporations have a tax rate between 5% and 10%.
*'''Enter a Home Page''', which is a URL to your corporation website (if you have one). If the corporation doesn't have a website, consider linking to a recruitment thread on the forums. If you decide not to list anything, remove the "http://" which is in the box by default. If it is not removed, it will be displayed as the corporation's website.
*'''Enter a description.''' The description of the corporation can contain up to 4000 characters. Note that the description will be publicly viewable ingame, on EVE Gate, and on third-party websites. Giving some information on what the corporation does is a good idea, but don't be too specific (listing "''Mining every Friday at 1900 in Rancer''" would be a bad idea). Many corporations list diplomatic contacts in their description.
*'''Membership applications enabled.''' If this box is checked, other people will be able to apply to become a member of the corporation. Unchecking this box means no one will be able to apply until you enable it again later.
Apart from the corporation name and ticker (which can never be changed), these settings can be changed quite easily later, so don't worry if you're not sure what to put there.
==== First things to do  ====
*Immediately after creating a corporation, you will get a notification saying "Select Wallet Division". Corporation wallet divisions will be explained later, for now click <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">'yes'</span> (indicating you want to select a wallet division) and select the Master Wallet.
*Another thing which is smart to do immediately is to take all corporation shares under your own control. All corporations start with 1000 shares, which can be used for various purposes (which will be explained later). The shares are in the corporation wallet by default; for safety reasons it is generally considered best to move them to your personal wallet. You can do this by opening your wallet, selecting the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">corporation wallet</span> tab and within that tab the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">shares</span> tab. Right-click the shares, select <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">'give'</span>, fill out your own name, and press <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">'ok'</span>. If you leave the shares in the corporation wallet, your corp will be vulnerable to hostile takeover by rogue members later on. Though the risk of that might seem small, it happens regularly in EVE - better to prevent it from ever occurring by this simple step. You can (re-)distribute the shares from your personal wallet to other people when needed.
==== Editing details later ====
[[File:Editcorpdetails.png|250px|left|Edit Corp Details window]]
As mentioned, you may want to edit some of the details which were entered when the corporation was created. If you are CEO or director an <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">'edit details'</span> button will be visible at the bottom of the corporation details window ("Corporation" window, <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">home</span> tab, <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">details</span> tab). When clicking <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">'edit details'</span> button you will effectively get the same screen as when creating a corporation. From here the corporation logo, home page, tax rate, and description can be changed, and membership applications can be enabled or disabled. Changing the logo carries a fee of 100 isk (yes you read that right, one hundred isk) which will be taken from the corporation wallet. Other details can be edited without a charge.
This screen does contain one thing which isn't listed when creating a corporation. It shows the member limit, which is the maximum number of members the corporation may have (excluding the CEO), and the races allowed, which depends on the skills of the CEO when the corporation was created or last updated. The member limit and races allowed do ''not'' automatically change when the CEO trains more corporation skills or when a new CEO is appointed. For the member limit and races allowed to be update, the CEO must click the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">'update with my skills'</span> button. (This button is visible to directors, but can only be used by the CEO.)
This means that even characters with low or even no corporation skills can become CEO of large corporations, as long as a previous CEO has updated the corporation with the proper skills. CEO's with low skills should take care not to accidentally click the update button; though no one will be expelled if the member limit is updated to below the current membership, no new members can be accepted until the membership has dropped below the limit.
==== Moving your Headquarters ====
When the corporation was created, the station where it was created was automatically named the Headquarters. It is possible to move a corporation's Headquarters to any station where the corp has an office by clicking the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">'move HQ here'</span> button at the bottom of the Station Information panel. This button will only be visible to the CEO and Directors.
== Offices  ==
Offices give the corporation a physical presence in the universe. The Headquarters is just an entry in the corporation details (think of it as a PO box); an office is an actual space in a station. If the corporation has rented an office at a station, the corp will be listed in the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">offices</span> tab of the station and corp hangars are made available in that station. Corp hangars allow items to be shared between corp members and allow members to do research or production from corp assets. This is a great advantage, so every corp should have at least one office. Ideally, the office will be in a station which has good station services, such as medical facilities, a reprocessing plant, and a repair shop, as these services will be useful for corp members. Industrial corporations may want to rent an office in a station with manufacturing and research slots.
