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=  Ed'Rashtekaresket's "Rules For Voice Communications" =
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Whenever someone speaks, they MUST identify themselves either by name or a uniquely identifyable nickname (IE: "Ed" rather than "Ed'rashtekaresket"). The only exception to this is Break Break Break, which can be issued without identification, as long as no one further up the chain of command is currently speaking (See Voice Comms Speakers by Descending Priority). Leadership are expected to pay attention to who is speaking and be familiar with the chain of command, to insure they do not attempt to silence a superior officer.  
Whenever someone speaks, they MUST identify themselves either by name or a uniquely identifyable nickname (IE: "Ed" rather than "Ed'rashtekaresket"). The only exception to this is Break Break Break, which can be issued without identification, as long as no one further up the chain of command is currently speaking (See Voice Comms Speakers by Descending Priority). Leadership are expected to pay attention to who is speaking and be familiar with the chain of command, to insure they do not attempt to silence a superior officer.  
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If a wing commander needs to address a wing, particularly if the fleet is performing discrete operations in multiple theaters, they must be able to call quickly for silence. Squad commanders who need locations or statuses of squad members for whatever reason must also be able to gather it quickly, but this is generally a lower priority request than most other Break Breaks Breaks/Check Checks, as it will -usually- affect just one pilot in a large way. Squad members should generally remain silent on Voice Comms unless the Fleet Commander has opened communications for all or they have intelligence that is not otherwise obtainable from scouts or by viewing immidiately accessable ingame resources.  
If a wing commander needs to address a wing, particularly if the fleet is performing discrete operations in multiple theaters, they must be able to call quickly for silence. Squad commanders who need locations or statuses of squad members for whatever reason must also be able to gather it quickly, but this is generally a lower priority request than most other Break Breaks Breaks/Check Checks, as it will -usually- affect just one pilot in a large way. Squad members should generally remain silent on Voice Comms unless the Fleet Commander has opened communications for all or they have intelligence that is not otherwise obtainable from scouts or by viewing immidiately accessable ingame resources.  
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<u>When possible, it's good to give information on what's happening, either based on intel or mechanics, particularly as Eve University is a learning corp.</u>  
<u>When possible, it's good to give information on what's happening, either based on intel or mechanics, particularly as Eve University is a learning corp.</u>  
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== Additional Recommendations:<br>  ==
== Additional Recommendations:<br>  ==
While stating your name when issuing a "warp to me" command is "good enough" it is also helpful to put something, perhaps an X into Fleet Chat or another shared chat space, so that those who need to warp can right click your name and select Warp to [at X] under Fleet.
While stating your name when issuing a "warp to me" command is "good enough" it is also helpful to put something, perhaps an X into Fleet Chat or another shared chat space, so that those who need to warp can right click your name and select Warp to [at X] under Fleet.
The preceding are meant as guidelines, not as hard and fast rules applicable to every situation. Inevitably there are situations where individual squad members should speak up, or when a Fleet Commander will accomplish more by issuing orders rather than gathering additional intel from scouts. You may implement some or all of these ideas, or none at all. They are presented as a tool to aid fleets in more effective communication, which will hopefully result in more well run and successful fleets.

Latest revision as of 18:19, 20 September 2010

 Ed'Rashtekaresket's "Rules For Voice Communications"


Speaking on Voice Comms

Whenever someone speaks, they MUST identify themselves either by name or a uniquely identifyable nickname (IE: "Ed" rather than "Ed'rashtekaresket"). The only exception to this is Break Break Break, which can be issued without identification, as long as no one further up the chain of command is currently speaking (See Voice Comms Speakers by Descending Priority). Leadership are expected to pay attention to who is speaking and be familiar with the chain of command, to insure they do not attempt to silence a superior officer.

