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** shield bots for emergencies
** shield bots for emergencies
* Implants - discuss briefly
* Implants - discuss briefly
== Running (10 minutes) ==
* Waitlist / forming a fleet
* MOTD has everything you need to know about who is which role
* You don't warp yourself
* ''Slide #9'' - aligning and taking gates
** Silence on gate
** FC calls to take the gate
* Landing
** No movement
** Lock
** Drones
** Broadcasting
* Kill order / tags
* Logistics
** Use of drones
** typical use of reps
* Drones in
* Align and warp
* Showing up late or in mid-site, how to come in
* Competition
* ''Slide #10'' - explain in site view
** Chat, the L's
** Tags
** Drones are out
** Watch list
* Webs are in use even though I'm firing on the Mara
* Fleet history - align, shield, in position
== Rewards (5 minutes) ==
* ''Slide #11'' - payouts and journal
** Affected by size of the fleet
* Off-grid and tipping
* 500k/site/person
* LP
** Accrual versus payout after mom is popped
** ''Slide #12'' - LP journal
== Joining the Community (5 minutes) ==
* Who can join
* Channel - link from player channels
* Mailing list
* Fleet formups
* Other options, TVP etc
* Attitudes - all sorts, but PG13 comms
* Be focused, learn, take fleet roles
== Resources ==
* Wiki wiki wiki wiki
** http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Preparing_for_Incursions
* Chat
== Recap ==
* Running becomes routine, easy, more about the fun and lots of isk too
* Taking on new roles, easy entry into FC for ex.
== Q & A ==

Revision as of 18:48, 10 December 2015

Course Outline for my version of Incursions 101
The intent of the outline is to help me remember the key points to hit, in what order, and some of the specific details. It is not meant to be a text which is read out loud.

Introduction (5 minutes)

  • 2 years of running, primarily VGs and HQs
  • OOC alt - Val Trevallion
  • Session rules
    • Dock up!!
    • Questions in Lecture.E-Uni or over Mumble
    • Questions relevant to current topic, hold others for Q&A at end
    • Keep Mumble on push to talk
    • Ask for link helper
  • This is not WoW epic quests/raids, no studying YouTube or mechanics of bosses, this is taking core game skills applicable to nearly everything and honing them
  • Lots of material, basic message is: this is fun, you get out what you put in, you can even learn to FC in a pretty controlled environment, and... lots of ISK!
  • Finally - Everything is covered in the UniWiki ( http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/EVE_University_Incursion_Community ), this class is to get you interested in running with us

What are Incursions (15 minutes)

  • Sansha's Nation, a pirate faction, is invading an area of space or constellation, what we call a "FOCUS"
  • Added to the game in 2011
  • Advanced PvE content, fleets of 9 to 80. Comparable to C5-C6 sleeper sites
  • Battleships, comms, strict fleet discipline
  • A normal fleet can make about 60 million ISK per person per hour running VG sites; more advanced fleets have the potential of making 100+ million ISK per hour.
  • * Avg. 80M in Uni VGs, max I've seen is 330M/hour in HQ's with a TCRC wall
  • Slide #2 - image of Incursion notification and text
  • Constellation-wide penalties (keep this brief)
    • Cynos jammed
    • CONCORD bounties are cut in half
    • Shield and armor resists are reduced: 10% in VGs, in practice a few points (73 to 70) (25% in lowsec, 50% in nullsec)
    • Your damage output is reduced, -10% in VGs
    • Effect is greater in Assaults and HQs
    • These penalties are affected by the “influence” which is depicted in the red bar
  • Native spawns are replaced - so any belt rats are replaced with much tougher Sansha rats - death to miners etc
  • Special constellation channel for ease of forming fleets etc
  • Slide #3 - System Types: 1 HQ, 1 scout, 1+ VG, 1+ AS (typical is 3 VGs, 1 AS)
    • Each system has sites of the designated type, and only that type
    • The individual sites respawn, so you will have a mix of sites always available while the focus is up.
    • Summarize the info below, key points, since they have it on-screen
    • Scout/Staging
      • Fleet of 3 to 5, 1 logistics if not spider-tanking
      • 15-20 minutes
      • payout 3,5M
      • Not worth it at all, not even for practice
    • Vanguard
      • Fleet of 9 to 11 typically, with 2 logi
      • 6-10 minutes
      • Payout 10M
      • E-Uni typical
      • Forgiving of mistakes
    • Assault
      • Fleet of 20 with 4 logi
      • 10-20 minutes
      • Payout 18M
      • Rare due to fleet side and weak payout for the duration
    • Headquarters
      • Fleet of 30-40, with 6-10 logi
      • 10-20 minutes
      • Payout 31.5M
  • Focuses: Up to 7 with 3 in highsec and 4 in low/null
    • Typically they are run in highsec
  • Slide #4 - Lifecycle (summarize, they have it in front of them)
    • Established: up to 4.5 days
    • Mobilized: 2 days
    • Withdrawing: 1 day
    • None of these matter except that the focus despawns after withdrawing, there is no effect of a particular stage
    • Mothership (Sansha Supercarrier) can be sighted at any point, a bold skull on the top left indicates it has been.
      • The Kundalini Manifest, a single HQ site, becomes available and when it is run the focus is over
    • New focus will spawn in 12-36 hours, in same security space
  • Recap: High end, high security fleet PvE.
  • Focus of remainder will be on Vanguards, and Uni-style

