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Revision as of 19:50, 7 February 2021

Christmas Eagle Logo.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

The Titles Department is responsible for reviewing and applying titles within EVE University. They are part of the Student Experience Directorate.

If you are an EVE University member who would like to apply for the next progression title, see Requesting a Title.

List of current titles staff

Director of Student Experience

Dallidiem igraine.jpg Dallidiem Igraine Send a forum PM

The Director of Student Experience oversees the recruitment, orientation and progression of EVE University students. His job is to enable a smooth transition for new members joining EVE University, and as they progress through the corporation.

Main article: Student Experience Directorate

Titles Manager

Kazon Necht.jpg Kazon Necht - Send a forum PM

The Titles Manager manages the Titles Officers, who review applications from members for progression titles, and sets policies affecting titles.

Titles Officers

Titles Officers review all incoming title applications. They follow up with applicants whose applications are missing details or requirements as well as any references that are supplied. They also inform applicants who have been denied a title the reason why and how they might fix said reason before they apply again.

Our current Titles Officers and the title applications they can process are as follows:

Titles Officers Freshman? Sophomore? Graduate?
Kazon Necht Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
Vorkan Dosja Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
Iona Moonwhisper Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
Karakuri Prime Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png
Klaxis Archimedes Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png
Aed Akiga Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png
Jester Cadelanee Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png
Xanne Ashlander Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
Glenrowan Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Assier Annages Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png

Joining the titles department

Applications for new titles officers are handled by the titles manager, with input from the SE director. The department frequently hires new staff, and we would be happy to hear from you if you're interested.

What are we looking for?

The titles department might be a good fit for you if:

  • You have been an active member of the uni for at least 2 to 3 months.
  • You hold the sophomore title or higher (though those with freshman are welcome to apply).
  • You have demonstrated sufficient experience that shows you understand the principles of things like ship fitting and basic fleet tactics, as well as a working knowledge of one or more PvE related activities whether that be missions, incursions, mining, exploration, etc. so you are capable of judging whether the applicant meets the requirements for a title.
  • You can spend around 1 to 2 hours a week on processing applications.

How to apply

If the above criteria agree with you and you would like put in an application, fill out this form. Please make sure you spend more than a couple of minutes on your application. Getting to know you helps us make better decisions!

Submitted applications are regularly reviewed and acknowledged individually through Discord PMs. If you have not received an acknowledgement within a week of submitting your application, please contact the titles manager by Discord.

If your application has been shortlisted, we will send you another PM on Discord to arrange an interview.

If you are unsuccessful in your application, please feel free to apply again 60 days after the titles manager has PMed you.

Updates are posted to the staff recruitment thread.