==== Renting offices ====
Any member with the "Rent Office" role can rent an office by clicking the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">rent office</span> button at the bottom of the station information panel in a station. There is no limit to the number of offices a corporation can have, but any corp can have only one office per station and every NPC station can have offices for only 24 corporations. (Player-built outposts in 0.0 also can have offices, but the number depends on the type and upgrades of the outpost.) After clicking the "rent office" button a window will pop up showing the current 30-day rental fee for that station. When clicking <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">'yes'</span>, the rent for the first 30 days will be withdrawn from the corporation wallet and the corp will immediately receive a bill for the '''next''' 30 days. This bill must be paid before the first 30 days are over, else the corp will lose the office. A new bill will be issued like this every 30 days, for as long as the corp has the office. If the corp has multiple offices, it will receive one bill per office. (More on bills, including settings to automatically pay them, later in this article.)
==== Dynamic rental fee ====
[[File:Officerentalfee.jpg|right|Station with high rental fee]]
Note that office rental fees are ''dynamic''; they vary per station and will go up or down depending on demand at the station. Office rental fees are calculated daily at downtime based on the number of free offices at downtime. Monthly fees rise by 5% when there are no available offices at the station; prices stay the same when there is 1 available office. When there are 2 or more available offices, prices drop - the size of the drop is based on the number of available offices [http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1280861]. Since you only get a bill every 30 days and prices can rise by 5% '''per day''', there can be a large difference between one month's rent and the next month's rent (in the worst case, the rent can quadruple!).
The minimum rent is 10,000 isk, but in popular stations the rent can be several million isk per month. In the very popular stations, such as the main stations in trade hubs, rents can be in the hundreds of million isk per month! Most stations have more sensible rents though, from the minimum of 10,000 isk to a few hundred thousand isk. It is very much worth it to 'shop around' when looking for a good location for an office; even stations in the same system can have widely different rental fees. Unfortunately there is no way to remotely check the available of offices or the rental fee. When you are docked at a station, the number of free offices will be listed in the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">offices</span> tab of the Station Information panel, but the only way to see what the rent is, is to click the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">'rent office'</span> button. (Note: even if the station has no free offices, it is possible to see what the rent would be by clicking the button.)
==== Naming hangar and wallet divisions ====
The default names for hangar and wallet divisions are straightforward (<span style="font-variant: small-caps;">1st Division</span> to <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">7th Division</span> and <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">Master Wallet</span>, <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">2nd Wallet Division</span> to <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">7th Wallet Division</span>, respectively); often it is easier to give the divisions a more descriptive name so that it is easier to remember which is which. The CEO can rename hangar and wallet divisions via the "Divisions" button at the bottom of the corp details window ("Corporation" window, <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">home</span> tab, <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">details</span> tab). Many corporations name their hangar divisions after their contents or the member groups which have access to them. Wallet divisions are often named after the type of isk transactions they're used for. The only division which cannot be renamed is the Master Wallet of the corporation wallet.
== Roles and Titles  ==
[coming soon!]
= Reference section =
This is a comprehensive list of roles which can be assigned to members and the effects they have.
*'''Base''' - The office which is the “base” of the member. This information is used for the “Based At” hangar access roles, unless the base is the corp headquarters -  in that case the “Headquarters” roles are used and the “Based At” roles are ignored.
*'''Accountant''' - Can view corp bills and edit automatic pay settings, can view the balance and the journal of all wallet divisions, can view all transactions made using the corp wallet. Can '''not''' view the shareholders of the corp, despite the user interface claiming “You must have the role Accountant to view this data.”
*'''Auditor''' - Can view the date, action, and initiator of any changes made to corp members' roles.
*'''Communications Officer''' - Can add, edit, and delete corporation bulletins shown in the corporation window; can create & edit Corp and Alliance events in the calendar; can edit/delete corp bookmarks (People & Places) created by others; and can edit the Corp channel MotD.
*'''Config Equipment''' - Required to configure audit log containers in the corp hangars and to unlock items in audit log containers in the corporation hangars. The container password will be needed as well. Must be combined with “take” access to the appropriate hangar. This role is not needed to view the log of audit log containers.