How to Find Them (5 minutes)

  • Slide #5 - Journal Global Incursion report
  • Eve University community
    • Slide #6 - Recon mail
    • The chat channel is Incursions.E-Uni
    • The mailing list is Incursions.E-Uni
  • Most communities are public and are not based on a corporation. You can run with most if you are not at war, so OOC alts are common.
  • Nomadic lifestyle, ~30 jumps
  • Valet alt - make this crystal clear, both the why and the what

Fleet Composition and Roles (5 minutes)

  • Slide #7 - Fleet window
  • Uni typical is 9 to 11, have run down to 6 and up to 12
  • Ship roles
    • Direct Damage (Battleship)
    • Logistics (T2 Logistics cruiser)
    • Scout/Hack (cheap frigate, preferably Heron)
    • OGB (BC or Command Ship)
    • Picket (anything)
  • Jobs
    • Fleet commander - controls the fleet, typically a DD. Not actually in the FC position
    • Wing Commander - WC2, wing warps
    • Squad Commander - L5 tags
    • Drone Bunny - controls the drone ball
      • What is a drone ball
      • A likely early role
    • Scout/hack
    • Picket
    • Waitlist Manager
  • Adapting to and shaping the fleet composition is an advanced topic, not 101 stuff but part of the fun as you gain some xp.

--------------- HALF WAY MARK -----------------------

Getting Ready and Fitting Principles (10 minutes)

  • Read the wiki!
  • Have the minimum skills, don't try and run on-grid without them, you endanger the fleet
  • We fit shield tanks
  • Getting started as picket or scout (frigate) is easiest
    • Any frigate, ideally with cloak
    • Link Heron fit
  • DD - Start in one of the basic fits from the wiki
    • Link the fits
    • Pick based on your skills and preferred weapon system
    • Maelstrom - Minmatar projectile
    • Rokh - Caldari Hybrid
    • Hyperion - Gallente Hybrid
    • Apocalypse Navy Issue - Amarr Laser
    • No missile boats
  • Logistics
    • Link scimi and basi fits
    • T2 logistics ONLY
    • Skill intensive but always needed
    • Speed and sig tanked mostly
    • cap stable is a must! Or cap buddy with a Basilisk
    • Scimitar is appreciated more due to the remote tracking links and can have many fits grow with you as you increase skills
      • Link 4 link scimi as example advanced fit
  • Fitting...
  • "Incursion fleets rely on good resists and buffer supported by logistics ships. There are simply too many enemies to be able to fit a strong enough local tank, not to mention that by sacrificing a small portion of your fleet to bring in logistics instead of more damage dealers, the rest of the damage dealers can fit more offensive modules and your fleet will perform better. "
  • Once you have a good enough tank, the rest of your spare slots should be used to augment your damage potential.
  • Utility highs for emergency situations
  • Resists need to be balanced due to sansha damage
    • lasers (em/thermal)
    • Torpedoes (kinetic/explosive)
    • Basic rule is with boost all resists above 70%
    • Slide #8 - effect of boosts
    • Train your shield skills! This can be overlooked by people used to armor tanking, but is important
  • Cover drones
    • acolytes out mostly
    • shield bots for emergencies
  • Implants - discuss briefly

Running (10 minutes)

  • Waitlist / forming a fleet
  • MOTD has everything you need to know about who is which role
  • You don't warp yourself
  • Slide #9 - aligning and taking gates
    • Silence on gate
    • FC calls to take the gate
  • Landing
    • No movement
    • Lock
    • Drones
    • Broadcasting
  • Kill order / tags
  • Logistics
    • Use of drones
    • typical use of reps
  • Drones in
  • Align and warp
  • Showing up late or in mid-site, how to come in
  • Competition
  • Slide #10 - explain in site view
    • Chat, the L's
    • Tags
    • Drones are out
    • Watch list
  • Webs are in use even though I'm firing on the Mara
  • Fleet history - align, shield, in position

Rewards (5 minutes)

  • Slide #11 - payouts and journal
    • Affected by size of the fleet
  • Off-grid and tipping
  • 500k/site/person
  • LP
    • Accrual versus payout after mom is popped
    • Slide #12 - LP journal

Joining the Community (5 minutes)

  • Who can join
  • Channel - link from player channels
  • Mailing list
  • Fleet formups
  • Other options, TVP etc
  • Attitudes - all sorts, but PG13 comms
  • Be focused, learn, take fleet roles



  • Running becomes routine, easy, more about the fun and lots of isk too
  • Taking on new roles, easy entry into FC for ex.

Q & A