Break Break Break/Check Check by Descending Priority

  • Global Command
  • FC
  • Scouts
  • WC
  • SC
  • Squad Members (with intel otherwise not obtainable)

Break Break Break or Check Check is used either to relay time sensitive intel (IE: Cyno field just went up, carrier jumping in at 50) or to clear the channel to sort conflicting communications.


Break Break Break from Global Command always takes the highest priority, as inadvertant Global Command transmissions have the potential to disrupt or hamper multiple other fleets. Beyond this, the FC is the ultimate authority in a fleet and always has the ability to dictate who may speak, and in what order, to insure they have the information they need. If scouts are unable to hear commands, coordinate or relay intel effectively, they will be essentially dead weight until the channel is cleared, hence they have the next highest priority.

If a wing commander needs to address a wing, particularly if the fleet is performing discrete operations in multiple theaters, they must be able to call quickly for silence. Squad commanders who need locations or statuses of squad members for whatever reason must also be able to gather it quickly, but this is generally a lower priority request than most other Break Breaks Breaks/Check Checks, as it will -usually- affect just one pilot in a large way. Squad members should generally remain silent on Voice Comms unless the Fleet Commander has opened communications for all or they have intelligence that is not otherwise obtainable from scouts or by viewing immidiately accessable ingame resources.

Voice Comms Type by Descending Priority

  • Intel
  • Global Command Coordination
  • Time-critical decisions
  • Non-time-critical decisions
  • Fleet instructions
  • Fleet information
  • Banter


Voice Comms Type Priority refers to which communications should happen first if there are multiple things to be said at once. Intel should always be relayed first, as it may change time-critial or non-time-critial decisions, or affect fleet communications. Global Command Coordination should always be a priority after this, as an entire seperate fleet may be relying on the information you are relaying to avoid destruction, or vice-versa.

Time-critial decisions must be made quickly on command channel, and will influence what orders are given to the fleet. Non-time critial decisions are also important, as they may influence overall strategy (IE: which gate to approach from when not pursued or spotted by an enemy, or what squad should jump first into a low security system). Fleet instruction is important, but standing orders insure that if a fleet is without instruction there are standing orders which will prevail until countermanded by a ranking officer.

When possible, it's good to give information on what's happening, either based on intel or mechanics, particularly as Eve University is a learning corp.

Voice Comms Speakers by Descending Priority

  • Global Command
  • Scouts
  • Fleet Commanders
  • Wing Commanders
  • Squad Commanders
  • Squad Members


Voice Comms Priority refers to who should speak first when multiple have the same or similar information to relay. Global Command should always be given priority, as above, their information has the potential to affect multiple fleets. Beyond the multi-fleet impact, scouts are the most likely to have time-critial information to relay, and so are given priority over others, particularly when relaying intel. Fleet commanders are of course given priority beyond this, and are free to rearrange the order if Scouts are not particularly active, or if the battlespace warrants realtime FC updates over all else, for example.

Wing Commanders should be given next pass at priority, as they are responsible for up to 50 people or 1/5 of the fleet, and their information or orders have the potential to significantly alter the course of an engagement. Squad commanders, while important in the fabric of the fleet will generally not have issues that have such a large potential to change the course of events as Wing Commanders or the Fleet Commander. As above, Squad Members should remain silent on Voice Comms unless there is no other way anyone could have the information, it is time critical and has not already been relayed up the chain via their Squad Commander.

Additional Recommendations:

While stating your name when issuing a "warp to me" command is "good enough" it is also helpful to put something, perhaps an X into Fleet Chat or another shared chat space, so that those who need to warp can right click your name and select Warp to [at X] under Fleet.

The preceding are meant as guidelines, not as hard and fast rules applicable to every situation. Inevitably there are situations where individual squad members should speak up, or when a Fleet Commander will accomplish more by issuing orders rather than gathering additional intel from scouts. You may implement some or all of these ideas, or none at all. They are presented as a tool to aid fleets in more effective communication, which will hopefully result in more well run and successful fleets.