*'''Config Starbase Equipment''' - Can anchor, unanchor, online, offline, and configure starbase (POS) structures belonging to the corp, as well as access fuel and ammunition bays. To access  structures with corp hangars, “Hangar Access (Other)” roles are required.
*'''Contract Manager''' - Can create contracts on behalf of the corporation. Must be combined with access to a wallet division (to pay the contract fee) and “take” access to a corp hangar (these contracts can only be created on items in a corp hangar).
*'''Diplomat''' - Can add and edit corporation standings towards player entities (corporations and alliances).
*'''Director''' - Special role which includes '''all''' other roles and grantable roles. This role can only be assigned to a member by the CEO. Use this role with caution; don't give it out unless it's necessary and only give it to trusted members. As well as the permissions granted by all other roles, the Director role includes some permissions which cannot be acquired via other roles, such as:
** the ability to edit the corporation details
** to view corporation shareholders
** to assign a member Base and view their active ship if online and undocked
** the authority to kick members from the corporation
*'''Fitting Manager''' - Can add, edit, and remove recommended corporation ship fittings.
*'''Junior Accountant''' - Can ''view'' the bills to be paid by the corp and the balance of all corp wallet divisions (but not the wallet journal or transactions). Can view transactions made using the corp wallet if combined with the “Trader” role.
*'''Personnel Manager''' - Can accept applications to the corp and can award decorations (medals). Can '''not''' kick members from the corp.
*'''Starbase Defense Operator''' - Can control weapon and electronic warfare batteries at the corporation's starbases (POS).
*'''Starbase Fuel Technician''' - Can check the fuel state of starbases (POS) and can refuel them, but cannot remove fuel or anything else from the starbase.
====Station Service====
*'''Factory Manager''' - Can install, cancel, and deliver corporation manufacturing and research jobs using corporation assets (blueprints and materials stored in corporation hangar). Needs at least ''query'' hangar access to the hangar division(s) where the assets are stored. Must be combined with the “Rent Factory Slot” or “Rent Research Slot” role to be of any use.
*'''Rent Factory Slot''' - Can rent a manufacturing slot on behalf of the corporation. Must be combined with the “Factory Manager” role  and at least some hangar access to be of any use.
*'''Rent Office''' - Can rent new offices for the corporation. Does '''not''' need any wallet division access to rent a new office, so be careful when giving out this role. (Any member with malicious intents could use this role to waste the entire contents of the corp wallet on offices.)
*'''Rent Research Slot''' - Can rent a research slot on behalf of the corporation. Must be combined with the “Factory Manager” role and at least some hangar access to be of any use.
*'''Security Officer''' - Can ''view'' corporation members' personal hangars in stations where the corporation as an office, and can place items ''into'' personal hangars. (Can '''not''' take items from personal hangars.)
*'''Station Manager''' - Can edit settings for outposts (player-built stations in 0.0) and conquerable stations owned by the corporation, such as the docking rights, availability of research and manufacturing slots, etc.
*'''Trader''' - Can buy items from the market using the corp wallet, but only if combined with one or more of the Accounting (Divisional) roles. Can ''view'' the transaction log for transactions involving the corp wallet, but only if combined with the “Junior Accountant” role (or the “Accountant” role, which would give access to the transaction log by itself).
====Accounting (Divisional)====
These roles give the member access to the corp wallet divisions. If just the roles from this category are assigned, the member can take and transfer money from the appropriate division. The “Trader” role is needed to be able to buy items from the market using the corp wallet. The member cannot view the wallet journal unless he is also given the “Accountant” role.
*'''Master Wallet''' - Can take and transfer money from the Master Wallet
*'''2nd Wallet Division''' -  Can take and transfer money from the  2nd Wallet Division
*'''3rd Wallet Division''' -  Can take and transfer money from the  3rd Wallet Division
*'''4th Wallet Division''' -  Can take and transfer money from the  4th Wallet Division
*'''5th Wallet Division''' -  Can take and transfer money from the  5th Wallet Division
*'''6th Wallet Division''' -  Can take and transfer money from the  6th Wallet Division
*'''7th Wallet Division''' -  Can take and transfer money from the  7th Wallet Division
''(Note these are the default division names. If the divisions have been renamed, the name of the division will show instead of the default name.)''
