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[Tristan, Terrible Tristan]
Damage Control II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Medium Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
Small Auxiliary Thrusters I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Acolyte II x5
Acolyte II x3
The Tylenos<sup>tm</sup> OLD AND DEPRICATED default Welcome to Wormholes "What ships should I bring" reply e-mail
The Tylenos<sup>tm</sup> OLD AND DEPRICATED default Welcome to Wormholes "What ships should I bring" reply e-mail

Revision as of 19:39, 19 June 2018

The Tylenostm OLD AND DEPRICATED default Welcome to Wormholes "What ships should I bring" reply e-mail

Hi <Your name here>

Starting out in the WHC there are I believe three staple ships:

1. The covops scan frigate.

You can not live without it. Use a T2 version over the astero unless you have ISK to burn, they are just that much cheaper (and usually have a better scan strength, thanks to fitting upgrades in the mids)

2. The PVP fit heavy assault cruiser (first) or battlecruiser (second)

Most of our fights are on the cruiser level, since wormholes limit the total amount of mass you can fly through. The HAC is our most undocked doctrine, since they pack a punch, have strong tanks, and dont have a penalty on losses like T3 cruisers have. Also, about half as expensive :P The Sacrilege is our default fleet HAC: heavy assault missiles can not be neuted out, it has a strong tank, flexibility in the mids and a utility neut in the highs. Train into T2 HAMs once it starts making sense if you don't have them yet. Feel like a fight you are about to take will not go well? Bring a T1 PVP battlecruiser to soften the blow!

3. The PVE fit heavy assault cruiser (first) or battlecruiser (close second)

You will want to have an income - your personal flotilla tends to get expensive over time. Now you might run incursions or have an industrial empire and continue on that endeavor, or try to make some ISK in wormhole space.

On ISK making: Wormhole life is fairly self directed, so you will be the one most responsible for your own safety while doing that. Books can be written about ISK making, but in short: a self repairing HAC or battlecruisre can run C3 sites (bacon, our static, is a C3) fairly efficiently. Doing them with campus friends is faster and safer. Buffer fit battlecruisers can generally be borrowed form the campus pool, so no need to bring one in just yet (rasharing fits). Running combats is the main PVE activity. Two short others: running pirate relic sites in low class wormholes (C1 to C3, C4 and up dont have pirate sites, only sleepers, and sleepers shoot back. Hard) Innuendo is also pretty well set up for planetary interaction as a passive income source. With exits all over New Eden all other EVE ISK making activitys are at your disposal, more or less.

Now with these three ships you have a foundation for wormhole life. Other ships you might want to bring in at some point:

  • a T3 destroyer, PVP fit
  • a T3 destroyer, PVE fit for wolf rayet type wormholes (beam confessors are awesome)
  • a torpedo fit bomber (actual bombs tend to not get used much)
  • fun and usefull stuff! once you get your feet in the water:
    - a guardian! Logi 5 pilots are the backbone of our fleets
    - a recon! Be invisible, be cloaky, be a force multiplier
    - a hunter-killer! Be the proteus cloaked behind the prey. Or the stratios, for that matter.
    - a T3! For when things get serious: expensively fit T3 cruisers
    - frigate logi! command desotryer! command ships! vindicators! bhaalgorns! oh my!

Try to get a feel for wormhole life before you start throwing overly expensive things into space though. Everything you bring into innuendo, is allready dead.

What helps: Do some scanning. Roll a hole or two. Get a feel for mass. Wormhole chains. Get in your system to always have the depot with the probe launcher and the probes. You will roll yourself out. You will get stuck behind a collapsing hole. You will find yourself on grid, without backup, in a bubble, with 10 blood thristy raiders buzzing around.

It's fun!