====Hangar Access (Headquarters)====
Allows the member to view (“query”) the appropiate hangar's contents or take items from the appropiate hangar '''at the office which is at the corporation headquarters'''. To view the contents or audit logs of containers in a corp hangar, “take” access is required. Taking entire containers from corp hangars is governed by another set of roles (“Container Access”).
*'''1st Division Query''' - Can view the contents of the 1st Division at the corp HQ. 
*'''1st Division Take''' - Can take items from the 1st Division at the corp HQ.
*'''2nd Division Query''' - Can view the contents of the 2nd Division at the corp HQ.
*'''2nd Division Take''' - Can take items from the 2nd Division at the corp HQ. 
*'''3rd Division Query''' - Can view the contents of the 3rd Division at the corp HQ.
*'''3rd Division Take''' - Can take items from the 3rd Division at the corp HQ. 
*'''4th Division Query''' - Can view the contents of 4th Division at the corp HQ.
*'''4th Division Take''' - Can take items from 4th Division at the corp HQ. 
*'''5th Division Query''' - Can view the contents of 5th Division at the corp HQ.
*'''5th Division Take''' - Can take items from 5th Division at the corp HQ. 
*'''6th Division Query''' - Can view the contents of 6th Division at the corp HQ.
*'''6th Division Take''' - Can take items from 6th Division at the corp HQ. 
*'''7th Division Query''' - Can view the contents of 7th Division at the corp HQ.
*'''7th Division Take''' - Can take items from 7th Division at the corp HQ.
''(Note these are the default division names. If the divisions have been renamed, the name of the division will show instead of the default name.)''
====Container Access (Headquarters)====
Allows the member to take entire containers from the appropriate hangar '''at the office which is at the corporation headquarters'''. Without this role, members can still open containers and take things from containers in hangars (if the have the proper hangar access role), but they cannot remove the container from the hangar. Note that if a member has Container Access but not regular  take access to a hangar, the member cannot open the container to take items, but he will still be able to take entire containers.
All items in the “Cargo Containers” category of the market are governed by these roles (that's all items ending in “container” as well as Station Vaults and Station Warehouses).
*'''1st Division (Take)''' - Can take containers from the 1st Division.
*'''2nd Division (Take)''' - Can take containers from the 2nd Division.
*'''3rd Division (Take)''' - Can take containers from the 3rd Division.
*'''4th Division (Take)''' - Can take containers from the 4th Division.
*'''5th Division (Take)''' - Can take containers from the 5th Division.
*'''6th Division (Take)''' - Can take containers from the 6th Division.
*'''7th Division (Take)''' - Can take containers from the 7th Division.
''(Note these are the default division names. If the divisions have been renamed, the name of the division will show instead of the default name.)''
====Hangar Access (Based at)====
Same as “Hangar Access (Headquarters)”, but '''at the office which is listed as the member's base'''.
====Container Access (Based at)====
Same as “Container Access (Headquarters)”, but '''at the office which is listed as the member's base'''.
====Hangar Access (Other)====
Same as “Hangar Access (Headquarters)”, but '''at offices which are not the headquarters and not the member's base'''.
====Container Access (Other)====
Same as “Container Access (Headquarters)”, but '''at offices which are not the headquarters and not the member's base'''.
== Skills &amp; Member Limits  ==
There are currently (as of Feb 2014) a total of 4 skills related to increasing the number of members in your corp, and one which allows the corporation to hold members of different [[Races]]. Note that the CEO does not count as a member, so with [[Skills:Corporation_Management#Corporation_Management|Corporation Management]] trained to Level 4, the corporation can hold a total of 81 characters.
==== [[Skills:Corporation_Management#Corporation_Management|Corporation Management]]  ====
Each level of this skill allows another 20 members in the corporation, and is required to form a corporation, however (as of Feb 2014) only needs to be trained to level 1 to form the corporation. With this trained to Level 5, a corporation can hold a maximum of 101 characters.
It is important to note that the below skills only take effect when the current CEO opens the corp management interface and uses the "Update With My Skills" button (NeoCom Corporation&gt;Home&gt;Details&gt;Edit Details). This means that a third party can be used to form the corporation, then resign and appoint another member as the CEO, bypassing the need for the skills to be trained.
==== [[Skills:Corporation_Management#Megacorp_Management|Megacorp Management]]  ====
Requires Corporation Management trained to Level 5. Adds a further 100 characters to the maximum membership (per level trained), and stacks with Corporation Management for a maximum of 601 members at Level 5.
==== [[Skills:Corporation_Management#Empire_Control|Empire Control]]  ====
Requires Megacorp Management trained to Level 5. Adds a further 400 characters to the maximum membership (per level trained), and stacks with previous skills for a maximum of 2601 members at Level 5. ''Every CEO who possesses the Empire Control skill at level 5 can form an Alliance.''
==== [[Skills:Corporation_Management#Sovereignty|Sovereignty]]  ====
Requires Empire Control trained to Level 5. Adds a further 2,000 characters to the maximum membership (per level trained), and stacks with previous skills for a maximum of 12601 members at Level 5. Training this skill is only suggested for the largest of corporations, as it is suggested that you should create procedures to identify and remove inactive members.
==== [[Skills:Corporation_Management#Ethnic_Relations|Ethnic Relations]]  ====
'''As of Inferno this skill has been changed to [[Skills:Corporation_Management#Corporation_Management|Diplomatic Relations]] and is no longer required to have members of different races.'''
Requires [[Skills:Corporation_Management#Corporation_Management|Corporation Management]] trained to Level 2 and [[Skills:Social|Social]] to Level 3. This is a very important skill, as by default a corporation can only hold members of the same [[Race]] as the CEO. Each level of this skill allows 20% of the maximum number of corp members to be a different race, up to 100% at Level 5. This percentage is multipled by the CEO's maximum allowed members, not the current number of corporation members. For example, a CEO from the Caldari race with Megacorp Management IV can have up to 250 members plus himself in the corporation. If he has Ethnic Relations trained to Level 3, then up to 150 members (60% X 250) can be of any race other than Caldari. Therefore, Ethnic Relations does not need to be trained to Level 5 if the CEO has other skills trained to the point where his membership limit sufficiently exceeds actual member counts. <br><br>The Ethnic Relations skill, however, does not increase the total membership of the corporation.
Note that this statistic is not shown on the 'Edit Corporation Details' window, however a member cannot be accepted into the corporation if the relevant skill is not present.
==== [[Skills:Corporation_Management#Diplomatic_Relations|Diplomatic Relations]] ====
Requires [[Skills:Corporation_Management#Corporation_Management|Corporation Management]] trained to Level 2 and [[Skills:Social|Social]] to Level 3. This skill reduces the cost of hiring allies to fight a war by 5% (per level trained).
People who had [[Skills:Corporation_Management#Ethnic_Relations|Ethnic Relations]] trained before the release of Inferno had their skill points transferred to this skill, there was no option for remapping.
== Adding Members  ==
Prior to the Dev 2014 Rhea update, players could not be 'invited' to a corporation; they had to apply, following which the corporation could accept their application and send them an invitation, which the player then had to accept. This route is still possible, but corporations can now also invite players directly. For full information on this, please see the [[Recruitment (Corp Mechanics)|Recruitment]] section of this guide.
== Resigning as CEO  ==
Unlike other members of a corporation, they cannot drop their roles and titles or leave while the CEO. The only exception to this is when they are the only member of the corporation, in which case they can leave (but not form another corporation).
To resign, a CEO must right click themselves (either in a chat window or the corp member list) and select the "Resign as CEO" option.
=== Appointing a new CEO  ===
If there are other members in the corporation when the CEO resigns, then the CEO will be presented with a list of members who have the Corporation Management skill. If no members have that skill, a list of all members will be shown. The CEO can then select a member on the list to be their successor. Once selected, a corp notification will be sent out to all members, stating that the old CEO has resigned, and as their final action they named the new CEO as their successor.
At this point, the old CEO will be on the normal 24 hour role cooldown timer, and can leave the corporation after this expires.
=== Closing a Corporation  ===
To close a corporation, all members must either leave or be removed, at which point the CEO should resign, which will return them to an [[NPC Corporation|NPC Corp]].

Latest revision as of 00:55, 27 July 2024

This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article.

A corporation, generally shortened to 'corp' in EVE is the equivalent of a guild in most other MMOs, but with a great deal more flexibility. NPC Corporations are functionally identical, but no members have any roles or titles. We have information on: